Tane. Sheonna Hill

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Tane - Sheonna Hill

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      “Father! Father!” I cry, looking around frantically.

      “I’m here, Leia,” my father calls out from his study. I rush into the (large? small?) room and see my father sitting behind his (describe) desk. He is writing correspondence and seems to be cool and calm. Nothing ever seems to faze him.

      “I just heard the rumors! Why haven’t you told me? What are we going to do?” My breath is short from running across the palace looking for my father, and worry is running through me. I see him glance up momentarily, but he returns to his writing as if there isn’t a major issue happening. I frown, exasperated at his unconcerned approach to these nasty rumors that have come from some of the myr-families returning from their travels.

      “There is nothing to worry about, Leia,” he replies without looking up.

      “Are you serious? Of course there is!”

      “This is not the first time someone has tried to start a war, and certainly not the first between gods.”

      “Yeah, I know that, but it’s the first time a band of gods are coming together against you.”

      “You should not concern yourself with this. I can take care of it. It will end as swiftly as they start it.”

      “Father, you cannot take care of this on your own. I know you’re the mighty Poseidon, god of all the seven seas, but this is even more worrisome because you think you can take care of this yourself. You are only one god trying to go up against several gods and goddesses. You are not invincible, and you will need help to fight against them.”

      “No!” my father roars, slamming his hand to the desk so hard that everything shakes. A few items fall to the floor as he continues. “This is my battle and I will wage it myself. I know you are concerned, but you have no reason to be. I can handle this, and I will.”

      I calm myself, knowing I will get nowhere with him if we are both aggravated. So, I go with the daughter plea.

      “I could not imagine my life without you in it. I worry because you are the only parent I know. You have always been there for me. Is it wrong for me to make sure nothing happens to you?”

      “Sweet Leia, there is nothing to fear. I can dispatch these pissants myself, and there is no reason to worry others with our troubles. You worry too much, daughter. It is I who will make sure nothing happens to you.”

      Sometimes it’s like beating your head against stone trying to get him to understand. “I’m not worried about me, Father. I am worried about you. Please, message some of our friends and allies. Let them help us to protect the realm.”

      “There is no need, sweetling, I can tell when someone enters my realm. If these gods want to start a war, they will have to be a lot smarter than to come to me. Since I do not have a reason to leave, I will protect the myr-families here. So please, don’t worry yourself over this matter. I will be fine. There is nothing for you or anyone else to fear.”

      You can hear the patronizing tone in his voice through that whole spiel.

      Ares’s balls, I want to jump up and down and scream at him, throw the gold sculpture that’s on his desk at his head just so he can see the danger. Maybe if I hit his head hard enough it will knock some sense into that thick overbearing brain. He is only one god; he may be one of the oldest of the twelve, but still only one.

      He stands and walks to the front of his desk, grasping my shoulders in both hands.

      “I can see that you are still worried, but do not be. I will take care of this and all will be well.”

      He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “Now go on, little one, if something comes up I will deal with it. You should know I will always protect you.”

      I swear the fires of Hades are burning through my veins. He still sees me as a myr-babe instead of the goddess I am. I’m shocked he didn’t pat me on my head or see if I need changing with that arrogant comment.

      Fine then, it is time for me to take action for his stubborn ass. I fume, turning to leave as I try to formulate a plan to get help.

      Immortality is not all that it’s cracked up to be! Living without an end date like mortals do can seem exhausting, especially with a father like mine. As a goddess, I look to the mortals with a measure of respect. They know they only have a certain amount of time to live their lives. They take chances and do wonderful, adventurous things in their short lifespan. Some astound me with the extremes they go to just to feel alive. It amazes me and makes me a little envious, especially since I feel that I haven’t done anything spontaneous, or been on a grand adventure, or done something outside my comfort in my whole existence. My father is way too overprotective, and would not approve of me trying some of the things mortals do. Even though I am two hundred and forty-three years old, I am still young compared to most gods, so I always feel as if I am still a myr-babe instead of a grown goddess.

      Living in the very depths of the sea in my father’s kingdom, the years feel more like days and I feel as if I have yet to really experience life. Most immortals are seeking more power and control. They do not appreciate what we already have. I have seen beauty on the mortals’ realm, though I have also seen destruction. Mortal men throughout history have tried to gain power over people and countries. It never lasts. They decimate some of the most beautiful places humans have created, and even those they love, with their greed.

      Immortals start wars because they are bored. A sad reason to start something with side effects that can cause destruction not only to the gods’ realm but also the realm of mortals.

      Currently, there is talk of an uprising. There are other water gods that wish to wage war with my father Poseidon for his throne and kingdom. I haven’t heard exact details on who is trying to start this war, and as stubborn as my father is, I know he won’t ask for help. “I can handle my own problems and those who bring them to my doorstep.” My father and his stubborn-ass thinking.

      I, however, know he can’t do everything on his own. Hearing the rumors of war from across the kingdom, I know I need to reach out for help, and the one person that I know will help me is my best friend Natal. She’s like a sister to me and has always had my back. She helps me out when I get into trouble, although the trouble I get into is usually because of her. We’ve grown up together in my father’s kingdom since her parents entrusted her to Poseidon’s realm for protection against those who coveted her.

      I enter her room but don’t immediately see her, so I walk through to the water chamber. Each of the rooms in my father’s palace has one. Water gods have two forms, sometimes three depending on their water spirit and heritage. I only have two myr-forms, one where I have a myr-tale, and the other legs like any mortal has, which I consider unfair since I am the daughter of Poseidon. You would think I’d have more, but sadly I am lacking majorly in that category. Instead I have been the sweet and innocent Leia in the eyes of everyone.

      Gods and goddesses need to stay close to our affinity, water in our case. My father is one of the Original Twelve Gods, so he can be away from water longer than the rest of us, but the water chamber is something my father created throughout his kingdom for all his devoted followers. We have living quarters like anyone else, and beds to rest in even though we do not require much of it, yet most myr-creatures spend most of their time in the water chambers. Our water chambers look like domes, or large bubbles as most mortals would call them if they could ever see them,

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