Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts. Andrew Zerling

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Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts - Andrew Zerling

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Sumo Fighting Stance

       MMA Fighting Stance

      Supplementary Techniques


       Over-Under Clinch

       Underhook Technique

       Over-Under Clinch Exercise

       Push Escape from the Over-Under Clinch

       Push Escape from the Double-Underhooks Clinch, Two Ways

      Kimarite: Sumo’s Winning Moves

      Basic Techniques (Kihonwaza)

       Front Push Out (Oshidashi)

       Front Push Down (Oshitaoshi)

       Front Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)

       Front Thrust Down (Tsukitaoshi)

      Throwing Techniques (Nagete)

       One-Arm Shoulder Throw (Ipponzeoi)

       Hooking Inner-Thigh Throw (Kakenage)

       Hip Throw (Koshinage)

       Armlock Throw (Kotenage)

       Headlock Throw (Kubinage)

       Body-Drop Throw (Nichonage)

       Beltless Arm Throw (Sukuinage)

       Inner-Thigh-Lift Throw (Yaguranage)

      Leg-Tripping Techniques (Kakete)

       Leg Pick (Ashitori)

       Pulling Heel Hook (Chongake)

       Inside Foot Sweep (Kekaeshi)

       Twisting Backward Knee Trip (Kirikaeshi)

       Inside Thigh Scoop (Komatasukui)

       Triple-Attack Force Out (Mitokorozeme)

       Ankle-Sweep Twist Down (Nimaigeri)

       Outside Leg Trip (Sotogake)

       Outside Thigh Scoop (Sotokomata)

       Rear Foot Sweep (Susoharai)

       Ankle Pick (Susotori)

       Inside Leg Trip (Uchigake)

       Thigh-Grabbing Push Down (Watashikomi)

      Twist-Down Techniques (Hinerite)

       Fisherman’s Throw (Amiuchi)

       Clasped-Hand Twist Down (Gasshohineri)

       Two-Handed Arm Twist Down (Kainahineri)

       Under-Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)

       Armlock Twist Down (Kotehineri)

       Head-Twisting Throw (Kubihineri)

       Twist Down (Makiotoshi)

       Outer-Thigh-Sweep Twist Down (Sotomuso)

       Two-Handed Head Twist Down (Tokkurinage)

       Armbar Throw (Tottari)

       Armbar-Throw Counter (Sakatottari)

       Thrust Down Forward (Tsukiotoshi)

       Inner-Thigh-Sweep Twist Down (Uchimuso)

       Head-Pivot Throw (Zubuneri)

      Special Techniques (Tokushuwaza)

       Slap Down (Hatakikomi)

       Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)

       Arm-Pull Force Out (Hikkake)

       Armbar Force Down (Kimetaoshi)

       Rear Leg Trip (Okurigake)

       Rear Pull Down (Okurihikiotoshi)

       Rear Throw Down (Okurinage)

       Rear-Lift Body Slam (Okuritsuriotoshi)

       Head Slap Down (Sokubiotoshi)






       About the Author


       by Steve Scott

      When I first heard of Andrew Zerling’s book on sumo for mixed martial arts, I thought it was a novel idea. Other martial arts and combat sports are used in MMA. So, why not sumo? Maybe others have incorporated sumo techniques and tactics into MMA, but to my knowledge, this is the first book published on the subject, and it is a welcome addition.

      This book provides historical background for sumo and how it, at its very roots, is an effective combat sport. Andrew then expands this historical background and shows how sumo, from a technical aspect, can be applied to other combat sports and specifically to MMA. This interesting mix of sumo’s historical development along with functional technical application of sumo to mixed martial arts makes for a fascinating book.

      Like many people, I am a fan of Japanese professional sumo and enjoyed the profiles Andrew provided of some outstanding sumo wrestlers as well as the “case studies” of the techniques and tactics that are used in sumo.

      As an advocate of using correct Japanese terminology for all Japanese-based martial arts, I was pleased to see that Andrew provided correct and accurate translations and interpretations of Japanese terms and phrases. This shows that the author did his research and, as a result, provided technically accurate information for his readers. I appreciate that.

      While this book is useful for MMA coaches and athletes, it is also useful for anyone interested in how sumo can be applied to any

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