Killer Party. Lynn Cahoon

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Killer Party - Lynn Cahoon A Tourist Trap Mystery

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I can relate to that. After the way Craig treated me, I don’t think I’m going to give anyone else that power again.” She held up a hand. “I know what you’re going to say. All men aren’t crazy like my ex-husband. The problem is that they don’t wear warning labels and I’m bad at reading a man’s mind.”

      “You have plenty of time to find love.” An echo of laughter came in through the open patio doors. “I guess I should get out and be sociable.”

      “No worries. We’ll take care of this.” Brenda stood and picked up the carafes off the table. “By the way, I’ll have a van here at nine for your use.”

      “A van?” Had there been a discussion of the couples going somewhere that she’d missed out on?

      “Sure, for your tour of South Cove? All the women have been talking about hitting the shops tomorrow. Don’t tell me Greg didn’t mention that you’re leading a tour group.” She studied my face. “Okay, then, maybe he didn’t know either. According to the itinerary they sent me last week, the guys are going out on a charter about five tomorrow morning. And you and the women are going into town. Seems a little sexist, but I’m just the host here.”

      “I’m not sure we didn’t get the better end of that deal.” I’d gone out fishing with Greg and his brother once. I loved watching the ocean and even the sun come up, but mostly I got a lot of reading done. At least I’ll be able to do an errand for Mayor Baylor while we’re there. Now I wanted Greg’s dessert and maybe a few more. What did I know about leading a tour? At least it should be interesting. I’d start at my shop. That way I could check on Deek, my newest employee who was taking my shifts this weekend.

      I wandered out to the pool area where the boys were back at the table and the women were scattered around the patio. Allison was swimming. Jessica appeared to be sleeping. And Lois and MaryAnne had taken over another table, frozen margaritas in front of them. I ran a hand over Greg’s shoulder as I passed by the table. I thought about stopping and asking who had volunteered me to babysit the female side of the party the next day, but the pecking order was becoming clear.

      Boys rule, girls wait for boys to get done.

      Not exactly the type of life I lived or even wanted to play at for a weekend. Greg and I would have to talk about future visits if we were still together for next year’s reunion. I can only hold my tongue so long and then I know I’d say something. But I’d give him this weekend.

      At least I’d try.

      Lois pointed to the bar. “You look like you need a drink. Go get one and join us. We’re talking about MaryAnne’s trip to Boston next month.”

      I nodded. “I’ll be right there.” At least these two were friendly. Three if you counted Allison, but it appeared that she spent most of her free time in the pool staying in shape. The girl just needed to relax.

      Taking the frosted glass filled with the frozen drink, I made my way to the table. “Boston, huh? I’ve never been. What are you going for?”

      “My business. I run a beauty supply company and I’m speaking at the convention. You know, the typical motivational stuff.” Mary Anne sipped her drink, her long nails painted pink with flamingos drawn on the polish.

      Lois leaned closer to the table. “David doesn’t know, but Levi is a silent partner in the business.”

      “Seriously?” I didn’t know how anyone kept a secret with this group.

      MaryAnne laughed at my reaction. “I should tell him, it’s been years now, but Levi keeps telling me to keep it between us. He doesn’t want David to feel uncomfortable in their friendship.”

      I took a sip of my drink. “That sounds reasonable. So your business is doing well?”

      “We’ve really taken off this year. I should be able to buy Levi out by the end of next year; that is, if he’ll sell. The beauty business is hot right now and he’s getting a great return on his money. I can’t really blame him, I wouldn’t have been able to start up without his help, but I’d like to be sole owner someday.” MaryAnne stole a glance over to the guy table. “At least he doesn’t mess in the day to day operations. Some people I know with silent partners are ready to kill them by the time they get control of their business again.”

      “Anyway, she’s going on a dinner cruise in Boston Harbor,” Lois changed the direction of the discussion, apparently bored with the financial talk. “You should take some tea bags to throw in the water.”

      MaryAnne gave Lois a dismissive glance. “I don’t think they allow that.” She turned back to me. “So will we get to visit your little shop? I’m considering opening some retail stores next year, but I’m not sure I want to get into the customer service situation.”

      “You have great customer service now, it’s just a different level of customer.” I pointed out. A confused look passed over MaryAnne’s face so I went into how as a wholesaler, she had customers, they were just the retail stores that actually sold the product to the end line consumer. I realized I must have been paying attention in some of my classes lately as I participated in the discussion. Thank God for Aunt Jackie and her insistence I learn more about the business side.

      The evening was winding down and Lois stifled a yawn. “I’m heading to bed. I’m looking forward to seeing your little town tomorrow. I’m so glad the boys are going out on the boat. Butch loves fishing. He goes out on a local charter during the weeks he’s working too.”

      I was glad we were going into town, even if no one had asked my opinion before the plans were set. Or after, for that matter.

      Raised voices cut off our discussion of tomorrow’s activities. The noise was coming from the table where the guys sat.

      “You think you’re so smart. Just because you make more money than the rest of us.” A raised voice came from the other side of the patio. I looked over and Butch was standing, or actually, swaying, pointing a finger at Levi. “You think you can get away with anything. But it’s not going to happen on my watch.”

      “Butch, calm down. I didn’t mean to imply…” Levi started, but stopped when Butch slammed his fist on the table, knocking over beer bottles.

      “You never mean to imply or sleep with someone’s wife, or even give a shit.” Butch moved closer to Levi and I saw Greg step in between the two. Lois ran by me and grabbed her husband’s arm.

      “Honey, can you take me upstairs? I’m not feeling well.” She raised her voice to be heard over Butch’s heavy breathing. “Honey?”

      He broke eye contact with Levi and looked down at his wife. Then he glared at Levi again. “You are so not getting away with this. I’ll kill you if I have to.”

      “Hold on, Butch. Levi didn’t do anything wrong.” Greg said in the voice tone I’d heard him use with drunks at the bar when a fight had broken out at the winery during one of our date nights.

      Butch turned his anger to Greg. “You don’t know. You think he’s that skinny kid we went to school with? No, he’s a schemer and we’re all just players in his personal game. But he’s not getting away with this. Not after all we’ve been through. Someone has to put their foot down.”

      “Butch, I need you to help me upstairs. I’m not feeling well.” Lois

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