5 YEARS AFTER 2.5 Smoke and Mirrors. Richard Correll

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5 YEARS AFTER 2.5 Smoke and Mirrors - Richard Correll 5 Years After

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Molly smiled at his jab and continued; “I believe my job is to have a healthy adversarial relationship with the military and the authorities.”

      “Really, why is that?” The Commander was feeling the calm after his temper storm. He wasn’t a television person but he had heard of her.

      “Because whenever we agree on everything, bad things happen.” Molly summed it up with an intelligent look and a disarming smile.


      “Gentlemen, I want all available personal from your units to search every inch of this compound.” Beauragard’s voice was stern, in command. “Is that clear?”

      “Yes General.”

      “Yes sir.”

      “Don’t be afraid to let Miss Hunter wander around, either. The lady is quite a bloodhound. If something is out of place, she’ll find it.” The General advised. “Just make sure you keep an eye on her,”

      “Begging your pardon, sir,” The Corporal from the assault raised a question. “Perhaps it might help if the General could tell us what we’re looking for.”

      “Gold, son.......”


      I couldn’t have done it without you. She thought, as she slipped off the six inch Zanotti’s. That click-clack sound they make when hitting the floor was an adrenaline charging, confidence building rush. A few strides anywhere made Molly feel unstoppable. Her body just fell into the rhythm, the steps became longer. The sound was a warning to anyone in her way. Like any short term empowerment, it had its limitations. Molly fished around in her Louis Vuitton to put her hiking shoes back on. The Merrell Moab ventilator shoes felt like big blankets around her feet.

      Yes, men who don’t get women don’t understand the shoe thing. Molly wiggled her toes and tried to decide what was next. It’s all about the shoes. She stood up and let her feet explore the new support from the Merrell Moabs. I could walk all day in a pair of these.

      But when it came to kicking an entire army’s ass, nothing beat a pair of six inch Zanotti’s. Molly was up and looking for information. She thought a walk around might clear her mind.


      The Commander couldn’t stop the words from working themselves around inside. Are you sure? She asked me that, she really asked me that. Damn it. The hallway was way too short for his thoughts. He had arrived at the infirmary way before he had finished wringing out his emotions. He sighed and slipped into the room quietly.

      Hodges was lying on his side with a blanket draped over his form. He was breathing softly, the slow rise and fall of shoulders signifying a healthy slumber. He looked okay. There was no need to wake him.

      Ubaid was lying on her stomach, the bandages seemed darkened in spots but not as bad as he had recalled. The Commander felt a tinge of embarrassment, her back was naked, she had been given one of those ridiculous hospital smocks that seemed to cover nothing and fall open at the slightest provocation. The Commander silently walked through the room toward a half open door that looked like an office. There was a nurse, he had heard. It might be a good time to drop in.

      Sunlight from one of those siege castle windows offered some illumination. Just enough to watch the particles of dust play around in the air. They were like swirling fireflies in the ray of light. The desk was old school, from the fifties at least. A few files were stacked to one side beside an ash tray. He examined it closer, a few butts lay curled up inside the black interior. It occurred to the Commander that he hadn’t seen an ashtray in years. They had just simply disappeared with the passing of a few health laws. It was like looking at something from a museum, archaic trappings of time long since passed.

      There was a noise from the other room. Clumsy feet had just made contact with a metal table leg.

      “Fuck.” Someone whispered, more out of exasperation than injury. It was Birk. He was sure of it.

      “Hey,” Birk whispered. “Sorry man, I was just popping over to check on things.”

      “No problem.” Hodges replied with a gravel whisper.

      “I found one of these.” Birk even made noise while rummaging in a backpack.

      “That is the smallest damn whisky bottle I have ever seen in my life.” Hodges had a laugh in his voice.

      “It’s all yours, partner.” Birk kept his voice low, Ubaid was still sleeping.

      “I owe you, man.”

      “No problem,” There was a pause. “I gotta check on our other patient.”

      The Commander moved to the door in time to see Hodges roll over and try to go back to sleep with his back to the rest of the room. Birk seemed to pause for a minute and remember what he was supposed to do next. The Commander watched him with suspicious eyes,

      There was always that mental checklist he would run down with every single order. Ubaid was coming up for promotion. How would the boy from the south handle taking orders from her? He felt himself prepare to storm into the room at the slightest sign of disrespect. Should you do that? No, let her handle it. He noticed Ubaid’s head turn to one side and exhaled. Birk knelt beside her and placed a hand on her naked shoulder,

      The Commander felt his eyes grow intense. Don’t you dare, son.

      Birk kissed Ubaid on the neck, the Commander felt his rage well up inside him.

      “Mmmmmmmm.....” The sensual growl escaped Dacia Ubaid’s mouth.

      “Hey, how you doing?” Birk’s dog like staccato voice was gentle now.

      “I’m better.” Her voice was softer. The precision of her words seemed lost in the suppleness of the moment. “I’m better now that your here.”

      She turned her head and kissed him on the mouth. It was a hard, long kiss. There was no noise and their lips parted. Dacia reached out and caressed his face. The Commander suddenly felt ashamed, dirty for spying on them. For a moment, he stepped back from the shadows and coughed. It was so childish and silly. He couldn’t let them know he was watching.

      He walked through the door a few seconds later into the room. Damn, it was just like being back in high school.

      “Sir.” Birk stood up, straight as a geometric equation, his faced was flushed slightly.

      “Commander, sir.” Ubaid looked up and tried to prop herself up on her elbows.

      “Please, as you were,” The Commander nodded to Birk and then turned to Ubaid. “How are you feeling, Sergeant?”

      “I feel better.” The precision in her voice was back. It occurred to him that he knew so little about this person. He felt arcane, old and out of touch.

      “Well, keep getting better.” He tried to smile kindly and still felt the moment was almost embarrassing. He tried to take a different tact. “How you feeling, Hodges?”

      “Good, sir.” The man had been pretending to be asleep. He slowly began to roll over but the Commander waved him off. Clearly, he knew about all of this. It had been going on right under his nose.

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