Your Life. Bruce McArthur

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Your Life - Bruce McArthur

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      We need to ask this question of ourselves and we need to ask it from the consciousness of “What would I like to do for or give to others?” Possible answers to this can be found in the following list of “seeds of the Spirit” given in the readings plus other “joy” seeds from which you might wish to choose. These seeds are attitudes that express our spirit. We sow them by making that seed our attitude toward self and others. We “be” that attitude, so that then becomes our “Be” Attitude!

      Look at this list of wonderful attitudes that you can give first to others and eventually have in your own life:

“Be” Attitudes The Fruits
Sow these seeds of the Spirit in the hearts, in the minds, in the lives of others* And harvest this in your life
be loving love
be gentle gentleness
be kind kindness
be patient patience
be friendly friends (fellowship)
be merciful mercy
be truthful truth
be hopeful hope
be faithful faith
be good goodness
be joyful joy
be peaceful peace
be humble humbleness
be harmonious harmony
be understanding understanding
be consistent in acts and speech consistency
Other Constructive Attitudes
be content contentment
be honest honesty
be appreciative appreciation
be generous abundance
be cooperative cooperation
be just justice
be forgiving forgiveness

      Pick one or two of the “Be” Attitudes as a start. Work diligently to apply them by thinking, acting, and speaking in that manner in all your dealings with others. Use your ideas, imagination, and creativity. It takes conscious effort and patience. The key is to apply the law: Whatever you want in your life, sow that in your thoughts, words, and acts toward yourself and others. It will grow and return to you. Think what that means to each of us: we can be or have anything in our lives we want by applying this law, provided we are not doing it for a selfish purpose, but to share and to give the same to others.18

       To sow any one of these seeds, you need to make that attitude a part of your life, make it the spirit in which you act. Believe it, live it, do it, express it, be it—become that attitude—”be” that attitude.

      For example, you may choose to “be joyful” in order to bring more joy into the lives of others. The Cayce readings, which spoke frequently about joy, suggested being joyful in all you do. Express that joy with smiles and “Smile often, for smiling is catching—but sadness drives away.” (518-1) As we bring any of the seeds of the spirit to our associates, we are expressing a portion of the Christ Consciousness. Whenever we do that, we bring joy to others. This is further emphasized in this reading:

      Your body is indeed the temple of the living God. There He has promised to meet you often. Meet Him, in joy, in song, in prayer. Thus you will find your life blossoming—physically, mentally and spiritually—even as the rose. And the very fragrance of your life, the beauty of your life, will make and bring joy to many. (3440-2)AR

      To a young man, Cayce offered important advice on sowing seeds and also gave him a unique and meaningful purpose:

      Find each day where you may help someone less fortunate in some way, whether in body, in mind, in opportunity, in circumstance. Help not for pay, not just because you want to help, but because he is your brother, because he is yourself, for as you do unto others you do to your Maker …

      In that manner, then, may you … find that which will bring the greater help, the greater joy, the greater experiences of life. (5250-1)AR

      We can summarize the steps to becoming a channel for joy in our world:

      1. Be joyful in all that you do.

      2. Smile often.

      3. Manifest to others the seeds of the Spirit, such as peace, love, joy, and patience.

      4. Pray and sing joyfully.

      5. Help someone each day.

      You can create a similar program for any one of the seeds of the Spirit you choose to manifest. “As you sow—so shall you reap!”

      Whenever we start such a program, our actions are understandably a bit mechanical—like a child first practicing the piano. Practice, however, will make perfect. We should be kind, gentle, and supportive of ourselves while we are learning. I often write notes to myself to remind me of what I’m trying to do. Then I put them in many places so that I will find them as I go through my day. Or I use a timer to jog my memory. I even give myself a reward when I remember without the notes. Such aids can be helpful when we are working to change our consciousness.

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