Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

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Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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God made himself manifest through the creature called Adam, or Man.

      The Divine Image appeared in physical form through Adam who was the prototype for a race which appeared in the earth in five places at once. Sons of God, who were still in spiritual surroundings and conscious of the Light, chose to take on the form of Man, and entered into the earth and began a ministry of love, education, and healing to their brothers.

      The soul whom we know as Jesus was the leader and director of this movement, and is the one we know as the first Adam.

      The work of the five lines of the Adamic race was nothing less than the resuscitation of imperfect man and the regeneration of his fallen consciousness, a work which still continues.

      The Fall of Adam is representational of the fall in flesh of the perfect race. They also were tempted by the possibilities for experience in a material world. Eventually they lost the consciousness of their spiritual ideal and purpose for entering the world. From time to time great leaders arose to remind them that the kingdom they were seeking was a spiritual one and not earthly.

      It was over two hundred thousand years between the first experience of Adam and the last as Jesus. Other lives in the Old Testament of this soul include those as Enoch, Melchizedek, Joseph, Joshua, and Jeshua, high–priest following the return from Babylon. An incarnation as Asaph, choirmaster at the time of King David, is intimated. The readings suggest other incarnations as well—a total of 33. In all of them, the Master-soul contributed the knowledge of “The Lord, Thy God, is One” to all religions.

       From the Birth of Soul to the Death of Moses

      And is there a nation on the earth like thy people Israel, whom God saved to be a people for himself and to make him a name and to do for him great and notable deeds upon the earth, as he had done in former days for thy people whom thou savedst for thyself out of Egypt, a people whose God thou art? (2 Samuel 7:23)

       For the universe, God, is within. Thou art His. Thy communion with the cosmic forces of nature, thy communion with thy Creator, is thy birthright! Be satisfied with nothing less than walking with Him.


      In God’s Mind a Spiritual Creation

       The earth’s sphere, with the creation in the mind of the Creator, has kept its same Creative Energy, for God is the same yesterday, today, and forever . . .


       Hence we find the evolution of the soul, as has been given, and as is manifest in the material world, took place before man’s appearance, the evolution of the soul in the mind of the Creator, not in the material world.


      Genesis 1, according to Edgar Cayce, is the description of a spiritual creation, occurring within the Mind of God. All things first originate in Spirit, the readings proclaim. Material existence is a shadow, or reflection, of spiritual patterns. Material evolution is a reflection of a process of God’s consciousness as He directed the manifestation of His spirit in materiality.

       The earth and the universe, as related to man, came into being through the Mind—Mind—of the Maker . . .


       Mind is ever the builder. For in the beginning, God moved and mind, knowledge, came into being—and the earth and the fullness thereof became the result . . .


      “God’s Mind” is a creative energy—a conscious and intelligent force composed of Love, Harmony and Beauty, and is omnipotent and omnipresent.

      According to the interpretation in the Gospel of St. John, the Light which was in Jesus was the same Light out of which the world was created.

       . . . Would that all would learn that He, the Christ–consciousness, is the Giver, the Maker, the Creator of the world and all that be therein.


      The following indicates how early in the process of Creation souls became fascinated and tempted by the possibilities for their own expressions and experiences.

       When the earth became a dwelling place for matter, when gases formed into those things that man sees in nature and in activity about him, then matter began its ascent in the various forms of physical evolution—in the mind of God!

       The spirit chose to enter (celestial, not an earth spirit—he hadn’t come into earth yet!), chose to put on, to become a part of that which was as a command not to be done!


      It was this spirit in rebellion that later was represented by the serpent.

       Remember, as given, the earth is that speck, that part in creation where souls projected themselves into matter, and thus brought conscious awareness of themselves entertaining the ability of creating without those forces of the spirit of truth.

       Hence, that which has been indicated—that serpent, that Satan, that power manifested by entities that . . . through Will separated themselves.


       “And Darkness was upon the Face of the Deep”

       (Q) In relation to the Oneness of all force, explain the popular concept of the Devil, seemingly substantiated in the Bible by so many passages of Scripture.

       (A) In the beginning, celestial beings. We have first the Son, then the other sons, or celestial beings, that are given their force and power. Hence that force which rebelled in the unseen forces (or in spirit) that came into activity, was that influence which has been called Satan, the Devil, the Serpent; they are One. That of rebellion.


      Hence, “darkness was upon the face of the Deep.” This represents the spirit of ignorance, selfishness, the loss of

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