Energy Medicine. C. Norman Shealy

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Energy Medicine - C. Norman Shealy

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times, such recommendations for specific stones were very specific for that individual; however the remarkable variety of such stones recommended certainly suggests that there is healing ability or assistance to be found in gemstones.

      As to stones, Cayce gave advice as to how they can best be used. He suggested having the stones:

      As to stones—have near to self, wear preferably upon the body, about the neck, the lapis lazuli; this preferably encased in crystal. It will be not merely as an ornament but as strength from the emanation which will be gained by the body always from same. For the stone is itself an emanation of vibrations of the elements that give vitality, virility, strength, and that of assurance in self.


      Certainly, lapis lazuli was recommended more often than any. For another woman he said:

      However, if the ruby is kept close to the body, it will be strength, power and might in a manner to the purposes set by the entity, or those choices given.


      For another woman, Cayce stated that opal and moonstone would have a beneficial effect upon the body. (276–5) For still another, the reading states:

      Ever wear about the entity rose coral. The vibrations of same, from same, may aid in the mental as well as vibratory urge to make those influences less of a disturbing nature which might otherwise become disturbing.


      Cayce gave considerably more advice on the use of gemstones. Here is but a sampling from a variety of readings:

      For, lapis is not considered a high quality of gem; rather a very low form, but for that indicated in the character of the stone itself, it would be most helpful in creating that vibration which will make for developments of certain characters of demonstrations with any psychic forces or psychic individuals.


      Cayce actually told one man that he would find the stone most useful to his purposes:

      When there is found that [specimen] which is sufficiently clear for the transmission of light and that which may be held in the hand for five to ten minutes and then set aside and listening hear the movements or the vibrations given off from the emanations from self.


      Each element, each stone, each variation of stone, has its own atomic movement, held together by the units of energy that in the universe are concentrated in that particular activity. Hence, they come under varied activities according to their color, vibration or emanation.


      The auras as compared to the stones, these should work in ninety-nine percent of the conditions where these are considered as those things that work with, not against, the colors seen in the auras; that is, those which indicate the fire signs . . . should never wear opals, and they will even fade flowers when worn on their bodies.


      So may numbers and those vibrations from stones as given, with metals, such as come in the lapis lazuli, make for the raising of the attunement in self through meditation. But know these, my child, are but means—they are not the God Force—the Spirit, but the manifestations of same.


      Energy Devices

      Cayce often talked about vibration and frequency. In fact, he himself developed two devices that were specifically for subtle energetic vibratory influences—the Wet Cell Appliance and the Impedance Device, also known as the Radial or Radio-Active Appliance:

      The vibrations . . . will aid in producing that vibration necessary, not only for coordination of the glandular system, but for the ability in the nerve itself to be rejuvenated . . .

      . . . this works directly upon the glandular system; the thyroid, the adrenals and the thymus. All the glands of the body; thus enabling them to react as assimilating forces.

      For that is the process of the activity of the glands, to secrete that which enables the body, physically, throughout, to reproduce itself.


      The Wet Cell Appliance was described in 609 cases of the almost 9,000 health-related readings for illnesses such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, nerve deafness, and “incoordination” of the nervous system. The Wet Cell Appliance was suggested for use 609 times for:

      • Nerves, nervous system, and incoordination

      • Abnormal children

      • Multiple sclerosis

      • Insanity

      • Arthritis

      • Paralysis

      • Parkinson’s disease

      • Deafness

      • Various other ailments

      The Wet Cell Appliance was for rebuilding tissue such as in:

      • Arthritis

      • Multiple sclerosis, etc.

      The Impedance Device was recommended predominately as an instrument of relaxation in cases of nervous tension, poor circulation, insomnia, neurasthenia, and debilitation. The Wet Cell Appliance actually does produce a very low electrical current that can be measured with a voltmeter. It was passed through solutions that might include gold chloride, silver nitrate, atomidine, or camphor, depending on the individual’s need.

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