Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

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Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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was lost to the first Adam is regained and restored by the second Adam, Jesus, whom the readings tell us is the same soul, who through many incarnations in the earth, regained his full sonship with his Source. Jesus the man becomes Christ the power, and a true Elder Brother who will, through the Holy Spirit, guide us step by step on our own path back to the oneness and perfection of the Whole. It is our destiny to find our way back to the all-supplying Garden to eat from the Tree of Life in unity with the One, no longer lost or deceived by a dual-minded, self-created ego lost in the bewildering knowledge of good and evil.

      Again, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr. Richard Copeland for his generous gift, and the enthusiasm and support of Kevin Todeschi, Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., for making made this new Three as One edition a reality. They also have provided me with a much valued and welcome opportunity to include additional material from the records of Edgar Cayce’s popular Bible Class lessons.

      It is my prayer that in this One volume you find assistance and wisdom to lead you to ever greater expressions of love and unity, which are found in the divine image that you are.

      Robert W. Krajenke, Virginia Beach, VA


      The Bible is a Book of Life, and all Life comes from God. What we find in Scripture we see manifested in our lives every day. Unless we can experience the validity of the concepts presented to us, we have no basis for understanding their merit or meaning. We believe the Bible because we can experience its truths. It is possible to experience everything written in the Bible, Edgar Cayce said, and that is why the Book is holy, and why it comes from God.

      Jesus quoted what the psalmist already knew—that we are all gods in the making. (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6) We are gods because we possess a soul. It is the soul that is the Image of God, the readings tell us, and not the physical body. For Edgar Cayce, the Bible was an inspired record, the word of God written by men as they were moved by the Spirit. And what inspired them? Cayce asked. Their souls! We are all potential Christs, and as the Spirit moves through our souls, we can write, read, and live in the same consciousness as the saints and prophets of the past.

      The approach of Edgar Cayce is based on application and experience. His interpretations have the unique and vital quality of making the Bible “come alive.”

      A number of people who knew Edgar Cayce feel that the greatest contribution he made in their lives was to re-awaken them to the Bible. Since his death, many who have studied his psychic legacy have carried the same conviction.

      A study of the Cayce interpretations, correlated with regular reading of the Bible, can increase the dimensions of our own humanity as well as make the Divine more real. The following are a few examples from the clairvoyant discourses of Edgar Cayce regarding the Bible:

       (Q) What present printed version of the Bible gives the nearest to the true meaning of both the New and Old Testaments?

       (A) The nearest true version for the entity is that ye apply of whatever version ye read, in your life. It isn’t that ye learn from anyone. Ye only may have the direction. The learning, the teaching is within self. For where hath He promised to meet thee? Within the temple! Where is that temple? Within! Where is heaven on earth? Within! Meet thy Savior there . . .

       There have been many versions of that which was purposed to have been written, and has been changed from all of those versions, but remember that the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ is: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, thy heart, and thy body, and thy neighbor as thyself.” Do this and thou shalt have eternal life. The rest of the book is trying to describe that. It is the same in any language, any version.

       For there be many misinterpretations, poor translations, but to find fault with that thou hast and not used same is to make excuses that you haven’t it as it was given . . .


       For much might be given respecting that ye have that ye call the Bible. This has passed through many hands. Many that would turn that which was written into the meanings that would suit their own purposes, as ye yourselves oft do. But if ye will get the spirit of that written there ye may find it will lead thee to the gates of heaven . . . Read it to be wise. Study it to understand. Live it to know that the Christ walks through same with thee.


       But study and know thy relationship to the Creator. No better handbook may be used than the Scripture itself.


      The concepts presented in this book are drawn from the clairvoyant readings of Edgar Cayce. A secondary source is the commentary and philosophy he expressed in his weekly Bible class.

      Edgar Cayce had the psychic gift of being able to put himself into a self-induced trance. While in this state, Cayce was completely unconscious, yet able to discourse at length on any subject which was asked of him. Although a man of little formal education, and not scholarly by temperament, while in this sleep-like condition, Cayce had access to unlimited information. These discourses are called “readings.”

      The accuracy of many of the readings can be ascertained because they related to the diagnosis of physical ailments, often for people hundreds or thousands of miles away, whom Cayce had never met or seen.

      Still other readings contained intimations of the future which have been confirmed by the passage of time. The readings anticipated such events as the discovery of the laser beam and gave vivid descriptions of an Essene community before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

      The approach to Life taken by the readings, with its emphasis on dreams, meditation, and small group dynamics, is clearly a harbinger of many recent developments, and several decades ahead of the interest now shown by psychologists, theologians, and social therapists. In many ways, the readings’ view on the nature of Man and the possibilities in Life are still far ahead of the conclusions and implications drawn by these modern practitioners.

      The readings also discussed reincarnation and dealt with it in a specific framework compatible with Judeo-Christian ethics. Indeed, reincarnation aids in clarifying many of the enigmatic and mysterious statements made throughout Scripture.

      The framework, philosophy, and logic of reincarnation, as explained by Edgar Cayce, give a consistent picture of God’s Love and also offer an acceptable explanation of Jesus’ life and development as the Savior. It was the result of many incarnations in the earth in which all the trials and errors of the flesh were experienced and overcome by the soul’s yearning to be One with God.

      Perhaps what is most inspiring and encouraging about a Bible with reincarnation in it is that we may find ourselves as part of the story, as many who obtained readings from Edgar Cayce did.

      The discourses which deal directly with reincarnation are called “Life readings,” and were given for individuals who requested them. They described influences from previous incarnations which were directly affecting the

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