All The Wrong Places. G.I.F.T.D

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All The Wrong Places - G.I.F.T.D

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it go, kid?” Drakus asked Boon, as he sensed the frustration emanating from his youngest sibling.

      “Fuck is wrong wit’ broads?” Boon asked, rhetorically.

      “Them just yo’ broads, bruh,” Drakus slurred, obviously feeling his liquor. “It’s a trillion fish out there, Boon. You just keep stickin’ yo’ dick in the wrong damn pond.” Both men laughed at this, but Boon still felt some type of way.

      Boon and Drakus saw Damian walking towards them with three women. They appeared to be triplets.

      “This is Ashley, Alexis, and Amerie. They’re triplets,” Damian said. The women looked Hawaiian and were identical to one another, including their shapes. “I told them it was ironic, because there were two niggas downstairs who looked like me too.” The group laughed, as Boon and Drakus introduced themselves. Boon quickly leaned in to whisper in Amerie’s ear, and she led him to the dance floor. He was surprised to hear the young lady talk. She was from San Bernardino, California and had graduated from DePaul last year.

      “I’m studying a lawyer,” she told Boon.

      “Funny…me too. Must be fate,” Boon replied.

      After multiple dances and the most incredible conversation, Boon and Amerie exchanged numbers and vowed to get to know each other better. Soon, the party was dying down and Boon was ready to go.

      “Bruh, drop me off. I’m too drunk to drive and yo’ sister-in-law gon’ kill me if I don’t go home,” Drakus said, as he climbed off the couch and followed Boon to his car.

      As Boon got to his car and cranked it, his phone rang.

      “What up?” he answered.

      “You ready for me?” Taz asked.

      Boon was anxious. “Hell yeah, but you gotta come to me though,” Boon said.

      “I’m not drivin’ though, baby,” Taz whined.

      “Get one of your homegirls to bring you, or a cab or somethin’. I’ll pay. My brother a li’l inebriated and I gotta drop him off,” Boon said, pulling off and listening to Drakus snoring in the passenger seat.

      Taz agreed and Boon gave her the address. He dropped Drakus off and headed home. On his way home, Boon’s phone rang again. He looked at the screen and saw his sister, Deysha, smiling at him.

      “Mae, what you doing up so late, girl?” Boon called his older and favorite sister by her childhood nickname. Her middle name was Tremè, but the family called her Mae for short.

      “Just checkin’ on my baby brother. I done called Dooly and Drake already. I know y’all was goin’ to the party tonight,” she said.

      Deysha was exactly 5 foot tall, 130 pounds, and dark-skinned with long, pretty hair. She was very loving to those she loved, but Mae was also a firecracker.

      “Fa’sho. I’m good. On my way home to get ready for Taz…” Boon abruptly stopped speaking. He remembered that Mae had beat Taz up for talking recklessly to and about Boon some years ago. Boon knew Mae was about to go off.

      “The hell you getting ready to do with her?” she asked, putting her full attitude on display.

      “I’m not finna do shit,” Boon lied.

      “Boy, you ain’t gon’ learn. Leave them no-business-havin’, broke-ass hoes alone. You got too much goin’ on fa yo’self. Yo’ dick don’t attract nothin’ but triflin’-ass women, bruh,” she hollered.

      “Damn,” Boon muttered.

      “Damn is right. You’re grown though, so just be careful, baby brother. And tell that ho I said walk light,” Mae responded. She and Boon said their good-nights, and hung up the phone.

      Boon got in the house and kicked out of his Nike’s. He texted Taz and told her to be on her way. It was almost 3:00 a.m., and for some odd reason, Boon thought about CiCi. He sent her a text to see if she was awake. She didn’t have a significant other at the moment, and would usually call or text back if she was awake.

      Boon went to the bathroom to take a leak. “Damn beer is runnin’ through me,” he groaned aloud, as he relieved himself. After flushing the toilet and washing his hands, he heard the phone ring. He ran and grabbed it, expecting Taz to be on the other end; it was CiCi, however, and Boon happily answered.

      “Wassup, wifey?” he greeted her, as he always did.

      “Probably one of yo’ li’l skank’s legs over there,” she retorted.

      “Funny. Man, why I run into Zo, Taz, and Gia in the same week? And they all act like we never had a fucked up spot in our history at all. All three of them!” Boon exclaimed.

      “You and yo’ li’l bird gang. Did you keep yo’ cool? Or did you lose it?” CiCi asked. She was very attentive and actually cared about what went on in Boon’s life. She truly would be with him, if only he would slow down and court her again.

      “I lost it on all three of them hoes; especially, Gia. This ho had the nerve to ask me for some money!” Boon recalled.

      “I told you them bitches ain’t shit,” CiCi said. Boon laughed at the fact that it was Mela’s ringtone in his phone. Boon parted his lips to speak again, but there was a knock at the door.

      “CiCi, lemme go do number six and I’ma call you back.” Boon lied, because he didn’t want CiCi to know that Taz was coming, and he was sure that’s who had knocked.

      “I’m ‘bout to crash, baby… I mean… Boon; just call me tomorrow.”

      CiCi had called him baby, and he heard it loud and clear. He would have to talk to her in depth on that… but, at another time. “Okay then,” he said and hung up.

      “Well, don’t you look edible,” Boon flirted with Taz. She had changed clothes and was now wearing a leopard print catsuit with matching heels. Boon was sexing her with his eyes, as she posed in the doorway.

      “Ain’t you gon’ let me in?” Taz asked. Boon didn’t respond, he just stepped aside and watched her strut past him.

      “You thirsty?” he asked, as he closed and locked the door.

      “I came to get stroked, Mister Watson. So, are you gonna stab me or not?” Taz was standing with her hands on her hips in a modellike stance, piercing him with her provocative eyes.

      “Lemme go take a leak, and then we can do the damn thang,” Boon anxiously uttered on his way to the bathroom.

      For the next two hours, Taz took Boon to ecstasy in ways he couldn’t recall from their prior sexual endeavors. Although Taz was moaning and yelling his name, Boon was the one feeling as if he was the one under a spell—straight whipped. The couple tasted and kissed each other, as if they were in love, and made that deep eye contact that you make with someone you don’t ever want to let go. After multiple orgasms and a blunt of Kush, the couple lay sprawled out across the living room floor.

      “Boon, can I tell you something?” Taz asked, as she sat up on her elbow.


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