In Life, In Love, In Lyrics. Lemon Lane

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In Life, In Love, In Lyrics - Lemon Lane

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In Thy Morning Glory

       Glorification of Temptation

       The Last Hoorah Again?

      To the world

      Peace Be Still

      When will we ever learn, to live with one another, Please don’t kill him he’s still my brother, We were created from love, how did we learn to hate, Because he so loved, the world, we evolved from the caves and trees, Just to survive, and harvest our needs, So peace be still it’s not the way he planned it, We’re so close to, destroying the planet, When will peace be still what peace please be still what peace please be still when adults and kids, All will be killed, Uh my brother change how you feel, If it’s in your brain it’s not in your heart and that’s what pulled us, so far apart, Never in the history of man we’ve never had a problem, we couldn’t understand, The more progression, the more digression. Somehow we all have the wrong impression, there has to be peace, We had too much war, Love and art, We lost so long ago, It seems like death destruction is all we know, When we find peace, We always find love, These peace be still, even if it happens, Against our will no man or woman, was born to kill, Peace if you will, Please be still, We will. I will, be still, born not to kill, So peace please be still.


      World Peace

      We “the world, with so” many ideas, never want to work together, because of fear, If we will never come to grasp, our understanding of each other, Should be constant, really world class, we’re all a kinship, You are my brother, We all have to look, deep, deep control your pride, swallow what you must with understanding and love, God’s on our side, If we just attempt, we’ll truly find trust, If won’t be easy, but we better make a start erase all the evil, Remove it from your heart we can make it happen, If we all do our part, We will have, world peace.

      Man to man, world peace, hand to hand, World peace, writing every soul, world peace, crazy politics, crazy lunatics.

      Junkies need a fix, everybody’s in the mix, liars are playing tricks, we all want to be rich, what makes you tick, can you get with this, Justice in every land, we got to make a plan, Get up and make a stand, come on I know we can, Babies are crying, People are dying, yet nobody’s trying, we got to stop the hate, Before it’s too late, we need to learn to love, ask the man above, World peace, World peace.


      I Am Pulling and Praying

      Sometime we’re brought to our knees, when seeking the answers we seek to succeed, He’s been known to work, in mysterious ways, But the answers always comes, for he that prays, When the darks come, They come in a hurry, Don’t get it twisted, Nye do you worry, Through all the ages, written on all the pages. He’s shown no more than you can bear, snatching you in the first or last moment.

      Speaking and showing you he’s always there, so I am pulling and praying for you, my brother my friend.

      Never be no doubt he’ll bring you in, I know the gloom fills your room, and this too shall pass.

      Like the next beat of your heart, you’ll have a clean slate, a new start, By God, I am pulling and praying for you, your wife family and kids, He’s a forgiving God, for whatever you did.


      You Was There All the Time

      When I went to war, uncertain, of what I was fighting for, I didn’t know if I would return, nor see the accomplishments, of lessons I learned, I didn’t know then, but surely I do know now, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, You was there, all the time, Yes I am blessed, because You, You, You, was there for me, not just from the beginning, or the middle of the end, You were there all the time.

      Wherever I found doubt in my mind, but of course you were there, all the time, when things were bad, and sometimes seem right, You pick up your bootstraps and continue to fight, never can I wonder, guess, or question your almighty work, Even when I find, that I am truly the jerk.

      Now I got to tell you, did you know, not only does he look over us, he also looks at us, So walk in his light, and he’ll soon make it right, He was there when we didn’t have food to eat, He was there when your money ran out, He was there when your anguish made you shout, He was there when your eyes couldn’t see him, He was there when your doubt wouldn’t let you believe him, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, he was there, all the time.


      Until We Seal the Deal

      Sometimes we take the Lord and love for granted, Even when we think he’s not looking, at the evil plans, that we’re cooking, when we ask him to turn his head, and we go and do something dumb instead, Seeking mercies, we didn’t earn, expecting to go to heaven, pleading not to burn, forsaking his lessons we forgot to learn, from the area that beats in your chest, Tells us we’re blessed by the best, When we are compassionate about each other, only then will we learn to be true real brothers, So until we seal the deal, We can’t be real, unless we bring it to him, and depart it in his hands, we’ll go on stumbling, lusted in a desolate land, lacking the comprehension, to even understand, until we seal the deal.


      Be as Patience with Him

      Some things don’t seem to be progressing as you think they should, and your mind and nerves, don’t seem to work as they should, little things seem like big things, no matter where you go, it seems like life is moving much to slow, They used to say he works in mysterious ways, But he also works on his own timetable, So we have to be as patience with him as he is with us, Give him his praise, and his promise is a must, remember you can’t rush him, don’t listen to them, never feel you can, when you know he’s the man, Take your time to understand, for us all he has a plan, I also hear patience is a virtue, and how many times, we found that to be true, we have to, be patient with him, as he is with us, in his guidance and love there is no other we could trust, Rome wasn’t built in a week, the world wasn’t built in a day, in his love we must speak, in his world we must pray, whatever it takes, right decisions we must make, It won’t seem that long, if your devotion is strong, be patient just you wait, it is your key to the pearly gate.


      Live My Life in Love

      Seems like all my life, I’ve been through unnecessary situations always being talked about, through false accusations, his hearsay gives, has been around for such a long time, till now if plays a major role, on everybody’s peace of mind, There are people today, that live by misusing and mistreatment, not caring for one moment, about any good heart that they meet and there are some women, who are so very, very sweet. The good men you find today, just can’t be beat, in order to make up, for my mistakes in the past, going to change my lifestyle. So I know if I last, I’m gonna live my life, “Love, I am gonna live so truly, I’m gonna live my life,” “Love, no matter what I do, I am gonna live my life in love, I am gonna love my life I live, I got to have a true love, no matter what I have to give,” Instead of living my life, in total

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