Soulful Parenting. Susan Gale

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Soulful Parenting - Susan Gale

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the physical reactions! And these should not be denied; though at times they may be “put to” to find the things just as needed. And oft when they are obtained it isn’t just what it wants! But the fruits, the small fruits—for soon there will be the desire for strawberries when there aren’t any! There will be the desire for cherries when there aren’t any! There’ll be the desire for this, that or the other; but supply these. Not with synthetic applications or productions, but as near to the proper foods in those directions as possible.

       Meats—adhere closer to lamb, fowl, fish, goose, duck and the like. Wild game, especially, if there are the possibilities of these—these will supply elements that are not obtained from those where there are too great precautions taken in their foods. For nature is the greater physician than all the learned! For as there is given into the keeping of each body the ability to bring forth that channel through which a soul may manifest, there is given into the keeping of the mental forces that which makes for the demands that may bring these into that way and manner in which the greater channel may come. For ever is there being sought those channels through which the spirit of truth and life may be brought to a waiting, a seeking, a sin-ridden world; for those expressions where the greater blessings may be given to man in every estate.

      Then as has been indicated, add those that are so helpful; and those combinations in the food values follow rather in those lines. Not too much, to be sure, of the citrus fruit juices of mornings for a body in these developing or changing periods, but these may be taken during the day if desired after food has been taken, for it tends to then supply those elements for the body itself as well as for the body-building that becomes more and more of a constructive and building force.


       Any Other Advice?

      At the end of many readings on pregnancy, the question was asked if the Source had any other advice. In answer, the readings invariably encourage a positive outlook for its benefits to both mother and expected child, again focusing the seekers’ attention on the spiritual opportunity at hand to bring forth a soul who would walk with Spirit to bring light to others.

       (Q) Any other advice for the body at this time?

       (A) Keep the proper mental attitudes, with the proper physical development, and we will find a great deal may be accomplished in keeping cheerful, and in keeping those conditions about self in the developments that may be most helpful.


       (Q) Any other advice for the body?

       (A) Know that the body in its meditations, in its prayers, in its supplications, may make for the creating of those environs through which greater expectations or greater souls may manifest. For in those periods of gestation the attitude of those responsible, those that will take upon themselves the activities, brings to themselves the greater souls that become the blessings to themselves, to others, to the world. For as has been given, blessed are they that bring forth a man-child.


       (Q) Any other advice for the body at this time?

      (A) Keep in as cheery and as active a mood as possible. Always see the funny side. Laugh at every condition that comes. For this will make for a great deal better environment for the whole of these changing influences and forces. Do not look upon any conditions or experiences as may arise other than as those that will bring, if used in their proper sense, those influences in the experience of the body that there may be the greater blessings to self, to others, in the activity of the soul that may manifest through those changes that are coming to the body.

       For no greater office is there for an entity to fill than to be a channel through which a soul may find the way of experience into the material plane.


       (Q) Any other counsel or advice at this time that will be of benefit?

       (A) Keep the attitudes for the mother in the manner in which there may be known that those who bring a soul into activity in the material world have those privileges, opportunities, for the giving of an expression of creative forces in an activative way and manner, that with the development of that soul in the material world may not only make for joy and peace and harmony in the experience of that soul but be an added condition for manifestations of God’s love to the sons of men.


       Personal Experiences

       During my pregnancy, I meditated daily, practiced yoga until it was not considered safe according to the sources I was using, and talked to the baby every day. I spent a lot of time outside, showing him the magical qualities of nature. I told him I wanted him to be a boy. He talked to me as well, hovering about. After his birth, I realized he had been around me all my life, as I missed that presence I had felt since a child! My child was a wonderfully intuitive person who could commune with the animals and trees, and do amazing energy work, which manifested itself in actions from starting a car to bringing someone back from the dead. He also had a fierce temper, no patience, and was completely self-centered when young! It has been a journey for us both, working around that temper and self-centeredness. However, it has been a successful one.

       —Susan Gale

      So, just because you meditate, work to have good thoughts and good actions, and live a simple, healthy lifestyle during the growth of the body does not mean that you will have an easy child. Sometimes a child who needs much help may be attracted by the very goodness that is being lived.

      But, regardless of the results, in the very beginning, the “It” is having good thoughts and loving actions of service, practicing a healthy lifestyle. Just Live It!

      The next chapter is a wondrous example of one woman’s experience and the resulting work she does to help parents give birth in an individually healthy way. Although Asha Ramakrishna has not been a student of the Cayce readings, her work is evidence that while the truth can be found in many ways, the truly important thing is to live what we know.


       The Birth of My Dreams

       By Asha Ramakrishna

      I was aware of the impact of my emotional and mental well-being on my baby during my pregnancy, yet I was living a stressful life. I allowed my work environment to bounce me from emotion to emotion while knowing that I was not choosing the most optimal external and internal influences for the incoming soul.

      Allowing circumstances and people to control my state of mind led me to a disempowered birth experience as well. I gave my power to my medical team, and they took care of me the best way they knew how. With the care of Western medicine and use of statistical data, I became another pitocin-induced, narcotic-managed birthing woman. My baby was born, allowed to be on my chest to nurse for minutes, and then prodded, poked, bundled, and returned to my husband’s arms as I was stitched up, owing to the forceful delivery.


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