Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

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Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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       . . . there arose the needs for the Temple of Sacrifice, where entities, individuals, might offer themselves for the purification of their bodies, that they first might be channels through which there might come entities, souls, manifesting in the earth with the entire activity of body, mind, soul . . . And with these expressions there were those who chose the activities that were set in motion for the purifying of their bodies, that there might be the purifying of physical conditions which had been and were being affected by the emotional forces, or the carnal influences about them in the experience.


      Cayce described the Temple of Sacrifice as the equivalent of a modern day hospital, where surgery was performed to remove the appendages—such as scales, hooves, claws, and horns—from the thought–form bodies.

       The passage of individuals . . . through the experiences in the Temple of Sacrifice was much as would be in the hospitalization, or a hospital of the present day, when there have become antagonistic conditions within the physical body, such as to produce tumors, wens, warts, or such.

       Magnify this into the disturbances which were indicated or illustrated in conditions where there was the body or figure of the horse, or the head of the horse with the body of man; or where there were the various conditions indicated in the expressions by the pushing of spirit into physical matter until it became influenced by or subject to same. Such influences we see in the present manifested as habits, or the habit forming conditions.

       Then there are, or were the needs for the attempts to operate, as well as to adhere to diets and activities to change the natures of the individuals, that their offspring, as well as themselves, might bring forth that which was in keeping with—or a pattern of—those influences in which there were souls or spirits with the idea, or ideal, of seeking light.

       For, how is it termed in the record? That the heart and purpose of man is to do evil!


      A highly developed form of spiritual, and psychological counseling was done in the Temple Beautiful, also in Egypt.

      The Temple of Sacrifice was a physical experience, while the Temple Beautiful was rather of the mental, in which there was the spiritualization—not idolizing, but crystallizing of activities or services to a special purpose—or specializing in preparation for given offices of activity.

       Hence from same has arisen a great many of the signs, the symbols, the various influences that have had and may have a part in influencing peoples and individuals . . . toward activities for greater expansions, greater developments.


       In the present when evil has taken hold, it forms itself into those influences that are called habits, or inclinations, or intents; and it is necessary to eliminate these from the purposes and aims and desires of individuals.

       So were the experiences through those activities in the Temple of Service of what is known as the Temple of Sacrifice; sacrificing self that the spirit, the purpose, the love of God might be made manifest through the individual.


      When the holocaust was over, a new era in the evolution of man began. Temple services such as in Egypt laid the foundation. The physical pattern brought with the Adamic line was now firmly established. No longer would great monstrosities or unusual mixtures be created. The era of occult projections (via mind and spirit force) was over. All souls who desired to enter the earth’s plane had to manifest through the natural channels provided through the sexual union of man and woman.

      The sex-force, which had tempted man and led to his entanglement in matter, would have to be purified and creative in order to lift him out.

      A new phase of development follows the Deluge. If the pre-Deluge era relates to the period of establishing physical evolutionary patterns for man, the ensuing period relates to the building of Mind, or mental awareness. Only through a purified Life-force enlivening the mind of man and his senses could a higher awareness be developed—as the recipient of this reading was counseled:

       Think no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, and as the Truth flows as a stream of life through the mind in all its phases or aspects of same, so will it purify and revivify and rejuvenate the body.


      Just as the ideal pattern for the physical body was established, or evolved in the phase preceding the Deluge, the following cycle relates to the development of the perfect Mind.

       For, that which leads to the Christ is the Mind. And the mind’s unfoldment may be that indicated from Abraham to the Christ.


      But before Abraham, there is Babel.

      9See Edgar Evans Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis.

      The Tower of Babel

      As the Sons of God multiplied in the earth, the size of their groups increased, and they eventually became nations.

       Thus when man began to defy God in the earth and the confusion arose which is represented in the Tower of Babel—these are [the] representation of what was then the basis, the beginnings of nations. Nations were set up then in various portions of the land, and each group, one stronger than another, set about to seek their gratifications.


      The developments represented in Genesis 11 occurred over many thousands, if not millions of years, and originated in pre-Adamic civilizations. Moses, in order to present an easily grasped and comprehensible picture, told his history as a continuous, chronological sequence. Actually the events symbolized in Cain and Abel, the Flood, and the Tower were occurring simultaneously and were overlapping events. These stories depict the same phenomena, told from different points of view—the loss of the spiritual consciousness and its effect upon the Sons of God.

       . . . commenting upon the subject Destiny of the Soul: As man finds himself in the consciousness of a material world, materiality has often, in the material-minded, blotted out the consciousness of a soul.


      Before Babel, the whole world “spoke one language with few words.” (Genesis 11:1)

       The disruption of communications of all natures between men is what? Remember the story, the allegory if ye choose to call it such, of the Tower of Babel.


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