Tane. Sheonna Hill

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Tane - Sheonna Hill

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getting her way; however, it warms my heart that you are worried for it.”

      I look around him and see Rita hiding behind him with an actual frightened look on her face, grasping the back of his tunic.

      “I know you don’t understand, Father, but that doesn’t matter. Rita knows what I am talking about!” She had better realize I am speaking the truth. I will happily rip her apart and feed her carcass to the sea life if she tries to pull her shit again. I hear a chuckle to the side of me and turn and see Proteus and Delphine trying to hide smiles behind raised hands covering their mouths.

      Of course, just seeing them lightens my spirits and I rush over to give each one a hug. I then back away and notice that there is someone else in the room on the other side of the table. I look over to him, and wow! That is one beautiful man—tall, broad shoulders, square jaw, and dark hair with bright blue eyes. He looks like he is in shock, his mouth gaping open, probably from having to see my display toward Rita. Feeling embarrassed, I duck my head down and feel a flush go over my cheeks at the thought of what he just witnessed. I look to my father. “I am sorry to barge in on you. I will be seeing you all at dinner shortly.”

      I turn abruptly, before anything else is said, and exit as quickly and gracefully as I can. I see Natal by the door biting her lip and trying not to laugh. I wrap my arm around hers as I come through the door to drag her back with me to my room. Natal looks at me as if she has never seen me before. “I have to say that was the most splendid thing I have ever seen you do. Seeing Rita hide behind your father, worried you were going to start slicing her up that second, it was a beautiful scene. Wow, I had no idea you could act like that.”

      “Oh, I wasn’t acting; I was dead serious about what I would happily do to her if she hurt him again.”

      Chapter 4


      “Who of the goddesses is she?” I ask to anyone that is listening. After seeing her storm through the door, seeing this beautiful goddess looking as if she will rip someone’s head off, and having that someone be Poseidon’s consort, I am in awe. Her turquoise eyes were glowing and swirling to green and back to turquoise, and I watched a red aura glow around her. I am sure I am not the only one who saw that. Her fury was so palpable you could feel it in the air. It was all focused on one woman: Rita. I turn from the door she exited through and look to Rita, and I see Poseidon has a cheesy grin on his face. I see him shake his head at the door that the beauty had left through and turn to Rita.

      “I believe my daughter was a little upset,” he says to all of us, looking at Rita with amusement in his eyes.

      She looks up at him. “You think? I didn’t know the sweet Leia I knew could ever be that angry at anyone, let alone me. I am quite certain she means to cut me to pieces and feed me to the sea life,” Rita tells Poseidon.

      Then it registers what they both just said. Leia! Oh shit! Leia, that beauty with wrath that would make any sane immortal or mortal get out of her way and power I haven’t witnessed before, is Poseidon’s daughter. She will be one of those goddesses you don’t underestimate, yet whatever Poseidon did to calm her immediately made her blush from the root of her hair to the cute little toes sticking out of her sheer gown. Apparently, she never displays that type of wrath normally, or maybe not in front of people she doesn’t know.

      Proteus speaks up then, “I would be cautious, Rita, about what you do to upset her in the future. She has a side to her that none of us have witnessed before, and one we would probably not want to be the target for either.”

      “Wait, you have seen something in your visions?” Poseidon asks Proteus. Of course, I keep looking back and forth between them trying to keep up with the conversation and thinking of the goddess that just swept my breath away as she glided right out that door.

      “I may have gotten a glimpse of the goddess she is destined to become when she hugged me.” He smirks at Poseidon.

      Poseidon moves away from Rita and looks at Proteus with a confused look on his face. “I don’t understand, what do you mean what she is destined to become? She is a full-grown goddess. She only has two forms and her powers aren’t anything much different than most sea gods and goddesses. If she had anything else in her, it would have shown by now,” Poseidon argues.

      He laughs out loud, the sudden sound in the quiet room is almost startling. “Oh, Poseidon, you know yourself never to underestimate anyone. Besides, in your time raising Leia, have you ever witnessed her eyes changing like they did or her aura glowing like that?”

      I watch Poseidon run his hand through his hair and let out a long pent-up breath. He turns to Rita, who is standing behind him.

      “No, I have never seen her that way before. Should I be worried about what this change is?”

      “No, she will only tap into that side of herself if something she loves is threatened or hurt. Apparently, she was trying to protect you from Rita.”

      Poseidon barks out a booming laugh at that. He turns and looks at Rita with a smile on his face and amusement in his eyes. “Guess Rita had better be careful then,” he says, looking right at her.

      Rita’s hands fly to her hips as she glares at Poseidon, which apparently just amuses him.

      “Leia will come into the other side of her powers and destiny and probably sooner than you can imagine,” Proteus tells us all.

      After watching the scene, then putting together the pieces of the story that unfolded, I think I need to hunt down this amazing Leia myself. Living with my mother my whole life and not really being near a lot of other gods, drama was never a part of my life and this is almost a bit much for me.

      The idea of a woman looking at another woman like that on my behalf though shoots a thrill down my spine and the fine hairs on the back of my neck rise. The thought that a woman like her would care so deeply for me that she would spill the blood of someone who could possibly hurt me, that is the type of goddess I want in my life and in my future.


      After walking the halls for a bit with Natal, after leaving my father’s study, I feel like I just made a giant ass out of myself.

      “Please tell me I did not just make a complete fool of myself right then.”

      I look to Natal to tell me anything that won’t make me feel worse.

      “Oh, Leia, that was amazing,” she says. I swing my head to her even though I am holding her arm in a vise. She has this amused and awestruck look on her face.

      “Amazing? I just made an ass out of myself in front of everyone.”

      “No, you showed Rita that she’d better not think of hurting your father or you will rip her in two. Did you know your eyes were glowing and changing colors? It was quite beautiful actually. Your aura was also glowing, with red tints in it.”

      “What do you mean my eyes were changing colors?”

      “They were glowing turquoise, then green, then back to turquoise. It was beautiful, and the more worked up you got, the brighter your aura was glowing and changing to a red tint.”

      “All I could see was red, as mad as I was that she just showed up out of the blue, right before a war, and had my father wrapped around her finger the second that she walked in. It doesn’t make sense that I

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