Katie's Command. Roger Rollins

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Katie's Command - Roger Rollins

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offered, “I don’t know why. However, now you have the First Battalion listed. Let me know when you need soldiers promoted.”

      “Thanks. Can you help me with something?”

      Jane asked, “What are you up to now?”

      I smiled at Katie. “I have a bet with Bill Carlisle on an exercise.”

      Jane’s eyes got big, and then she squinted at me “Why do I get the feeling it isn’t for a case of beer?”

      “If Alpha Company beats Bravo Company, both First and Second Battalions will be graduated and released to my command.”

      Paul replied, “Wow, you sure do things on a grand scale. Who are the company commanders?”

      “LTC Steven Reynolds will command Bravo Company.”

      Jane said, “Let me guess, you’re commanding Alpha Company.”

      “I put Karen Rivera in command of Alpha Company. She was disciplined four times by Reynolds.”

      Jane gasped. “My god, Jim, what were you thinking? He’s a trained veteran with over twelve years’ experience.”

      “She was disciplined because she beat him four times. Reynolds has a hard time adjusting to the flow of combat.”

      Jane smiled. “And you need me to get them released.”

      “Well, I have a lot more freedom with this unit, but I can’t get them released.”

      Jane held my arm down. “Can I come and watch the battle?”

      “I was hoping you would.”

      I looked at Paul. “Paul, Katie said you don’t want anything. Well, you won’t get anything from us then.”

      Dinner arrived. We made small talk about my unit and the troopers. Paul looked deep in thought. After dinner, Paul suggested a walk in the park. It was a nice night for a walk. Paul was quiet until we were deep in the park.

      “Jim, I need data from the soldiers in your unit.”

      I asked, “Why?”

      “I can’t say why.”

      I told Paul, “You can say, you just won’t tell me.”

      Paul was quiet for a few minutes. “OK, I’ll tell you, but this must stay between us please.” Paul started with a history of his grandfather’s work. When we finished the walk, I promised to provide anything he wanted.

      At the hotel, Katie joined me in my room. I saw a strange look in her eyes.

      “Thanks for being so understanding.”

      I looked at Katie. “It makes sense, the troopers are so different that no one understands them. So how much can you bench press?”

      Katie smiled. “How much do you think?”

      “Probably more than me.”

      Katie asked, “What about the exercise?”

      I looked at Katie. “What of it?”

      “Are you going to let them run the battle.”

      “Katie, I will meet with the company on Monday to pass some information.”

      “Like what?”

      “I have to instill in them the fact they must adapt to the battle. It doesn’t work the other way around.”

      Katie looked lost. “What do you mean?”

      “A battle plan is only good until you meet the enemy. The enemy is trying to outmaneuver your forces. You have to do it to the enemy first.”

      “Then what do you do?”

      “Katie, you must adapt to the flow of battle to win. Counter anything the enemy does.”

      Katie lit up. “I see. What if they don’t?”

      “Then they will lose.”

      Chapter 3

      As I entered the high-rise I thought about how I hated big cities. I Walked to the front desk.

      “I have an appointment with Mr. Collins.”

      “Your name sir?”

      “Michael James.”

      “Mr. James, please go to elevator four. It will take you to the Penthouse.”

      “Thank you.”

      I walked to elevator four, finding the doors open. Once inside the elevator, the doors quickly closed and the elevator lifted. When the door opened two security guards were waiting.

      “Sir, we need to pat you down.”

      As the guards patted him down, one guard took his cellphone.

      “This goes in the tub, you won’t need it.”

      When they were satisfied, one escorted Michael to see Mr. Collins.

      “Welcome, Mr. James. I’m Jonathan Julius Collins.”

      “Thank you, Mr. Collins. How can I be of service?”

      “Yes, well, a scientist we believe is doing unethical—maybe illegal—research. We would like you to investigate.”

      “OK, what do you have already?”

      “We have some historical data. He is involved in genetic research.”

      “Can I get access to this data?”

      “It will be made available.”

      “Then if I can get some information to familiarize myself with, I can get started.”

      “The envelope Reginald has is some background information.”

      “Good, then I shall take it and get started. I’ll be in touch, Mr. Collins.

      Michael took the envelope and returned to the elevator. As Michael waited, he looked over some information about Dr. Paul Minder. When the elevator opened, a middle-aged gentleman got off.

      “Evening, Doc. Mr. Collins is waiting for you.”

      Michael read as the elevator dropped. Getting out on the first floor, Michael put the papers in his jacket pocket. Outside the high-rise, Michael pulled out his cellphone. As he walked to the subway, he dialed.

      “Hi, bro, what’s up?”

      “Sis, I have a big job. I might need some help.”


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