5 YEARS AFTER 2.5 Smoke and Mirrors. Richard Correll

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5 YEARS AFTER 2.5 Smoke and Mirrors - Richard Correll 5 Years After

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warning shots.

      “Let’s go.” The Commander said hoarsely as he turned away from the girl. “I want Echo Company to keep a close eye on that fence.”

      “Yes sir.”

      The bursts continued as he got closer to the building. There had to be no more than two or three of the enemy still resisting. A brutal image passed through him, take them down hard. Have a 75 millimeter poke its gun through one of the window slits and send them to hell.

      Is that what you’ve become? Remember, the order you gave last night about a civilian? That’s how it starts, one order at a time. The Commander stopped for a moment and considered his options. To his surprise, Birk was still by his side.

      “I’m gonna try and talk them into giving up.” He finally mused out loud.

      “Yes sir.”

      The Commander resumed his pace toward the building. He chanced another look over his shoulder. The girl was still there, frozen in time. The lips still curved into that mocking face line. You can’t stop us. We always win, you know we do.

      His pace hurried.

      “Hold off until I give the word.” The Commander spoke into a portable radio that had replaced the personal units. His platoons on the left and right were ready to move and crush what little resistance to his objective was left. “Let’s see if we can’t solve this peacefully.”

      “Yes sir.”

      “Yes sir, holding position, awaiting your word.”

      “Hold your fire!” He raised his voice, it echoed off cement walls and metal doors. The forms firing at his men were somewhere in the dark. The open, two story section had a metal balcony that crossed the entire hall lengthwise. Standard metal railings were the only decorations save for a huge, circular door on the second level. The vault, the Commander recognized it. That had to be the vault. A silence began to settle over the building. A few echoes were the last ghostly reminders of battle.

      “I wish to address the commanding officer of the unit I am engaging.” The Commander’s voice bellowed out toward the second floor balcony. Yes, they were up there. Silence was his only reply at first.

      “This is he.” Came a reply


      “You are heavily outnumbered, sir.” The Commander spoke but found himself distracted. What the hell was that? “I ask you to throw down your arms and surrender. You will not be harmed.”


      “You are in United States territory.” The invisible defender spoke again. “You WILL withdraw your forces.”


      “Son, you are heavily outnumbered,” The Commander thought the noise was vaguely familiar as he continued to speak. Suddenly, it stopped. He continued; “you need to surrender now or be destroyed.”

      “Helloooo boys,” A woman’s voice spoke coyly from the shadows.

      The Commander turned his head to the new situation. A few of his men raised their weapons but he waved them off. She was a tall, black woman wearing six inch high heels. Her body English bore raw confidence. It made him pause and observe before making his next move. It then hit him, Jesus; she’s filming us.

      “Lady, put that camera down and put it down now.” He pointed a finger at her as his voice issued the command.

      “Nope,” She gave a simple reply. “You are on Skype, right now.”

      “Skype?” He asked to buy time.

      “Yes, Skype link to my newsroom in Washington.” Molly announced. “Anything that happens next has one hell of an audience.”


      “If you want to come take this camera away from me, you can try.” Molly almost teased him. “Then, everything that happens next between The United States Government and the Republic of West Virginia is on your head.”

      The Commander paused. Her point was as annoying as it was on target. If Washington was spoiling for a fight with Beauragard this is how it would start. He took a long breath and reminded himself how much he hated those little bastards who reported the news.

      “Okay, what’s the next move?” The Commander considered playing for time, wait for a mistake.

      “I go upstairs and film the people on the other side.” Molly began.

      “Why?” He interjected sharply.

      “So, there is a record of their faces.” Molly’s voice was cold but the smile was still there, glistening like ice.. “I want to make sure they don’t just disappear when this is over.”

      “Okay, you do that.” The Commander agreed wryly. He turned toward the balcony. “Is that acceptable to the Commander whose forces I am engaging?”

      “God damn it, lady.” The Commander heard the voice of his opposite number swear. Then finally, an annoyed reply; “Yes, it is.”

      “While I’m doing that,” Molly kept the lens on the Commander as she began to walk toward a set of stairs. “Could you please call General Beauragard and tell him Molly Hunter sends her kindest regards.”

      Well shit, the Commander heaved a sigh and felt undercurrents passing through his mission that he could neither control nor relate to. He watched the woman walk toward the stairs and turned to Hojo who was on his left in dimly lit surroundings.

      “C’mon Hojo, let’s go break radio silence.”

      “Commander.” Hatch called out from the dark.

      “Yes?” The Commander turned to the voice that was his opposite number.

      “She’s your problem, now.”



      “Miss Hunter, I do declare what a pleasure it is to hear your voice.” Back at the Commander’s vehicle, General Beauragard’s voice spoke silky smooth from the speakers.

      “I am charmed as always, General.” Molly had to smile at the sound of those southern tones. Damn, butter would never melt in that man’s mouth.

      “I must say,” his voice was almost playful. “I was not aware you had family business in Fort Knox.”

      “We all have secrets, General Beauragard.” She played back. “Just sayin,.....”

      “Touche.” His laugh was genuine.

      “What are you doing, General?” Molly was suddenly serious. “Why are you here?”

      “We can talk about that later.” The General was used to her direct approach. He deflected her easily.


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