Katie's Command. Roger Rollins

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Katie's Command - Roger Rollins

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on a medium blue flag. When the colors arrive, we will get things organized.”

      A dozen semitrucks arrived first. I sent the drivers to the mess hall to get lunch. A green army van arrived five minutes later with our colors. I grabbed six troopers to carry the colors to my office. I let the troopers stay as I unboxed the items. I put a flag stand behind my desk. I removed several flag staffs, putting one together, slid the national flag onto it, and placed it in the flag stand.

      “I need one trooper from each company, five from HHC. These troopers will be guidon bearers for each company. Two troopers from HHC will carrier the battalion colors and national flag. The last two will be the colors honor guard. I pulled out the battalion colors. They were First Battalion, 289th Infantry Regiment. Digging deeper into the box, I found our regimental colors as well as colors for the other two battalions.

      “I was promoted for this assignment. This is the first of three battalions for the regiment. I need to find out what is going on. Katie, take command of the battalion. Keep the troopers busy while I’m gone.”

      “Where are you going?”

      “To Washington DC to find some answers.”

      I caught the early morning shuttle to Washington DC, and I called a friend of mine, Robert Albright from the airport.

      “Hi, Bob, can you fill me in about the 289th Infantry Regiment?”

      “Where did you hear about that unit?”

      “Meet me for lunch at Mary’s and I’ll tell you.”

      “OK, 1:00 p.m. for lunch.”

      I called Jane Minder, the assistant secretary of the army for manpower and reserve affairs.

      “Hi, this is Jane Minder.”

      “How are you doing, Jane?”

      “Jim, how have you been?”

      “I’m doing good, but I need some information.”

      “OK, how can I help.”

      “What do you know about the 289th Infantry Regiment.”

      “I know a lot about the unit but nothing I can tell you. How do you know about the unit?”

      “I’m the commander of the regiment.”

      “Can you call me back in thirty minutes?”

      “Sure, I’ll talk to you then.”

      Jane is a good friend, but she’s checking out my story about the unit. I ordered coffee at a small cafe and waited. Jane called me back in twenty minutes.

      “Hi, Jane, got anything for me.”

      “It will cost you dinner for the information.”

      “The usual place for dinner?”

      “Oh, you know me so well. 6:00 p.m. then.”

      I thought about seeing Jane again. “That’s fine with me.”

      I called Katie to see how she was holding up. “Anything going on?”

      “No, everything is quiet here. Maybe too quiet.”

      “If anything comes up, call me.”

      “I’ll call you if anything comes up.”

      I took a cab to Mary’s Cafe. Bob was waiting for me.

      “Jim, how do you know of the unit?”

      “I’m the commander of the 289th.”

      “You’re the commander of the 289th? I don’t have access to the unit, but the whole regiment is to be reactivated.”

      “Where are the battalions to be assigned?”

      “The regiment will remain together for now.”

      “Who do we fall under?”

      “The unit has no parent division. That’s all I can tell you. Have you asked Jane about the unit?”

      “Not yet. I thought I’d ask you first.”

      “Well, you might ask Jane. She may have some more information.”

      “I’ll do that. I have about eight hundred soldiers at the moment, I wonder where the rest are?”

      I went to personnel department to call in some favors to get some information.

      “Jerry, how are you doing?”

      “Jimmy—I mean, Colonel, how are you doing.”

      “Call me Jimmy. I’m doing fine. I came to try to find some information on the reactivation of the 289th Infantry Regiment.”

      Jerry asked, “How did you hear of the reactivation?”

      “I’m the commander.”

      “OK, I’ll check the computer, come to my office.”

      Jerry lead me to a small office with a large desk, office chair, and several small chairs. “Jimmy, let’s take a look in the computer. Now, let’s see what is happening. Ah, here it is, the 289th Infantry Regiment with 2,400 soldiers. Now this is funny. There is only you and one second lieutenant listed to the unit.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “Look, regimental command, three battalions, in Fort Benning, Georgia. There are building numbers for the battalions and the regimental command. Yet there are only two soldiers listed for the regiment.”

      “Well, now that really has me stumped. I have a meeting with Jane Minder later.”

      “You mean the assistant secretary of the army for manpower and reserve affairs.”

      I replied, “The one and only, we dated for a while.”

      “Really, how is your relationship now?”

      I told Jerry, “We have a good relationship.”

      “I hope so. You’ll need fresh information to find your soldiers.”

      “OK, it’s been good seeing you again Jerry.”

      “You too Jimmy take care.”

      I returned to my Hotel. Those soldiers must be in the Infantry School. I freshened up then caught a cab to Margie’s.

      I arrived at Margie’s five minutes early. Jane was waiting with another man.

      “Jim, it’s great to see you, this is Reuben Benson. Reuben is in charge of the whole program.”

      Once inside the restaurant, we were seated at a small back table

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