To Defy a Duke. A. Mervyn Smith

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To Defy a Duke - A. Mervyn Smith

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He dropped down in his chair and grabbed handfuls of his hair. Through gritted teeth, he demanded, “Just tell me why we cannot search for the captain of Tiger’s Eye before I am forced to kill you both with my bare hands!”

      “Why, Colton, old man! We don’t know whom the captain is. It is quite simple, really. There was so much chaos as the soldiers boarded the ship that…”

      Charles never had the chance to finish that sentence. Somehow Colton had dove over his desk and had his hands wrapped around Charles’s throat before either he or Thomas could react.

      “Get…him…off…me!” Charles managed to squeak out.

      Thomas jumped up and tried desperately to pry his friend’s finger from around Charles’s throat. “Colton! Think, man! You do not need a murder charge levied against you! Why, think of the scandal it would cause! And the king would be quite vexed if you kill his almost cousin!”

      Somehow the reference of the king penetrated the red haze, and he slowly loosened the hold on Charles’s neck. With the same hand, he patted his friend’s shoulder.

      “Begging your pardon, my friend. Please, excuse me. I need a moment to compose myself.” With that said, he removed himself from the room.

      Thomas smiled. “Sometimes he just makes it too easy, Charles.”

      Coughing, Charles choked out. “Easy for you to say. It was not you he was strangling!”

      “This time. Last time I ran clear to Scotland before he gave up the chase.” He picked up the two glasses, walked over, and filled them. “He will be awhile this time.” Holding out a glass to Charles, he asked, “Care to join me?”

      Charles took it gratefully. “I thought you would never ask.”

      Clinking glasses, they proceeded to drink deeply of Colton’s expensive imported bourbon.

      Chapter Four

      Alice paced back and forth in her room, replaying her latest attempt to thwart the plans they had for her future.

      “But, Father! Mr. Marsh and I had an understanding. It would not do to disregard his suite just because of a misunderstanding. It would be best if I returned to America. At least I should be permitted to explain this horrible situation to him in person and see if we can resolve it together. We are very close, you see.”

      “Has he offered for you?” Her father peered at her over his glasses.

      “Why, not yet. But I am sure he was on the verge before I was ordered back…”

      “Is there a contract?” Her father interrupted.

      “Not yet, Father. But once I return, I am certain…”

      “No offer. No contract. No return trip to America. No further argument. You will be marrying the duke. But,” a small smile slipped through, he winked, “an excellent try, my dear.”

      Half an hour later she was still fuming. Apparently, her grandmama had informed her father of her tactics, and they were conspiring against her.

      And if she attempted to escape and was caught, they would lock her in her room until the moment her presence would be required at the church.

      Therefore getting caught was not an option. Her plan would have to be foolproof. No room for errors.

      She would just have to bide her time and appear resigned to her fate. An opportunity would present itself, and she would seize it with both hands. She would spend every moment until then preparing for her impending departure.

      Clothes. Money. Personal items of her mother’s with which she could not bear to part. So much to take but only so much room to carry. Maybe she should start making a list and eliminating any items that were not crucial.

      No, no list. It could possibly be found, and her plot would be discovered. Better to keep a mental checklist than to have anything in writing.

      A knock interrupted her musings. With effort she composed her features and opened the door. “Grandmama! What a surprise!” Not really. She had expected her mere moments after her latest failure to convince her father.

      Her grandmother breezed past her and took a seat at the bench situated near the window. Alice paused before turning to face her, making sure her mask was still in place.

      “Is there something I can do for you, Grandmama?” Alice asked with a forced smile.

      “Come, dear, sit down. I have something to discuss with you.” She patted the seat next to her. Alice complied but took her time getting there. Her grandmama knew her well, so there was no use in appearing too submissive.

      Taking a seat next to her grandmother, she waited for her to speak. She was not going to take the initiative. Let her grandmother have her say and take her leave so Alice could get back to her planning.

      Her grandmama’s smile alerted her to the fact that she knew her strategy.


      Her grandmother patted her hand. “Your father tells me of a young man that you believed was quite taken with you and hoped to marry. I suggest you write him and invite him over so that we may interview him in person to see what his intentions are.”

      Drat. Caught in her own trap. And Grandmama knew it, knew there was no suitor back in America. Double drat!

      “I appreciate the offer, Grandmama, I truly do. But I have been gone nigh on three months, and he is a most sought-after bachelor of means.” Alice sniffled. “I am sure by now another has set her hat for him now that I am no longer competition, and he has moved on.” She managed to squeeze out a tear. “I guess I am doomed to marry another while only one man will ever own my heart!” She covered her face with her both hands, her shoulders shaking with the force of her feigned emotions.

      Peeking through her fingers to gauge her grandmother’s reaction, she found her still smiling. “My, my child. Your acting skills have improved immensely. That was a performance worthy of a standing ovation!” She stood and clapped her hands. “Bravo, my dear! Bravo!”

      Alice dropped her hands and glared at her grandmother. That was some of her best work!

      “Another excellent try, love! But that is not the reason I need to speak with you.” Regaining her seat, she took Alice’s hand. “I know it has been but a couple of days since the contract was signed, but it is time you met your future husband and the two of you begin your public courtship.”

      Alice opened her mouth to argue, but her grandmother silenced her with the statement, “He is actually downstairs, waiting for you to change into something appropriate for a ride in the park. It is time to be seen out and about with your intended.” She stood and yelled, “Doris!”

      A maid appeared around the door, a gown across her arms. “Please, help my granddaughter prepare for an outing with her fiancé. And please, be expeditious. And do something with her hair!”

      As she started to leave, Alice found her voice, “Grandmama, my maid, Polly, is quite capable readying me for my outing. I do not require additional assistance.”


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