The Reluctant Savior. Krystan

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The Reluctant Savior - Krystan

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yourself! We want you to look good on that A-rab TV station—All That Jazz, or whatever you call it. An’ don’t forget, little missy, what I got in my pocket.” Looking toward her breasts, whose nipples had somehow inexplicably hardened and were pushing against her rather-flimsy nylon pajama top, he added, “It won’t be your neck I cut first either—that’s way too quick. Maybe I’ll start with those perky little nipples o’ yours I’m seein’. Yeah, that’d be a lot better. Much slower and way more painful.”

      Mariah blushed and quickly covered her breasts with her hands. No man had ever seen her or talked to her like that. She was mortified and appalled at the images which her mind was presently conjuring up. Weakly, she reached out, grabbed the bag, and headed to the bathroom, accompanied by Big Bear.

      As she reached the kitchen, myriad thoughts of escape raced through her head. She was no match for the giant hairy man next to her for sure, at least not physically. Maybe he would tell her a little more about their plans for her, however, so at least she would know what she was going to have to endure. As they neared the bathroom, Mariah paused, looked softly at Big Bear, and whispered, “So, mister…uh, Beeg Ba-ear, do you know what is to become of me tonight? I am so frightened and would like to know that at least.”

      Bear hesitated, then spoke quietly. “Well, lady, we’re plannin’ on gettin’ even with all you Muslim people by havin’ you wear that head thing of yours ’long with all the sexy stuff we got in this here bag. Blood’s gonna film you comin’ onto Buzz and me, then us fuckin’ you—him first, then me, then both together, you know, sandwich-style. We thought we’d finish up by jackin’ off all over your face and that jihad scarf o’ yours. That should get your people pretty hot when it hits the web! There’s more, but I can’t tell you any of that.”

      Mariah tried desperately to retain her composure, but the blood in her veins suddenly felt like ice water. If she had let herself, she could easily have doubled over in angst. There was a vicious tightening in her solar plexus, and she felt her heart almost pounding its way out of her chest. Stay calm, she told herself, just stay calm. But she couldn’t. She had never even been with a man before, and the thought of these two barbarians savagely plundering her carefully preserved feminine virtues was just too much to bear. Something had to be done, but what? Acting had never been her forte, but it looked like tonight would be her debut, one way or another. Might as well give it my best effort, she reasoned. I’ve got nothing to lose.

      Looking back over her shoulder at Bear, she managed her best pseudo-seductive smile and coyly responded, “Well, Mr. Ba-ear, from the look of these clothes, this will be a very sexy night, yes? I just hope you beeg men are up to it,” she pretended to tease. Then Mariah did the utterly unimaginable. She reached back with her left hand, gently stroked Bear’s crotch, and whispered, “Well, you certainly don’t want to be outdone by your friend Buzz, do you, Mr. Ba-ear? You know, it’s going to take me a little while to get all this stuff on and look my best, so if you’ll just wait patiently right here in the kitchen, maybe I’ll do a little something to give you a bit of a ‘head’ start before we go back in with the others.” Mariah looked down at Bear’s crotch and licked her lips sensuously, all the while thinking to herself, I SHOULD get an Academy Award for this! These men are so utterly stupid!

      Bear’s demeanor shifted rather dramatically. A delightful scene darted through his brain, activating a rather-primitive response from his groin. He was a big man, but sometimes, strangely enough, needed a little “extra attention” to perform his best. He had been a bit worried about it, honestly, so Mariah’s offer gave his marginal ego the boost it needed.

      “I like the sound of that,” he whispered back. “You don’t take too long in there, though, hear me? I know Buzz, and he’ll be back here before very long, wantin’ to know what’s holdin’ things up.”

      “I know,” Mariah assured him. “Just be a little patient for a few minutes and I’ll make it well worth your effort!”

      With that she slipped into the bathroom, locked the door behind her, and collapsed on the toilet. She had to do something, but what? These men were savages and would kill her if she didn’t do as they said. Glancing up to her left, she suddenly had her answer—the bathroom window, of course! It was only a couple of feet wide, with maybe only a foot and a half of height, with the window fully raised. Bear certainly couldn’t fit through there, but she could. With a quick smile to herself, she undid the latch and flushed the toilet with her left hand to cover up the sound of her right hand raising the window. Before the toilet had refilled, she quickly popped the screen off. Then, in a stroke of pure strategic genius, she called softly to Bear, “Mr. Ba-ear, are you there?”

      “Of course I’m still here,” came a gruff response from outside the door. “You ready yet?”

      “Oh, not yet, Mr. Ba-ear. I’m having a little trouble attaching the back garter to my stocking, but there, I have it now. Just a few more minutes, ok?”

      “Oh shit!” Bear replied. “I hear Buzz yelling for me now. Let me just tell ’im you’re almost ready.”

      Bear’s last words fell on deaf ears, however, as Mariah had already climbed up on the toilet, slipped through the window, and fallen to the ground on the other side, which fortunately was not far below the window. She knew she had only a few minutes before they would discover her missing….

      “Bear, what the hell is holding her up in there?” Buzz growled impatiently. “She coulda dressed for the damn Oscars by now!”

      “I dunno. I heard the toilet flushing. She was probably so scared she had the squirts! Anyway, she called out and told me she had the garter belt and stockings on, and was just getting to the other stuff—you know, the gown, those fancy earrings, the shoes, and stuff. Said she would be out in just a minute.”

      “Well, she damn well better be. Get back in there and make sure she finishes soon. We can’t hang around here all night. Besides, I got myself all worked up for a little of that young Muslim pussy—I’m gonna cream my pants here pretty soon!”

      “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Bear concurred, smiling to himself at the “heads-up” she had promised him first. Once he was “up,” his cock was huge, and he relished the thought of stuffing it into that tight little twat, or better yet, maybe even her ass! He gave himself a few preliminary strokes as he headed back to the bathroom.

      “Hey, you done yet?” he yelled from the kitchen. No answer. “You hear me in there? You about ready for Little Bear here?” he smiled, looking down at the growing bulge in his pants. Still no answer. “Fuck!” he muttered out loud. “What’s that little bitch up to in there?” He tried the door handle—still locked. Damn, now he began to worry. Buzz would kill him if something went wrong. Better cover himself. “Hey Buzz!” he yelled back to the den. “The door’s locked and she ain’t answerin’.”

      “Jesus,” Buzz swore as he got up from the couch. “Blood, come with me. You’re good with locks. She’s locked herself in there and’s probably too scared to come out!”

      By now, Mariah, barefoot and in her pajamas, had crept around to the front of the house. Remembering that she hadn’t yet locked the front door for the night, she quickly pushed it open and, hearing cursing coming from the kitchen just one room away, immediately flipped on the entry hall light, reached to her right, and hit the emergency symbol on the alarm keypad. Flipping off the light, she slammed the door and ran across the street toward her neighbor’s house.

      “Goddamn!” yelled Blood, who was just in the middle of picking the lock. “Where the fuck is that siren coming from?”

      “Holy shit!” yelled Buzz. “Somebody

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