Soulful Parenting. Susan Gale

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Soulful Parenting - Susan Gale

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and is the extenuation of is first cause.

       In those glands that are eventually known as the genital, or in the lyden, and the inner centers of the thyroid through and from which the exterior forces are indicated in their activity, there begins then the formation of the superficial circulation; that leads or connects between its spiritual import, its mental purpose, and its physical development—for their coordination…

       These follow through, throughout the periods of gestation, and are dependent still upon the environs, the mental attributes and activities, the purposes and aims of that individual bearing the entity.

       Thus it comes into the material world with that held to by that parent, with the characteristics that are the sum of spiritual, mental and material purposes of the first cause, as combined with its age and era or period of development.


      We are again reminded that the force of the mind, which is linked to the Source, is what causes the development of the functioning of the bodily systems:

       (Q) What is the condition of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, organs?

       (A) As indicated, these show changes coming about; that is, the age, the activities, the desires, the hopes and the fears affect the body-physical, each bringing about changes. For, in a body—the formation of a body from the first concept—there is first the formation of brain, heart, and liver, then the kidneys. These then become the organs of the central system—as to the blood supply, as to nerve energies. Then as the mind forces function, or those activities governed by the creating of glandular centers that control functioning, these change according to the natural developments of a physical organism.


      Thus, even when expounding on the physical development, the Source returns to the purposes of the parent and the physical, mental, and spiritual manifestations of those purposes.

      Over and over we are reminded that thoughts are things. It cannot be emphasized enough how much the Source of the readings stresses having a positive attitude, particularly in the time of pregnancy: “Keep that attitude of hopeful expectancy, and we should find better influences and forces for the body.” (578-9)

       Physical Care of the Mother

      Overview. Even though mind is the builder, because the temple is physical, certain physical practices need to be followed by the mother. Nutrition and exercise are very important during pregnancy. The readings also called for adjustments by an osteopath and the use of Atomidine during pregnancy to assist the body with its changes. The readings consistently cautioned against using the usual medications for nausea, as the nausea is normal and part of the process. Drinking limeade was recommended, along with getting up later and being quieter in the morning.

      Exercise. While exercise is consistently advised, it was not to be strenuous or with the use of weights and such.

       There should not be any hindrance towards full, normal development, if there is plenty of exercise taken—not of the nature where there is too much pulling, lifting or hauling things about, but such as walking, riding—and:

       We would occasionally—once in two weeks—have a thorough relaxing of the system osteopathically, for the bodily forces to adjust themselves to the development of those conditions with the body.

       As should be understood, of course, these should not be for corrections, other than assisting the body in correcting its new positions—especially through those areas from the first of the dorsals to the pelvic portions, of course, and the coccyx area.1


      Diet and Supplements. Following the dietary recommendations of the readings is probably the hallmark of a student of the A.R.E. material. At the A.R.E. Family Camp, there is even a song with the refrain “I’ve gone A.R.E.,” referring to the lack of soda, and the like, in one’s diet. The readings for the mother’s well-being during pregnancy are also full of dietary advice as well as the recommended use of supplements. Calcios and Atomidine are frequently cited as good for the development of the bone structure and glandular systems, respectively:

       Occasionally we would add the iodine as found in Atomidine; not oftener than once a week, and only two drops in water before the morning meal is taken. After it has been taken once a week for at least two or three months, leave off for a month to six weeks—then take it again about two weeks, and then leave off. This is a purifier for the glandular system, and will work with this body especially in aiding the kidneys, and for the foetal body strengthening the eyes.

       Also we would take Calcios about five to six months, beginning at least by the first of January. This, to be sure, is for bone and teeth, and is needed for the body itself as it is drawn upon in the development of the foetus.


       The nausea that occurs is a normal condition and should not be attempted to be handled with or by taking of conditions or properties that would interfere with the normal nervous system.

       Rather be mindful of the activities, the quality or quantity of waters as are taken, and the manner in which the diets are followed to keep a normal amount of calcium, chlorines, iodines, and such as will keep a normalcy—not only for the mother body but of the body developing also. These will then bring about a normal condition as to this respect, as well as for the developing body itself.

       Be mindful that the kidneys are kept normal, and that there is not too much standing on feet—but walking is the best exercise, though do not overdo same, especially not overdoing same in running up or running down flights of stairs, lifting things nor in pushing things about with body, with arms, or with limbs—see?


      The readings also acknowledge the mother-to-be’s quirky dietary desires. These are not to be denied. Thus, those late night requests for the desired foods are to be honored with the real thing! Wild game is also recommended, as it supplies essentials of the earth not supplied by domesticated animals. Yet, even in the commentary on diet is the admonition to be mindful of the purpose of the pregnancy: To bring in a soul who will bring light and blessings to the world.

       As to the diet of the body: In the early morning there should not be a great quantity of foods, to be sure, but those of the cereals that carry a great deal of the whole wheat, or barley and wheat combined. These are most helpful, for they carry, to be sure, a quantity of iron. But with these properties being taken of the lime, with these, will assist in eliminating much of those disturbances of the excess of irons as produce blemishes or spots over various portions of the body. But do not be in such a way and manner as to try to get rid of these. For these should be rather the indications of how the body is balancing itself.

       In the noons we would have rather the raw vegetables as much as possible, with—of course—vegetable soups or with a little meat. But whatever the body desires! And we will find one day it’ll want one thing and the next another, and it’ll be as strange as may be! But not over-quantities of this. But these become as necessary influences. For remember, the body is awakened to the needs of what is in

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