Right Click. Lisa Becker

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Right Click - Lisa Becker

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Renee, why do you have to make everything sound so dirty?

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 9:34 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      I thought you would like that. But seriously, I just feel awful for Mark and don't know what I can do to make things better. And I know this has forever altered our friendship. He'll never look at me the same way again.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 9:42 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Sweetie, this is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to him. I know what you are thinking, "Oh, thanks a lot, Shelley. As if I didn't already feel awful enough…"

      This isn't about you! It's like he's dealing with a death right now. The death of the woman he loved and thought he knew. He's grieving for the life he thought he was going to have and all of the plans he had made in his head. So give him some time and space. When he's ready for your sympathy, he'll let you know.

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 9:43 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      You're right.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 9:44 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      As usual. What about the ring? Did he take the ring back?

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 9:45 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Oh, that's a good question. I didn't even ask about that. I sure hope so.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 9:45 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Me too!

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 9:47 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Not only is it a gorgeous, expensive ring, but he spent countless hours researching all about diamonds to pick the perfect one.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 9:48 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Of course he did. How Finlay of him.

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 9:52 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Hey now. The boy likes to be thorough and I think it's lovely that he spent so much time and consideration finding the perfect ring to symbolize their love for each other.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 9:54 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Perfect until she turned out to be a lying sack of shit.

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 9:55 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Mother bear protects her cubs, doesn't she?

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 10:00 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      You bet, Sweetie. I didn't like that twit from day one with her fake Southern charm and toned triceps. You don't want to fuck with my friend unless you want to endure my wrath.

      From: Renee Greene – August 6, 2013 – 10:02 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      I'll find out and keep you posted. What else is new with you? I miss talking with you.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 6, 2013 – 10:06 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay update

      Everything’s fine. Wish I could talk more but I've got to run. I'll see you soon and we'll have plenty of time to catch up. Mwah! Mwah!

      From: Renee Greene – August 8, 2013 – 11:02 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Celebrity Madness

      I know how you HATE celebrities, so prepare yourselves for another wild but true story from the annals of Renee Greene's surreal life. Our client Halloturn just signed a deal with Natalie Franklin, the R&B singer, to be a spokesperson for their diabetes medication.

      It's well known she has type 2 diabetes. Her "people" just sent over her "green room" requirements for an upcoming appearance we are booking for her on the Today Show to talk about diabetes management and childhood obesity.

      Read on for true, unedited, unembellished excerpts from her green room needs. "4. Gel pens: one blue, two black, one red 12. Six bottles of Evian chilled and six bottles at room temperature 19. 2 "squeezy" bottles clear honey (not organic) 23. NO WHITE FLOWERS! There shall be NO WHITE FLOWERS!"

      She's crazy, no?

      From: Shelley Manning – August 8, 2013 – 11:38 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Celebrity Madness

      NuttyNat (what I will be calling her now) is not only crazy but stupid. Evian? I NEVER drink Evian. Do you know what Evian spells backwards?

      From: Renee Greene – August 8, 2013 – 11:40 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Celebrity Madness

      OMG! I'm busting a gut right now. Naive! Naive! That

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