His Final Deal. Theresa A. Campbell

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His Final Deal - Theresa A. Campbell

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other, and they looked to be the same age.

      “Thank you. Yes, they are my triplets.” Suave glowed with pride. He never mentioned his triplets were from triple births with triple mothers.

      “Ahem.” Suave’s head snapped up to see Janelle’s mother, Darlene, standing on her veranda next door. “You are here to see Charlene but not me, huh?” Darlene walked closer to the short, wired fence that separated the houses. Her pretty face was screwed up with a cigarette dangling from the corner of her mouth.

      Suave’s eyes lit up as he stared at Darlene. Her long, straight “Indian” hair fell down her back. Big, brown breasts were popping out of the midriff tank top, exposing tight, flat abs. Smooth, high butt cheeks peeked out from the booty shorts she wore. “Baby, you know I wouldn’t come in the place and not see you.” Suave lowered the two girls to the ground. “Both of you go inside. I’ll be right there.”

      After the girls ran into the house, Suave walked out the gate and over to meet Darlene in her yard. “What’s up, sexy mama?” He slapped her on her behind.

      Darlene rolled her eyes. She dropped the half-burning cigarette to the ground and crushed it with her slippers. “Don’t try to sweet-talk me, Suave. You came, and the first place you headed was over to Charlene’s house. What am I, huh? Chop liver?” Darlene was angry. She folded her arms across her chest, pushing her boobs higher up.

      Suave licked his lips, overcome with lust. “Girl, you know I was saving the best for last. I was just going to grab a bite by Charlene because Alissa said she was making dinner. But trust and believe, Smooth Suave was coming next door for dessert.” He leaned in closer to Darlene and nibbled on her bottom lip.

      “Behave yourself, man.” Darlene playfully shoved at him but was now grinning.

      The two sisters spent their whole lives competing. If Charlene dated a guy in high school, Darlene never stopped until she slept with him. Darlene got pregnant when she was nineteen years old; Charlene was pregnant weeks later. Charlene became an exotic dancer; Darlene began dancing at the Gentleman’s Club across the street. Darlene rented a house on Waltham Park Road; Charlene moved into the house next door within a few weeks. Charlene met and slept with Suave one night when he came to the club with his boys; the following week, Darlene had Suave in her bed.

      “Suave and I are having a baby,” Charlene had bragged to Darlene almost five years ago, a satisfied smirk on her face. “We may be sharing him, but I’m his baby momma now.”

      Darlene threw her head back and laughed. “For your information, Suave just brought me home from the doctor.” She rubbed her small baby bump, her smile growing bigger at the shocked expression on Charlene’s face. “I am Suave’s baby momma too. You better come correct.”

      “Let’s go inside.” Suave reached out and lightly touched one of Darlene’s breasts.

      Darlene laughed, turned around, and walked back to her house.

      Suave was right on her heels. Darlene’s backside was the best real estate on her body. She had the shape of a Coca-Cola bottle with curves that made his blood rush like a raging river.

      “Mama, I’m hungry,” remarked Darlene’s three-year-old son as he wandered out of a side room. He was wearing white briefs with his thumb in his mouth. “I want fry chicken.”

      “Your aunt is cooking next door. Go tell her to give you some dinner.”

      “Yay!” The boy raced past his mother and Suave.

      “Little Mr. Chin looks more like his father each day.” Suave looked at Darlene with a frown on his face. “And you tried to plant that baby on me, huh?”

      Suave was right. When Darlene got pregnant with her son, she told him the baby was his. Suave was known to take care of all his kids, so he stuck by her, even though Charlene warned him the child wasn’t his.

      “The baby’s father is Mr. Chin, the Chinese man, who owns the bakery in Downtown Kingston,” Charlene had informed Suave. “He’s afraid of his wife finding out, so he doesn’t claim the child. Trust me, Darlene is giving you ‘jacket.’” “Jacket” was a Jamaican term for a child that was raised by a man who didn’t know that he wasn’t the biological father.

      “Well, none of my kids can hide,” Suave had replied. “All my children favor me. I’ll find out when the baby is born.” And he did. The little boy was born light skinned with small, slanted eyes and a head full of straight, black hair. Suave didn’t speak to Darlene for months.

      “I said I was sorry,” Darlene mumbled, rolling her eyes. “It was an honest mistake.” She strolled off down the hall and into her bedroom, leaving the door open.

      Suave shook his head, followed her into her room, and closed the door behind him. It had been almost four years since the deception, but he still got upset whenever he saw the boy. Even so, he found it hard to stop messing with Darlene.

      If a woman was skilled in the bedroom, Suave was hooked. Women were his weakness... a fact that was well known to everyone—which, unfortunately, included his enemies.

      Chapter Three

      Darlene knew she had to get Suave back in a good mood really quickly. She couldn’t afford for him to change his mind and head back over to Charlene’s house. Her rent, electricity, and water were due, and she also needed groceries. Things weren’t the same at the club anymore. After giving birth to four children, Darlene still looked good, but she was no competition for the eighteen-and nineteen-year-old strippers. Her regular customer pool was dwindling, and she got no help from her other kids’ fathers. There was only Suave, who made sure his daughter had everything she needed.

      Darlene provocatively pulled the blouse over her head, baring her breasts.

      Suave swallowed hard as he went and sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes glued on Darlene. His heart rate went up as she took her time easing the little shorts over her ample hips, down to her ankles. With her back now to Suave, Darlene bent over as she stepped out of the shorts. She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

      “Lord, have mercy.” Suave swallowed hard and jumped to his feet. He couldn’t take off his shirt fast enough and dropped it on the hardwood floor.

      “No, let me.” Darlene placed her hands over Suave’s hands as he was getting ready to unzip his pants. Without a word, she took over the task, her eyes locked on his dilated pupils.

      In record time, Suave was butt naked again, for the third time that day. Monica was for breakfast, Bubbles was lunch, and now Darlene for dinner. Suave pulled Darlene down on the bed, his earlier resentment replaced by lust.

      Minutes later, loud knocks came from the door. “Open this door right now!” Charlene screamed as she pounded on Darlene’s bedroom door. “Suave, get your nasty behind out here now.”

      Inside the room, Suave and Darlene ignored Charlene as they continued their sexual dance. The louder Charlene beat on the door, the more Darlene’s groans escalated. Suave, used to the twins’ antics, ignored both as he got his fill of Darlene.

      Suddenly, a loud noise exploded in the room as the door slammed against the wall. Suave leapt off the bed to face Charlene as she stepped into the room, raving mad. With big rollers in her hair, streaks of flour on her forehead and nose, her

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