Katie's Command. Roger Rollins

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Katie's Command - Roger Rollins

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stops working, and the load-bearing straps flash red lights.”

      “Jimmy, don’t do it. Steven will be mad if you do.”

      I looked Karen in the eyes. “You know me better than that.”

      Bill sighed and added, “Yeah, I know you better than anyone. You’ll put that little spitfire in charge of the exercise.”

      Karen slowly smiled, thinking, Is this exercise mine to win or lose?

      The drive back started out quiet. As I contemplated my brash decision, Jamie spoke up.

      “Sticking your neck out, Colonel?”

      “Maybe I’m sticking it out a little, but I think we can pull it off.”

      “I wish you came to my unit.”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “You’re giving them a chance we never had. By week three, we were so bored we started fighting with everyone. After that, they accelerated the training schedule.”

      I responded, “After that, I would think they would accelerate the training for these units.”

      “Not according to what I heard.”

      I looked at a training schedule. “The schedule is for another three weeks of infantry tactics training.”

      As we left infantry training regiment, I saw Katie sitting with Paul Minder. What is his connection to Katie and my unit? We continued on to the new regimental headquarters.

      “Well, that made for a fun afternoon.”

      Jamie asked, “Will I get to watch the fun?”

      “I’ll coordinate for drones to transmit the battle for First and Second Battalions to watch. You should be able to watch it with them.”

      “Thanks for the opportunity, sir.”

      Entering, I went to my office. It was finished—a small room on the first floor with one large desk with a high-back office chair, one file cabinet, a five-drawer safe, and two extra chairs. I sat down and looked over all the items that needed a signature. After two hours of signing my name, Katie came in.

      “How was your day, Katie?”

      “It went OK. We’re getting the barracks ready. I heard you are doing an exercise with other soldiers.”

      “Your brethren in the infantry training brigade.”

      Katie asked, “Can you win the exercise?”

      “Katie, I’m not the one commanding the troopers.”

      “What? Who is going to command them?”

      “Karen Rivera. She was disciplined four times for using advanced tactics.”

      Katie asked, “Can she win this exercise?”

      “I think she will carry the day in the exercise. I’m going to get something to eat. Want to join me?”

      Katie looked at the papers on my desk. “No, I’ll go to the mess hall and do some reading afterward.”

      “OK. Next time you see Paul, tell him I said hi.” I left the office with Katie standing stunned. By the time I got to my car, Katie was at my side.


      “A little tongue-tied, Katie? Hop in and we’ll get some dinner.”

      “How do you know about Paul?”

      “I saw you and Paul talking on my way back. I dated Jane a couple of years ago. What has me baffled is what is Paul’s connection to you.”

      “Paul is my father.”

      “Why different names?”

      “Paul said it’s to keep me safe.”

      “What would be the danger of your name?”

      “Dad didn’t specify the danger.”

      “How do you know he is your father?”

      “He visited us every month when I was ten. Jane was with him. Jane noticed me right away. Two months later, I talked to Jane and learned the truth.”

      “What does he want?”

      “Just to see me. That’s all.”

      “I know Paul. He wants something.”

      “No, he just came to visit me.”

      “Katie, I know he wants something, and I’m going to find out what it is.”

      I called Jane Friday night. “Hi, Jane, can we get together for dinner?”

      “When and where do you propose?”

      “Carlo’s is very good. Saturday, 6:00 p.m.”

      “What’s the reason for this dinner date?”

      “I want to talk to you and Paul. I won’t go into anything over the phone.”

      “I see, I’ll call Dad and we’ll be there.”

      “Thanks, I’ll see you both soon.” I called Katie into my office. “Pack an overnight bag. We’re going to Washington DC.”

      “What’s the reason for the trip?”

      “Going to see some friends, and you can use a little time off.”

      “What about the unit?”

      “Pam will be in charge of the unit.”

      “OK. Let me get ready.”

      We left on the redeye for Reagan National Airport. The shuttle was full of tourists heading for DC. We slept at the hotel. Saturday morning, I gave Katie a tour of the city. We went everywhere—the Library of Congress, the monuments, The Capital Building, lunch at a small diner.

      Katie said, “This is fun. I never had such a good time.”

      “Too bad we have to return to the real world.”

      We arrived at the restaurant early and were seated first. We waited only ten minutes when Jane and Paul arrived.

      Paul stammered, “W-What’s she doing here?”

      I responded, “It’s good to see you too, Paul.”

      Jane was mad. “Jim, I think this was a stupid trick.”

      I looked Jane in the eyes. “Why is Katie the only name for the regiment?”


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