To Defy a Duke. A. Mervyn Smith

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To Defy a Duke - A. Mervyn Smith

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Colton. “Which was scheduled to take place at the club nearly four hours ago.”

      Leaning across the desk, trying to catch Colton’s eye, he asked, “What, old man, could possibly have possessed you to consume alcohol to such an excess so early in the day? Perhaps, a woman?” He smirked.

      “Clara.” Although it sounded in his head like he was yelling, his voice barely came out as a whisper.

      “Ah, hell.” Lord Thomas dropped into a chair across from Colton. “That woman could drive a saint to drink.”

      Colton attempted to nod his agreement, but the movement created too much pain. He grunted his assent instead.

      Thomas gestured toward the door. “Call to Burns, Charles. Order coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. We need our compatriot sober so he can follow our discussion.” He smiled. “And possibly contribute to it. I am anxious to hear his explanation for his abrupt engagement.”

      Colton groaned. This was going to be a very long evening.


      “So, let me make sure I completely understand.” Charles was, unsuccessfully, trying to hold back his laughter. “Clara managed to concoct this ridiculous story on the spot and spin it, convincing every woman in the room of its veracity.” He lost his battle and started laughing, heartily. “Why, that is positively genius!”

      Thomas was not faring any better although he at least tried to disguise it by looking down into his empty cup.

      “It is not that amusing, Charles!” Okay, upon further reflection, it could possibly be considered somewhat humorous. But Colton had no intention of sharing that tidbit of information with these two buffoons.

      Charles wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. “Maybe it is time we shared some good news with our friend here, Thomas. My sides cannot take any more of Colton’s narration. Please.” Charles flipped his hand between the two. “Proceed to update him with events currently unfolding as we speak.”

      “Well,” Thomas placed his cup and saucer on the desk, “it seems Clara’s information was indeed accurate. The Crown has seized the Tiger’s Eye after a thorough search, and the discovery of several hidden compartments.” He winked at Colton. “Her methods may be unconventional, but they are certainly effective!”

      “So, has the captain divulged any more useful information? Has the crew been questioned?” After three hours and several cups of coffee, Colton’s mind was clear enough that he could ask the obvious questions. Any obscure inquiry would have to wait.

      Charles and Thomas shared a look that Colton’s mind could not decipher.

      “Er,” Charles began and abruptly stopped.

      “What Charles is trying to convey is…” Thomas again glanced at Charles who shrugged in return. “Fine.” He picked up his empty cup, putting it to his lips and muttered, “He managed to escape and cannot be located.”

      Colton rubbed his ears, not sure he had heard correctly. He looked at Thomas. “The captain? Escaped?” Receiving a nod in response, he looked over to Charles. “And he cannot be located. Is that correct?” He received another nod, this one from Charles. Neither would meet his eyes.

      He leaned back and studied his two friends. “All right. One final question. What the bloody hell are we doing still sitting here?” He stood and looked around for his jacket. Realizing he was still wearing it, he shouted, “Let us be off, men! We have a fugitive to capture.”

      Rushing to the door, he grabbed the door handle and turned to his friends. “Do not tarry! We do not have a moment to waste!” With that he was out the door.

      Charles and Thomas sat in silence. “How long do you think it will take him?” Charles asked.

      “It should register about the time he arrives at the stables. Maybe until his horse is saddled.” He stood and walked to the bar on the other side of the room. “Care for a drink?”

      “Why, yes. I do believe I will. What is available?”

      “Well, the scotch is gone, but it appears he has quite the stock of bourbon and brandy. Do you have a preference?” Thomas asked.

      Charles leaned back, crossed his legs, and smiled. “Surprise me. It has been a day full of them. One more could not hurt.”

      “You are absolutely right about that, my friend.” He poured two generous portions of bourbon and carried them over.

      Taking a glass, Charles clinked his against Thomas’s. “Cheers! And to our dear friend who is about to sacrifice his freedom.” He placed a hand over his heart. “For king and country!”

      “To Colton! And that the king’s reward be shall be monumental so that Colton may be profoundly compensated for the loss of his freedom!”

      They turned up their glasses and drained them in salute to their friend. “Excellent choice, Thomas. Shall we have another?”

      Thomas pulled out his pocket watch and sighed. “It will have to wait. Colton should be returning right about…”

      “Why are you two not ready? We need to be going!” Colton stood in the doorway with a quizzical look on his face.

      “Now.” Thomas finished his sentence and returned his watch to his waistcoat pocket.

      Charles stood and motioned to Colton’s chair behind the desk. “Please, take a seat. There are matters that prevent us from taking immediate action.”

      Colton walked behind his desk but remained standing. “What could possibly delay our search, gentlemen? We must find this culprit before he has a chance to leave London! He could already be miles away!”

      “We would already be scouring the city but for one small detail. Really, it is just a minor oversight and will be rectified in no time.” Thomas nodded his head in assurance.

      “And what possibly could this ‘minor oversight’ be, Thomas?”

      “I am so glad you asked, Colton. Which brings me around to why we came looking for you in the first place!” Charles beamed.

      “Yes, Charles is correct! When you did not show at the appointed time, we waited but an hour or so before we went in search of you. When we arrived at the war department, we discovered the latest and rushed right over here to update you on the events.”

      “With only one stop at the Bear’s Claw. We had to make sure you had not stopped in for a dram or two,” Charles added.

      “Oh, yes. I forgot about that little detour.” Thomas laughed. “We had no way of knowing what or who had detained you.”

      “Tell me you did not check with my future in-laws during your quest!” Colton ground out.

      Charles blinked. “By Jove, that is the one place that slipped my mind! Thomas! By the time we reached the Wine and Song, we should have realized that!”

      “I thought you stopped at the Bear’s Claw!” Colton growled.

      “But we did! Right after we checked at the Brew-Ha-Ha!”

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