His Final Deal. Theresa A. Campbell

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His Final Deal - Theresa A. Campbell

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not the least bit fazed by Charlene’s entrance, rolled over on her stomach, her big, naked buttocks in the air, and an amused grin on her face. It was such a pleasure to see Charlene this angry. “You are too late for the party, sis,” Darlene mocked her sister.

      Charlene was on Darlene like a hungry lion. She leaped on Darlene’s back, wrapped a handful of her long hair around one hand as the other punched Darlene repeatedly in the back of her head.

      Darlene twisted and turned on the bed, shouting expletives as she tried to shake Charlene off her back. She crawled to the edge of the bed and threw herself over, landing on her back on the floor with Charlene on hers a few inches away. “I’m going to kill you now,” Darlene yelled before she sprang to her feet, her heavy, exposed breasts swinging from side to side.

      Charlene, still winded from the fall, tried to get up but wasn’t fast enough. Darlene was soon sitting on her stomach, raining punches all over her face.

      As the two women rolled around on the floor, scratching, punching, kicking, and screaming, Suave found his clothes and got dressed. He went and stood calmly at the door and watched as perfume bottles, flower vases, photo frames, and other items fell to the floor.

      “Mommy? Daddy?” Janelle called out as she entered the house. Fear splashed across her face at the commotion coming from her mother’s room.

      It was then that Suave sprang into action. “Janelle, go back outside,” he shouted. “You and the kids stay out there.” Suave heard the door shut as Janelle did as he instructed. He walked over to the fighting women, reached down, and wrapped his arms around Charlene, who was now on top of Darlene. With all his might, Suave pulled her off and onto her feet. Pushing her behind him, he used his body to create a barrier between the sisters.

      Charlene was breathing heavily, her hair flying around her scratched up face, yelling and swearing as she tried to get around Suave to pound her sister.

      Darlene, now on her feet, with blood running down her nose and one eye swollen, threw herself at Suave in an attempt to get to Charlene.

      “Enough!” Suave screamed and pushed back Darlene with force. She stumbled but grabbed on to the bed to break her fall. “That goes for you too,” Suave yelled as he turned to face Charlene. “Stop it now.” The veins in Suave’s neck stood up, his nostrils flared, and his eyes widened in fury. “What’s the matter with you two?”

      The women rolled eyes at each other but remained silent.

      “Go home. I’ll be over in a minute.” Suave glared at Charlene.

      Charlene flipped the bird at Darlene before she walked out of the room without a word. She dared not disobey Suave.

      “And you, go clean up yourself and put on some clothes,” Suave instructed Darlene. “I hate to see grown women acting like children.”

      Darlene rolled her eyes, walked out of the room and into the bathroom across the hall. She hoped Suave would still give her some money. If that skank Charlene let Suave leave without giving her anything, another fight was about to take place.

      Suave went and sat on the couch in Darlene’s living room as he waited for her. He took out a joint and a lighter from his pants pocket. He lit the joint and sucked the drug deeply into his lungs. With his head raised, his eyes closed contentedly, Suave blew the smoke into the air before he took another hit.

      “Sorry.” Minutes later, he opened his eyes to see Darlene standing before him, a puppy dog look on her face. She was wearing a maxidress with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her left eye was almost swollen shut.

      “Look at your face. Was all that necessary?” he asked her. He was still angry.

      “Why you blaming me? She came over here to my house.”

      “Well, you shouldn’t have egged her on,” Suave replied, refusing to take any responsibility. “You know how crazy Charlene can get.”

      Darlene opened her mouth to reply but stopped herself. She needed some money, and arguing with Suave wasn’t the way to get it. She sat beside him on the couch, her leg brushing against his. “Sorry,” she repeated in a low voice.

      Suave looked at her, shook his head, and took another drag on the joint.

      “Suave, can I please get some money for the rent?” Darlene stared at him. “The light and water bills are also due.”

      Suave stood to his feet. He leaned over and stubbed out the joint in an overflowing ashtray that sat on the coffee table. “Follow me outside.” He walked out with Darlene behind him toward his truck. He pressed his key fob and opened the doors, then reached into the glove compartment and took out two padded envelopes.

      “Here, this should take care of it.” Suave handed Darlene an envelope filled with money. As Darlene knew, Suave would make sure his daughter had a roof over her head, food to eat, and all the basic necessities required. “I’ll catch you later.”

      “So, are you going over there after what she did?” Darlene asked as Suave headed toward Charlene’s house.

      Suave paused and glared at her. “Shut up! Go inside and go take care of your business.” He pointed toward Darlene’s house. “I’ve had enough of your foolishness for one day.”

      Suave watched Darlene stormed through her gate, into her house, slamming the door shut. He took a deep breath before he strolled up to Charlene’s door. It opened as soon as he reached it with Charlene smiling innocently at him. She had on a pair of tight jeans and a small, low cut tank top. Her long hair was hanging straight down her back, her lips were glossed, and her beautiful, lined eyes held seduction. Except for a small bump on her forehead, the scratches were covered up by flawless makeup.

      Charlene had been peeping through the front window and saw the exchange between Suave and Darlene. “Serves that heifer right,” she had whispered under her breath with a satisfied grin.

      “Here.” Suave handed Charlene the other envelope filled with money. “I’ll call Janelle and Alissa later. I’m out.” With that, he strolled out to his truck, clicked it open, then hopped inside and drove off.

      It was getting dark outside as night rolled in. Suave was feeling hungry and tired—physically and mentally. He needed some rest. But he was about to find out that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. His stress level was about to skyrocket to a whole ’nother level.

      Chapter Four

      Suave’s personal cell phone on the passenger seat began ringing. He reached for the phone and glanced at it before focusing his attention back on the road. It was Barbara, one of his baby mommas. He sucked his teeth and threw the phone back on the seat. He’d had enough baby momma drama for one day.

      Immediately, his business cell phone, which was also on the seat, rang. He had a phone for business and another for personal use. He answered that phone.

      “Yo, Cobra, what’s up, bro?” Suave greeted his top lieutenant and good friend.

      “You tell me, Boss,” Josh Blank, a.k.a. Cobra, replied. “I’ve been calling and paging you all day but can’t hear a word from you.”

      Suave had indeed neglected business this day. He had men working

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