Your Life. Bruce McArthur

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Your Life - Bruce McArthur

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forth very quickly, others more slowly, but all in divine order.11

      We have planted seeds, and we patiently wait. When the plants appear—possibly some weeds also—the farmer goes to work again to cultivate and care for the plants and to pull the weeds. So should we. Weeds come from the seeds planted with negative thoughts—like “It won’t grow,” ”I didn’t do it right,” “It wasn’t the right seed,” or “I should have done more.”

       Every negative word, such as one of criticism or of doubt, is a weed seed. In some way it is based on fear or distrust or other destructive attitude. Pull those weeds and throw them out! Better still, don’t plant those seeds!

      There is another reason why the spirit in which you plant the seeds is so important. It is expressed in this second law of increase:


      This is a sublaw of “as you sow so shall you reap” as shown in Figure 3.

      FIGURE 3

      That may need some explanation:

      The Universal Laws, in many instances, seem similar; yet each contributes uniquely to our life. Some of them, master laws, define an overall principle. Others are subsets of the master and define specific aspects of that principle. For example, the master law we are studying is “like begets like,” which deals with a like condition begetting a like condition. The first law of increase—“as you sow so shall you reap”—defines a specific aspect of “like begets like” and is, therefore, a sublaw of it.

      The law we will study in the next chapter—the law of attraction—defines another aspect of “like begets like,” so it, too, is a sublaw.

      The second law of increase—“the spirit of your actions multiplies the result”—defines a specific aspect of the first law of increase and is, therefore, a sublaw of it.

      The following reading gives the keys that determine the “spirit of your actions.” These set the amount of increase that occurs after you plant the seed.

      Use then that you have in hand [plant the seed]. For He will multiply it, some to ten, some to twenty, to some sixty, to some an hundredfold; dependent upon that purpose and that sincerity to which you may use that in hand. (1397-2)AR

      Thus, there are three areas on which you need to check yourself to insure multiplication by the law of increase. They are:

      1) Your purpose. How clear is your purpose? How definite? Is it in accord with the Creative Forces?

      2) Your sincerity. Are you lukewarm or really intent and committed to your purpose? Are you free of hypocrisy, deceit, or duplicity regarding your purpose? Is your dedication to it as pure as you can make it?

      3) Your willingness. Are you using that which you now have available to you? If you are not willing to use what you have (your talents, gifts, ideas, mind, materials), your purpose and sincerity are questionable. Pie-in-the-sky predictions of what you would do “if” are just that.

      Reviewing these requirements, we can see why results are so varied for different individuals. For gardeners this may explain the “green thumb.” Those who are clear about their purpose and who work in sincerity with plant life appear to have a “green thumb.” Of course, the implications of reading 1397-2 go far beyond gardening and into all of life, as we plant seeds in one way or another. The Creative Forces are aware of our purpose and the sincerity and willingness with which we are doing our sowing. The results vary accordingly. In fact, they vary greatly—some get ten or a hundred times as much as others. As always, the results depend entirely upon us.

      If you have a great fear of being robbed or having your house burglarized, you’re planting seeds of fear. You’re planting the seeds of “I am going to be robbed.” You may buy numerous devices, such as alarms and locks to prevent a burglary or to warn you and protect you. These devices are of no value unless they enable you to overcome your fears. If so, then you have destroyed the seeds of fear. If you are still fearful, then the seeds are still present and will bring their fruits: a robbery. The greater your fear, the greater the chance it will happen. The reason you fear is because you have faith it will happen. Your increased fear, in effect, gives the negative seeds increased energy. This is implicit in the biblical commandment: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3, KJV) You can make “little gods” of fears and unwittingly pray to them.12

      Denise, a member of our study group, lived in a high crime-rate section of the city. Her car, even though locked, had been broken into several times. Finally, she decided she would not lock her car but would leave it to God to protect her and her possessions, and she would no longer concern herself about it. For several years after that decision, she had no thefts. Then one day a friend from New York, who was staying with her overnight, insisted that she lock her car since she wished to leave some items in the trunk. Denise reluctantly locked it. It was broken into that night. The seeds of fear introduced by a friend brought an immediate response.

      The ideal would be to develop and maintain a positive attitude of complete faith in the Creator as our protector in all circumstances. Then we would never need to lock our doors. By planting the seed “I am protected,” we can reap that result: we are protected.13

      I have known people who have not locked their doors for years, even though they live in heavily populated areas. They have had no problems. To do what they do, you must be sure of your faith, certain that your consciousness harbors no hidden fears or doubts about such a course.

      My approach is different, but also adheres to the law. I feel that I, as a co-worker, must do my part with what I have. I lock my door, but I do so knowing that with that act I am planting the seed of protection. But I also plant the seed of knowing that the Universe will give the increase to whatever degree of protection is required. The spirit that I sow and that the Creative Forces multiply is protection, even in case the lock is not enough or I forget to lock it. By using the law of increase this way, I am completely protected regardless of circumstances.

      My approach is one of cooperation. It is based on the knowledge that the farmer must not only plant the seeds, but also do what he knows to do—such as cultivating the crop—to cooperate with the Creative Forces in producing the harvest. Cooperation is necessary for us as co-workers. It is all a part of “as you sow.”

      We must recognize that we can only do so much; we do what we can with what we have. Our powers as humans are limited—but as we cooperate as co-workers with the Divine, there is no limit to the power available to us. The Higher Power has no limits and is totally dependable because its nature is to love and care for us. By turning to that source and away from our fears, we substitute truth for illusion or true power for imagined power. As a result, we can be “in the world,” seeing and hearing all its troubles and woes, but “not of it.” In recognizing the higher power of our Creator and using the Universal Laws in that spirit, we are freed from our fears and those of the world because we then recognize we have nothing to fear.14

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