Right Click. Lisa Becker

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Right Click - Lisa Becker

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Maybe I'm not up for this after all.

      From: Ashley Gordon – August 19, 2013 – 12:26 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      You'll be fine. Just remember to wear something professional – not that purple sweater you seem to favor – when you do the interviews, to set the right tone.

      From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 12:27 PM

      To: Ashley Gordon

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 12:28 PM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Fwd: Re: Movin' on up!

      See below for an exchange between me and Ashley. Don't say it!

      From: PBCupLover – August 19, 2013 – 1:25 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      Don't let the power go to your head.

      From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 1:28 PM

      To: PBCupLover

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      Well, after dating/being engaged to you this long and acting as your personal assistant, it's nice to know there is someone to help me.

      From: PBCupLover – August 19, 2013 – 1:30 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      What do you mean, my assistant?

      From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 1:33 PM

      To: PBCupLover

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      Who schedules everything for you and keeps track of all of your stuff? That would be me. Let's just say the hours are long and the pay is lousy. I hope to be a better boss to my assistant.

      From: PBCupLover – August 19, 2013 – 1:34 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      Ouch! I'll show you who's boss tonight.

      From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 1:35 PM

      To: PBCupLover

      Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

      Sounds intriguing. Can't wait. XOXO

      From: Renee Greene – August 21, 2013 – 11:32 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Boston Babe

      I just interviewed a great candidate to be my assistant. She's got a year of experience at another PR firm, wants to learn and move up the corporate ladder and went to school in Boston, which as we know is my favorite American city. The only problem is that she's super hot – tall, leggy but thankfully not blonde. If I don't hire her, is that discrimination?

      From: Shelley Manning – August 21, 2013 – 12:45 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Boston Babe

      Now that you've put it in writing, yes that is discrimination.

      From: Renee Greene – August 21, 2013 – 12:50 PM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Boston Babe

      Damn! I think you're right. Darn electronic footprint! Oh well, I was going to hire her anyway. She's the best person for the job, even if she's gorgeous and young. And her name is Skye.

      From: Shelley Manning – August 21, 2013 – 12:53 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Boston Babe

      Of course her name is Skye. I will now refer to her as Skinny Skye. Will she have access to your email account?

      From: Renee Greene – August 21, 2013 – 12:57 PM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Boston Babe

      No, that will still be password protected – thankfully. So we can talk about our insane jealousy of her without fear of discovery or reprisal. So feel free to tell me something completely unfit for the workplace. I'm all ears!

      From: Shelley Manning – August 21, 2013 – 12:58 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Boston Babe

      Excellent. Wish I could dazzle you with inappropriate stories of sexual adventures but I've gotta run. Mwah! Mwah!

      From: Renee Greene – August 22, 2013 – 3:34 PM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Boston Babe

      Skinny Skye is on board. She starts next Monday.


      From: Mark Finlay – August 25, 2013 – 2:03 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Hey

      Hey, Renee. I didn't want to call in the middle of the night but I wanted to say hey.

      From: Renee Greene – August 25, 2013 – 8:59 AM

      To: Mark Finlay

      Subject: Re: Hey

      You're not answering your phone. I miss you, too. I'm sorry. So so sorry. Sorry for what you are going through and sorry for being the one to find out and tell you.

      From: Mark Finlay – August 25, 2013 – 10:54 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Hey

      There's no reason to be sorry. You did me a huge favor. I just wish I had known earlier.

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