Are You Winning Or Losing In Life?. Priceless Royalty

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Are You Winning Or Losing In Life? - Priceless Royalty

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conversation about helping someone improve we bad mouth them. Such as, when our child or spouse make us angry, we get on the phone with someone and bad mouth them. We are not building people up when we bad mouth them. Too much talking becomes babbling. The more we talk the more trouble we get into and we do not know it. Have you ever had a conversation with someone that was good, but went bad? People stop being friends from a conversation that made no sense from the beginning. Too much talking can lead us to speaking evil about someone. We can be talking about the weather, then someone’s personal business that we know. Too much talking can open up old wounds, we suppressed in the back of our mind. Some people who talk too much tell stories that never happen. When we are angry with someone and discuss how we feel with a friend. The more we talk about it the more angrier we get. Hate and retaliation will grow in our heart. With the right conversation a person can have people killing, stealing and prostituting for them. This has happen to a lot of people. They got into trouble from a conversation. Our conversations cannot be of both positive and negative. There should be two words said in a conversation yes or no. Anymore words said more than these two words brings trouble.

      Growing up people followed who were popular, rich, pretty and the bully. There is something we have in common with the people we choose to be friends with. The people were friends with can make us a better person or the worse one on the planet. Most people do not care if the person they are friends with behavior is good and evil. No one who does good and evil at the same time should be followed, they’re Lukewarm. It is the blind leading the blind. If a person behavior is positive every time you see them, this is a person to follow. But, if a person behavior is negative every time you see them, this is a person not to follow. We lose our soul and integrity following people who does the opposite of good. You hang around liars, thieves and murderers you will become one yourself. You may not be doing the same things as your friend, but society does not look at it that way. If your friend is known for being a thief, you are going to be considered one. Even if you never stole a day in your life. If your girlfriend is known for being a whore, people will feel you are. We become as guilty as the people we hang with and eventually we will become like them. Most of the time the people we follow to do wrong are not the ones who get caught. We cannot partake in other people’s sins. Just because, the people were friends with choose to kill, steal and destroy does not mean to be like them. Remember that Satan do not want to burn in Hell alone and neither does the people we follow to do evil. The Devil and everyone who is swift to do evil always have an advocate. Who we are friends with says a lot about our character and what we think about ourselves. There is no in between.

      We should never try to impress people because we will come off as a fake, brown nose and want to be. Some of us try to impress our family members by making faces (like frowning) behind the one we suppose to love back. People showing out and trying to impress others has been going on since childhood. Most people want a pat on the back for doing something impressive. Some people do not show out until they get some liquor and drugs in them. Some people are fine to be around as long as no one else is around. But, when other people come around they get loud and obnoxious. Some of our friends and family would have their friend over and would mistreat us to impress their friend. Some people will impress their boss at work, but do nothing to impress their spouse and children at home. We use other people mishaps and downfalls to impress others to make ourselves look and feel good. If people want to know the truth. Most people we try to impress by treating others bad do not like people who show out. We are only making ourselves look like a monkey’s ass when we try to impress people for them to like us. People are not telling us to dance monkey dance to impress them. We are dancing like a monkey on our own to impress people. If people are not influenced in a positive way by what we impress them with, we are impressing them in the wrong way. This is a true saying treat people how you want to be treated. Love yourself first and you will not have to hurt others to impress someone.

      We cannot have positive and negative energy within or around us. It will only cause friction (sparks) in our life. Such as, a car battery. We have to put the positive with the positive and the negative with the negative or there will be sparks. If we are around positive people we will have positive things happen for us. If we are around negative people we will have negative things happen to us. Some friends no longer have any dealings with one another. Because, one of them have positive energy and the other one negative. Such as, you may want to work for what you want, but your friend want to kill, steal and destroy for it. The energy a person gives off when they are angry is negative. People should not go to or from anywhere angry. Their reaction to certain things is done out of anger. Bad things happen when people energy is negative because of anger. People can get into a car accident, fight or fall over dead. These things can happen. Our support system can be negative. When a person support system is negative they start to doubt themselves. They can reject you and others and may kill themselves. Our support system has to be positive or they will hindered us. No matter who they are, their negative energy can be the reason why you are not succeeding in life. Nothing will go right in your life with negative people around. The energy from violent games and movies is negative. Which is the same energy we allow in our homes and we wonder why our children are lying, stealing and killing. Positive people build and negative people tear down. There is no in between. People are either of the house of God or the heap of ruins. People with positive energy are the light in this dark world. There is a change in our situation for the better from being around positive people. A world without positive people will not exist. Who wants to be around someone’s negative energy everyday? Many people are in a relationship with someone who energy is negative everyday. If were not negative as they are eventually we will be. Life is too precious and short to be negative about it. So many people are comfortable with giving off both negative and positive energy. This is unacceptable Showing our son how to be a man, then physically abuse your wife is positive and negative energy. Helping a friend in need, then tear them down is positive and negative energy. Positive and negative energy are not equal to one another. Satan is not equal to God his creator. Faith, love, joy, peace, charity are all positive energy from God. Doubt, hate, lust, greed, jealousy, murmuring (complaining) are all negative energy from Satan. Positive people will not see Hell. Hell is going to be filled with negative and Lukewarm people. There is no in between. From waking up to laying down let’s start being positive. Let’s make it our business to be around people who speak, do and think positive.

      To assume what we hear about someone to be true without any proof is wrong. Without any proof we cannot say what we heard about someone is true. People who assume pretends to know the truth. They do not search out the truth they take it upon themselves what the truth is. The same way you assume things about someone the same way someone can assume things about you. Some people have caused themselves and others unnecessary pain and trouble from going off of assumptions. Such as, the woman who found used rubbers in her home. She assumed her husband was cheating on her while she was out of town and divorced him. Come to find out her sister was having sex with her boyfriend in their home. Instead of her finding out the truth she went off of assumption and it cost her marriage. By the time some people learn the truth the damage be done. Most people will not get the full truth. The truth be changed and corrupted by the time they hear it. Some of us will not get the truth until Judgement day. A lot of us spread what we hear about a person as well. Spreading what we hear about someone before knowing the truth is wrong. Believing in what we hear and see is the way of the world. The things we see and hear has been repeated and done for centuries. There is no one who has heard, seen and done different from what people have been doing in the days of Noah. Everything repeats itself. The world goes around. There is no lie told and nothing said about someone that has not been already lied about and repeated. If we are going to talk about someone make sure it is for edification. If we do not know the full story about someone go ask them before slandering their name. Do not assume anything, because it will make an ass out of us every time and cost our soul. It is not of God to be a false witness against anyone. The ninth commandment is do not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Meaning do not make false accusations against anyone. If we were not there, we have no reason to comment, assume or make a false report.

      Remember, words can bring life or death. Someone can be depressed or sad and commit suicide or murder from the negative words someone say to them. This happens a lot in the world. Some

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