Indaba, My Children: African Tribal History, Legends, Customs And Religious Beliefs. Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

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Indaba, My Children: African Tribal History, Legends, Customs And Religious Beliefs - Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

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one will ever know;

      And why there was nothing but Nothing is something

      We must never try to learn.

      Nothingness had been floating

      For no one knows how long,

      Upon the invisible waters of Time—

      That mighty River with

      Neither source nor mouth,

      Which was—

      Which is

      And ever shall be.

      Then one day—

      Or is it right to say ‘one day’?—

      The River Time desired Nothingness

      Like a flesh-and-blood male beast

      Desires his female partner.

      And as a result of this strangest mating

      Of Time and Nothingness,

      A most tiny nigh invisible spark

      Of living Fire was born.

      This tiny, so tiny spark of Fire could think

      And grew conscious of its lonely state;

      No one nor nothing could hear its cries

      In the lonely depths of Utter Nothingness—

      Like forlorn a babe,

      Lost and in despair,

      In a cold dark forest.

      ‘I exist – I am what I am!’

      Was the living thought that pulsed through the ‘mind’

      Of the tiny spark as it wildly flew through the dark

      Trying to flee from where there was no escape—

      Trying to evade the lifeless,

      Empty, dark and Utter Nothingness.

      It was like a tiny firefly lost

      In a dark cave ’neath a berg

      From where it could never escape.

      ‘I must either grow or end my life,’

      Thought the spark at long, long last;

      ‘If Nothingness wishes to engulf me

      In my present size and state,

      Then I must increase my size

      Till I equal that of Nothingness!’

      There was nothing for the spark to feed upon and grow,

      So it fed upon itself

      And grew in size until at last its mother Nothingness

      Became aware of its unwelcome presence

      And decided to destroy it.

      Nothingness at first had tried

      To smother it in Darkness which is

      The enemy of Light,

      But the spark resisted brighter – and became yet brighter.

      Then Nothingness cast a spell of cold upon the spark;

      Cold – a deadly foe of heat,

      But this induced the spark to grow

      Only hotter and yet more hot.

      * * *

      The Living Spark did grow, and grew until

      At last it equalled Nothingness in size,

      And to sustain itself – proceed with growth,

      It devour’d its mother, Nothingness—

      And digested her

      With the most awful flash of light

      That anyone or anything had ever chanced to see.

      ‘I am what I am,’ it boasted.

      But River Time was very cross with what the spark had done

      And quickly sent the Spirit Cold to fight the spark outright.

      A mighty battle soon ensued, in which the spark,

      Now a universal roaring Flame

      Which filled the sky with many soaring tongues,

      Tried to melt Cold’s Spirit, and devour it complete,

      While Cold its icy Spirit blew,

      Its cold wet breath into the Flame;

      But it only turned a portion of the Flame

      Into cold white ash.

      And this ferocious battle, which started so long ago,

      Today still rages unabating, and shall yet proceed

      Till Time shall cease to flow.

      And the Wise Men of the tribes relate

      That if the Flame one day shall win,

      All that exist shall perish

      In one consuming Fire,

      While if victory goes to the Spirit of Cold

      All living things shall freeze to death!

      May the Great Spirit who is Lord Almighty

      And Paramount Chief of all

      Grant that neither Flame nor Cold

      Shall ever win the War,

      Because whosoever beats the other—

      The sun, the moon, the earth and stars

      And all that live shall cease to be!

      May both antagonists fight forth for everlasting Time,

      Because on their unceasing conflict

      All Life depends.


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