Tane. Sheonna Hill

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Tane - Sheonna Hill

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steps closer, “Sire, we all know you can handle threats against you on your own. We have come to help back you and keep those in your realm safe and protected.”

      I can see Poseidon’s eyebrow raise higher at what Delphine says; I can also see he is about to tell us all to go home when Proteus moves up closer to Poseidon.

      “Old friend, I have seen what is coming. You will need all the allies you can get in this upcoming battle.”

      Poseidon looks deeply into Proteus’s eyes. “Show me?” He holds out his hand to Proteus, who clasps their hands together. Poseidon closes his eyes as Proteus’s eyes roll back until all you can see is the white of them. After only a moment or so, they drop hands and Poseidon opens his eyes, his mouth locked tight, and I see the muscle twitch in his jaw.

      He turns to all of us, “Welcome, and thank you for coming, gentlemen, you are welcome here in my home.”

      I hear the purr of a voice come from the pool of water, “Is there no welcome for me as well?”

      We all turn and see a golden blond beauty step out of the water, and she is immediately covered in a sheer white flowing gown with a gold headpiece holding back some of her hair. Poseidon walks up to her as if in a trance. With shock written across his face, he grabs both of her biceps and pulls her into his arms. “Does this mean you missed me?” she purrs to Poseidon.

      He pulls back and looks at her with longing I would not have thought to see from a strong god like Poseidon.

      “I have missed you every day you have been gone. If I knew a war would bring you back, I would have started one myself ages ago.” He told her with all sincerity in his voice. She laughs at his comment, brushing it away as if he was joking, but by the look in his eyes, I think he was serious.

      “Come, let us get something to refresh you,” Poseidon tells her. It’s as if the other three of us in the room no longer exist. I look to Delphine, and he has a smile on his face. I look over at Proteus, wondering his reaction to this. He just smirks and shakes his head, telling me not to ask.

      Poseidon and the woman drift off.

      “You had a hand in this, didn’t you, Delphine?” Proteus asks him.

      Delphine just shrugs his shoulders and starts to exit the room. I follow behind Proteus since I have no idea where we are going or what is going to happen next.

      Chapter 3


      As I am sitting in my water chamber letting my tail soak up some saltwater, I hear the door to my main chamber open and close. I immediately know it’s Natal from the soft patter of feet as she comes running in.

      “Guess what, my little messenger returned and told me he delivered the message and waited just in case Delphine had one in return. He said as soon as he finished reading it, Delphine turned into his dolphin form and disappeared so fast he couldn’t track him. I have a feeling Delphine is already here or will be at any moment,” she tells me.

      “Did you thank your messenger for the speedy delivery?” I ask her.

      “Of course. I kissed his other cheek and I swear he will never wash his face again.” She laughs.

      I roll my eyes, because she is probably right on that account. Hopefully Delphine can find a few people to help with this upcoming war. The gods know my father would keep me in the dark about the situation until all hell breaks loose. It helps to have a friend like Natal that can get any info she wants out of a man here. They can’t help but to tell her anything she desires.

      “Any other news that you have heard from your many admirers?” I ask.

      She laughs, “No, but I can go find out! I always like to test my charms and see what I can see or hear.”

      I smile at her, “Go ahead, let me know what you can find out.”

      “On it! I will see you at dinner,” she says as she turns to leave.

      I need to figure out a plan of action. I pull my fin from the water and it turns back to legs as I conjure a sheer blue wrap dress that hangs to my feet. Being myr, clothes feel restricting and heavy at times. Most of us find clothes that are light and easy to remove, and we never like wearing shoes, so we rarely do unless we need to be around mortals, which isn’t very often.

      I have my long tresses half pulled back and a silver headpiece that lies on my forehead to help keep the rest of my hair in place. I’ve always wished I looked like my friend Natal. Instead, I am tall and willowy with long brown hair, my father’s turquoise eyes, and an olive complexion, which I am guessing comes from my mother’s side. My father never talks about her. I just know as a myr-babe I was with him, and I never saw her or heard from her. Maybe one day I will find her, but for now it doesn’t matter. She has never wanted to be a part of my life, so I am happy with my father being the only parent I have. That is how a lot of gods and goddesses have done things. They don’t get pregnant easily, and when they do, by the time they have had their child, they don’t want to raise it.

      I clear my mind; I need to stop thinking about absent parents and start thinking of who else I can reach out to that will help in the upcoming battle. I really need more info on what to expect and who is involved so we know who we are fighting. I decide that some recon is needed. Time to find Father and see what he is up to, and if there’s anything I can overhear. Having to sneak around like this makes me feel like the myr-babe my father still thinks I am, but if it’s the only way I can get information then so be it.


      I follow Proteus and Delphine into another large room. This one has floor-to-ceiling books, maps hanging from various places, and a large table in the middle with another map laid across it, with markers on different spots in the ocean.

      I look over and I see Poseidon whispering to the lady in the corner. She has a smile on her face. They are a beautiful couple, if that is what they are. I hear Proteus whisper to Delphine.

      “Are you the one that got Rita here?” Proteus asks. Delphine just nods his head once.

      “I knew she would be able to sway his stubbornness to whatever plan we decide,” Delphine tells him.

      I look back at them and see one of her hands raised and brushing her fingers through his hair. I look back to Delphine.

      “I don’t understand,” I tell them.

      Delphine smiles, “Rita, or Amphitrite, was Poseidon’s consort for almost a century. She left abruptly because Poseidon wouldn’t marry her, or at least he hadn’t considered it. So she left to teach him a lesson.”

      “How long has she been gone?” I look to Delphine.

      He smirks, “Almost a century! She had to hide in a few different places, because Poseidon was searching the vast oceans forever after she left, trying to find her and bring her back. Being as stubborn as he is, he never understood why she left.” Proteus just shakes his head.

      “Poseidon has never loved anyone as he does her, and he still doesn’t understand why she left. He has a lot to learn about goddesses, or women in general, if he wants to keep her. What did you say to convince her?” Proteus asks Delphine.


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