The Mindful Addict. Tom Catton

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The Mindful Addict - Tom Catton

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it didn’t matter if I was sleeping in a dumpster, in some dark alley, or on a beautiful beach. Skid row was the constant feelings of hopelessness and despair in my heart. Skid row is in the mind of the hopeless. These feelings were, perhaps, magnified because I had been introduced to a different way of life by Flobird, but I still couldn’t get it. What she taught seemed just out of my grasp, so like a good dope fiend, I reached for the painfully familiar. I had resigned myself to a downhill ride.

      Laura finally had an “enlightened experience” and decided to leave me. As I look back, I wonder why it took her so long. Then, something unexplainable happened. We talked about her leaving, and I begged her to leave Josh, now nearly two years old, with me. She would take Celeste back to California with her. Seeing my grief and desperation, with compassion as her guide she agreed to leave Josh in my care, and somehow knew on a deep level he would be cared for. In hindsight, I see that it was all part of a divine plan. I really believe Josh was what kept me alive. I now can identify with the single mom burdened with addiction.

      I’m not proud about what happened over the next couple of months. Even now, it’s difficult to write about this period without crying. I never had a clean and sober moment from the time Laura left in early August. I stayed stoned all that time, hitchhiking around the area with Josh to score dope. I went to parties on the beach, left him in someone’s parked car, and proceeded to get stoned.

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