Indaba, My Children: African Tribal History, Legends, Customs And Religious Beliefs. Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

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Indaba, My Children: African Tribal History, Legends, Customs And Religious Beliefs - Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

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one-eyed scoundrel, a fellow conspiratorKalembeThe Wizard-Lord of the WakambiLumbeduThe Witchdoctor – usurped Chieftainshipf000x-02High wives of Lumbeduf000x-03Sons of Lumbedu and OjoyoTemanaGumbu’s Batswana wifeSongozoHeadman of a neighbouring villageMbimbaBoy from Songozo’s villageChikongoLover of Lulinda, youngest wife of LumbeduTimburuHis grandfatherMburuHis fatherManjanjaHis motherChwenyanaAnother of his father’s wivesChungweHigh Chief of the tribeThe Strange OnesMa-Iti – Phoenicians, probably from the town of GattiTheir ‘King’His SonThe Red-haired GiantThe Odd ManArab slave to the Strange OnesAnother Odd ManThe Tribal AvengersThe men who enforce tribal lawMulabaChief of the BatswanaA Headman of a neighbouring villageZozoHunchback brother of Vunakwe, wife of LumbeduKadimoSon of DimoDimoHis father, King of the CannibalsSodimoHis grandfatherKaresuEmperor of the Phoenicians’ Empire in AfricaKadesiSuccessor to Karesu, but murdered by himMakira-KadesiHalf-caste Empress, successor to her murdered husbandThe Boy EmperorLast Ruler in the Phoenicians’ EmpireA Nobleman in the Phoenicians’ Empire.f00xi-01Slaves in his householdThe Mother of LumukandaHer MistressTwo ConcubinesThree PriestessesSlavesMakira-LulumaMakira-Kadesi’s spirit in the body of LulumaWatamaraka-KadesiThe Spirit of Evil in the body of the Empress KadesiThe Wild HuntressAlbino daughter of Marika-KadesiBattle LeadersTwo ConcubinesMunumutaba I – VSuccessive Emperors of the Empire of Munumu-TabaMalandelaHigh Chief – Mighty Lion of the Ngunif00xi-02High Wives of Malandela, and the rest of his 850 seragliof00xi-03His last three sonsNomikontoHis sisterVamba NyalotiWitchdoctor to MalandelaNyalotiHis fatherMulindaHis sisterLuojoyoHis motherHis Three WivesMukingoHis cousin, sire to his three wivesLuvaHis witchdoctor colleague, a spyf00xi-04His two homosexual followersLumukandaThe ‘Lost Immortal’ – a cannibalf0xii-01His three daughters, the ‘Spirit Virgins’MukombeLast survivor of a murdered family – adopted by LumukandaMadondoRelative who plotted the murder of Mukombe’s familyMutiHis fatherf0xii-02Madondo’s wives, turned into zombies by LumukandaThree Sons of NomevaTribal Avengers, especially the Leader and ten principalsf0xii-03Two personal boy servants to MalandelaDambisa-LuweweA spy from a neighbouring tribe, the Ba-Lubaf0xii-04Some of Malandela’s Rainbow Indunas (Councillors in peace and Generals in war)MitiyonkaMalandela’s fatherMunenguDambisa-Luwewe’s fatherMuveduLuva’s real nameLuaoA spy passing under the name of Dahodif0xii-05Later friends of Vamba NyalotiThe Lufiti-OgoThe Star Mother – the Perfect Goddess – created by the Children of the Star, a race of human beings which had evolved to perfection and became extinct as a resultThe Spirit of NatureThe son of the Spirit of NatureNamulembuA Vamangwe woman in Malandela’s seraglioLulama-ManeruanaLulamani’s new nameBurumutaraA legendary half-bull, half-crocodile monster in the UnderworldBekizweMalandela’s brother, High Chief of the MamboTandaniHis deceased First Wifef0xii-06Their two sons, adopted by MalandelaKanyisileBekizwe’s Second WifePindisaHer daughterTembaniPindisa’s foster motherNunuBekizwe’s new First WifeShondoHigh Witchdoctor of the Mambof0xiii-01Some of the Mambo IndunasMpungozoMaster of Ceremonies at the Peace CeremonyLutiSon of Vezi, Mambo volunteer buried aliveMdelwaNguni volunteer buried aliveNozipoGirlfriend of MdelwaNonsiziMdelwa’s motherNonuduMambo woman playing opposite Celiwe of the Nguni at the Peace CeremonyMbozaPrincipal Cook.GovuAnother cookCeliweChieftainess of the NguniMabovuOne of her consortsXhosaFounder of a new tribe, the Ama-XhosaNoliyandaDaughter of Xhosa, immortalised by Lumukanda and proclaimed Queen of the MamboVumaniYoung boy accosted by NoliyandaNgozoOld man left behind in Vamba’s kraalValindluMessenger of FateTandiHis young brideGojelaThe cowardMlomoHis fatherMalevuGojela’s Battle LeaderKokovulaThe Great Witchdoctorf0xiii-02Two assistant witchdoctorsf0xiii-03Two other witchdoctorsMunumutaba VLast male ruler of the Kingdom of Munumu-Tabaf0xiii-04Three of the Munumu-Taba’s twelve sonsMpoloOne of the Munumu-Taba’s CouncillorsMuwende-LutananaThe Munumu-Taba’s orphaned granddaughterMuxakazaOne time First Wife of Malandela, successor to the throne of the Kingdom of Munumu-TabaLumbeweA Prophet in the camp of Munumu-TabaTondoThe gravediggerf0xiv-01Two of the triplets

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