All The Wrong Places. G.I.F.T.D

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All The Wrong Places - G.I.F.T.D

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car. When can I ride wit’ you?” asked the pretty girl who took his order.

      “Lemme think about it,” he replied.

      Minutes later, his food was ready and he stepped up to get it. “$8.65, sir,” the pretty cashier said.

      Boon handed her a 20. “Keep the change.” He headed for the car.

      “You thought about it yet?” the cashier asked, as he fumbled with the car keys.

      “I’m good. You woulda been on some mo’ shit if I didn’t have this car,” he said, as he got in and headed home. Mela had called at least three more times, since he had ordered his food. I’ma change that ringtone when I get home.

      Boon successfully changed Mela’s ringtone to Future’s “These Bitches Ain’t Shit”, ate all of his food and had his brother, Drakus, bring him an ounce of Kush from K-Town, on the West Side of Chicago. Boon studied for an hour after he’d eaten, smoked a blunt, and was watching Friday After Next in his bedroom until he fell asleep. For the umpteenth time, he dreamt of his high school sweetheart, Curelle Dorsey, whom everybody called CiCi. In his dreams, Boon always romanced and flattered CiCi, but he never had sex with her in them or in reality.

      In this particular dream though, CiCi had kissed Boon from his lips to his length. It felt all too real. “Ooh shit,” he felt a moan escape him. CiCi was full-fledge bobbing now, and it was waking Boon from his sleep; it was that good. However, he wasn’t sleep anymore, but the feeling didn’t stop. “Oh fuck…” he groaned, as he looked down to find the source of the great warmth damn near swallowing his penis.

      “Mmm,” Mela moaned, as she relentlessly sucked Boon’s manhood.

      “Oh shit, girl. Oh, I’m ‘bout to…oh fuuuck!” Mela kept sucking, as Boon’s juice spewed into her mouth. Boon’s whole body jerked, as she did the one thing she swore she would never do—swallow. Boon was fighting fatigue, but would soon lose and fall fast asleep.

      “Ooh… kill ‘em, Ooh… kill ‘em!” Meek Mill rapped and made Boon jump up from his sleep. He knew he had been awakened this morning once before, but he’d gone back to sleep. But for how long? He grabbed his phone to read the incoming text.

       Mela: I deserved the new ringtone. Bt u gonna miss me more than I’ma miss u. Bet that.

      Man, this ho deranged. He started to text back and chump the bitch off, but instead, he hit her with something different.

       Boon: Yeah, but until then, lemme get my key tho’

      Boon was glad to have dreamed about CiCi, but damn, Mela could suck a watermelon through a water hose. He got up off the bed and grabbed his footlocker from under it. Now, finally, he’d go through the box.

      He dumped the box’s contents on his bed and sat the box on the floor. There were five, different Ziploc bags; one for each girlfriend past. He separated them in sequential order, starting with Mela’s duck-ass, and working his way backwards. He didn’t want to think about that slut right now, so he moved her pictures and memories to the side.

      The first picture was of Tatiyana “Taz” Lopes. She was by far the most beautiful, as well as the vainest of his exes. She was Puerto Rican and black, 5’3, 135 pounds, high yellow, and had green eyes. Boon was looking at a picture of him and her kissing at Mardi Gras 2011 in New Orleans. Tatiyana got her nickname, Taz, from being crazy and fighting a lot throughout middle and high school. Tatiyana left Boon, three months before graduation, to be with a star, NFL cornerback named Todd Cambridge. She told Boon, “When your money get as long as his, hit me up.” All I got was some pussy, Boon thought. He tossed her Ziploc aside.

      The next bag he came to had ultrasound pictures in it, and instantly made Boon irate. “This ho!” he gritted.

      The contents of that bag belonged to Zora “Zo” Tucker from Hartford, Connecticut. Zora was the only white girl Boon had dated exclusively, but she looked like Carmen Electra, and everybody wanted her. She had full lips and big, perky breasts. The crazy part was that she had a black girl’s ass. She and Boon spent a great deal of time together, but Boon played basketball and spent a great deal of time away from Chicago. Zora and Boon were expecting a son to be born in August of 2010. Donovan and Drakus talked Boon into getting a DNA test on the baby boy, because they truthfully didn’t like the idea of their brother being in a relationship with a white girl. When baby Daniel’s DNA test proved Boon was not the father, he left the hospital, disgusted, and never saw Zo again. Boon looked at his son’s ultrasound picture and anger flooded his face.

      Next up, was the bag he kept for the memories of “Gia”; Ms. Giovanni Frazier. Gia was from Raleigh, North Carolina. He met her at a frat party, during his freshman year at DePaul. His roommate’s girlfriend and Gia were roommates. She was timid and not used to being away from home. She liked Boon and his sense of humor. Boon liked her body, her tattoos, and that she would go all the way when you closed the door. She often went back to visit her family in North Carolina; and during one of those visits, she was on the phone with Boon when her ex-boyfriend, Shyne, came over.

      “Boon, I’ma call you back in a minute,” she said, but somehow didn’t hang up the phone. Boon stayed on the line and heard the whole, 24-minute, sex session they had. By the time she got back, Boon had sexed two of her sorority sisters and Gia transferred to UNC-Asheville the next semester.

      Ebony “Lil” Charles was the smallest of Boon’s exes. She was only 4’11, but was stacked. Big ass, big titties, and she could dance like no other. She was from Cabrini Green, just Northwest of Downtown Chicago. Boon rushed into the relationship with Lil, because the girlfriend he’d left wouldn’t have sex. Lil definitely put out; in fact, it was the reason Boon left her. He caught her at a party, getting a train run on her by at least six of the players on Simeon’s football team. Boon was the laughingstock of his senior class.

      That brought him to the last bag, reserved for “CiCi”, Boon’s favorite girl. Boon had tried to be her boyfriend since 7th grade and she had turned him down until 10th grade. In 10th and 11th grade, they were voted as Simeon High School’s “cutest couple”. They were prom King and Queen their junior year, and they both were scholars.

      Curelle was 5’7 and weighed about 170 pounds. She was dark-skinned and thick. All the guys were jealous of Boon because they wanted CiCi. She told Boon he would be her first, but not until graduation day. Boon didn’t make it; he broke her heart by breaking up with her to be with Lil, all because Lil would sex him when he wanted it. He and CiCi were still great friends, but she said she couldn’t trust him with her love anymore. “And now, every bitch I want, want every nigga but me,” Boon said aloud. Bunch of harlots.


      6 Months later

      Boon graduated law school and passed the bar with flying colors. It was the beginning of the summer and Boon had been doing well. He was doing a little dating, but nothing too serious. He had moved to a brand-new loft in South Loop. After careful consideration, he felt it was best. Johan kept blowing up his phone and Boon really wanted to put the beaters on him. When Boon packed, as he was preparing to move, he found that Mela stole his stash of cash he kept in his closet: $9000 that he kept in an old, Stacy Adams shoebox. He didn’t even bother to pursue the issue. “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” he said, as he unpacked in his new abode.

      Boon was out on a mission, after growing tired of unpacking

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