Killer Party. Lynn Cahoon

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Killer Party - Lynn Cahoon A Tourist Trap Mystery

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you into a coffee and a treat?”

      “We’re not done talking about Emma. Why weren’t you watching her?” I wanted to kick him in the shins, but his next words made me pause.

      “Sasha called and we got to talking. Okay, maybe we were fighting. I’m really sorry Jill. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He nodded to the other women. “Let me get these orders done and then you can yell at me all you want.”

      “Jill, you can’t be mad at this hunk of perfect male flesh.” MaryAnne grinned at me. “Seriously, if guys like this worked for me, I would have divorced David years ago.”

      “I have to make a call.” I ignored the women who flooded around Toby and marched to the office. I used the land line to call the vet. After being assured Emma was fine after being given doggy ipecac to get the chocolate out of her system, I felt my shoulders relaxing. Toby stood in the doorway, watching me.

      “Jill, I really am sorry.”

      I wiped away the tears of relief now that I knew my dog was okay. I can be strong and detached during emergencies, but when they’re over, I’m a pile of mush. “I know. Sissy said you did the right thing, bringing her in so quickly. She said you were a mess.”

      “Emma threw up on me twice before I got her to Bakerstown.” Toby laughed. “I guess it was my fault since I’d been feeding her chicken strips from the diner before Sasha called. I really liked having the company. I thought maybe I’d get a dog, but now, I don’t know. Maybe I’m not responsible enough.”

      “Or maybe you are. Thank you for taking her into the vet so quickly. I don’t know what I would do without her.”

      He blushed and then looked out the doorway. “Looks like your group is getting antsy to leave. Are you staying here or going with them?”

      I sighed and stood up. Now that the emergency with Emma was taken care of, it was time to get back to the fun. Not. I was never part of a group of girls. I had my few friends in high school, but we did things in pairs of two, not five. “I’m going back to the fun.”

      “Don’t make it sound like it’s a death march. You could use some vacation time.” He glanced back toward the dining area. “They look like they could be interesting.”

      “I’d say I’d trade you places and I’d work your shift, but I’d never hear the end of it from Greg.”

      “She’s coming,” he called out to the group. Then he turned back to me. “Better go now, the kids are getting restless.”

      I gathered the group together and outlined my game plan. We’d hit one side of Main Street down to the diner, then work the other side when we came back to the winery. Our first stop was Antiques by Thomas, the store next door to my shop. Josh Thomas, the owner and former boyfriend of my aunt, was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Kyle the intern turned full time associate, was manning the store.

      As the women walked from room to room, oohing and ahhing over the collection, I stayed in the front and talked to Kyle. “Where’s your boss this morning?”

      “Mandy took him to a wine tasting up in Napa. I’m in charge of the store all weekend.” Kyle puffed his chest out. “And I even get to make the deposit tonight.”

      The last time Josh had left town, he’d asked me to make his store’s deposits so Kyle wouldn’t have to. Now it looked like he was trusting his employee more and more. “It just takes time to win Josh’s trust. You’ve been doing a great job.”

      He blushed, then looked over my shoulder. “Something I can show you?” Jessica stood at the counter next to me.

      “No, something you can sell me. I’d love that old wooden bedroom set you have in showroom number five.”

      “Good choice. It’s eastern European and our records show it was brought over to the states a few years ago when an immigrant family settled nearby. I have several items from that estate sale if you’d like to look at more.” He opened a large notebook, scanning the pages until he found his notes. “Can I show you the rest?”

      “Don’t bother. I’ll buy all of it.” She handed him a black credit card and then took out what looked like a business card and scribbled on the back. “This is my home address. Have it all shipped to me there.”

      “Don’t you want to know what pieces you are buying?” Kyle asked, but instead of answering, Jessica grabbed her cell phone and dialed a number as she walked out the door. He looked at me. “She has money.”

      He didn’t ask it as a question, but instead, stated a fact. I nodded. “Her husband to be is a tech millionaire. I’d say don’t look a gift buyer in the mouth.”

      Kyle took a photocopy of the card and then started ringing up the items on the list he’d found in the book. “I’m going to charge this and then maybe you can get her to come back to sign the receipt?”

      “Hurry, up. The group is getting ready to move on to the next shop.”

      I watched as Jessica finished up her call. I didn’t think the guys would have cell service out on the ocean but I guess Levi’s phone was more advanced. She came back into the store and waited by the counter.

      “Nice furniture?”

      Jessica looked at me. “What?”

      “The furniture you bought. It must be nice to purchase so many items.” I didn’t say sight unseen, but the implication was there. It had taken me months to buy the just right antique bed for my guest room, and even longer to find the right quilt to cover the bed. I guess I was picky, or basically couldn’t make up my mind.

      “The set reminds me of one I had when I was a child. Besides, it’s a piece of history. You can’t put a value on that.” She took the photocopied list of items and her copy of the receipt from Kyle, signing her name with a swoosh. She tapped the pen on the counter. “I’m serious. If anything else comes in from that source, I want it. You kept a copy of my card, right?”

      “Yes, ma’am. I’ll call if something else comes in.”

      She waved away his words. “Don’t bother about calling. Just send me the stuff.”

      As we walked out of the store, Lois pointed to Dustin Austin’s bike rental shop. “If we had another day, we should talk the boys into taking a trail ride with us. I hear there’s a trail that runs most of the coast.”

      “You’re right, it’s called the Mission Trail and there’s a trail head here near the beach. It’s a great riding and walking path.” I fell in step with Lois as we window shopped Main Street. By the time we’d eaten lunch and then started back up Main, I’d forgotten about Jessica’s over-the-top purchase at the antique store.

      The new Russian Collectibles was next and the group gathered around the window display, pointing out the stacking dolls they loved. I fell in love with a blue and silver doll who looked like she was a princess. As we talked, a little girl, about four, ran out of the store and wrapped her arms around Jessica’s legs.

      “Cectpa,” the little blond-haired girl said over and over.

      Jessica kneeled down at the girl’s level and as she accepted a hug, I saw her whisper in the

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