Our Life Well-Lived. Thomas Ph.D Crochetiere

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Our Life Well-Lived - Thomas Ph.D Crochetiere

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asked her to marry me, at which time she said “Yes”. She later told me I embarrassed her and she could not believe I asked her in front of her family.

      While at her grandparent’s house, we announced our engagement to Vicki’s side of the family. Then later that evening while attending my family’s annual open house, we announced our engagement to my side of the family. I was so looking forward to making the three of us a family.

      When we talked about setting a wedding date, I shared with Vicki that I did not want to marry a teenager and told her I would like to marry any time after her 20th birthday on March 28th but by June 1st. Vicki quickly picked June 1st as our wedding day. I then asked her why June and not sooner, was she trying to put it off? Vicki told me she had always dreamed about being a June bride, so that is why she chose June 1st.

      Not long after we met, I started to call Vicki, “Miss Vicki”. I do not know exactly why but it just seemed fitting. I immediately had a great deal of respect for her, as she was very special. In a way, I thought of her as a queen and deservedly needed a title. Since she did not object, the title stuck.

      Chapter two

      1985, Our 2nd Year Together

      From the beginning, I noticed Miss Vicki was a very confident young woman but she also had a bit of a stubborn streak to her. There were times she really showed her anger, to the point I feared she just might explode but Vicki was never violent and never lifted a hand in anger towards me or others. She told me early on if I ever hit her, it would be my last time and she would not put up with it. Knowing the history she had with her ex, I knew exactly what she was talking about and respected her for it.

      Vicki made the mistake of telling me once that her nickname while growing up was “Vicki ticky time bomb”. I told her I could understand how she got this nickname and she told me she was only sharing this with me in case a member of her family tells me about it. Vicki wanted me to know she did not approved of this nickname and made it quite clear I was not to use this nickname in her presence.

      After Vicki and I announced our engagement, her family and Molly, a close family friend, asked me if I knew what I was getting myself into. I was told Vicki could be very stubborn and difficult to deal with at times and they only thought it fair I knew about her occasional temper. I told them I had already learned this of Vicki and I was not afraid. Do not get me wrong, no one was trying to disrespect Vicki in any way; they just wanted to make sure I knew the whole Vicki so we would be successful from the start.

      When I told Vicki about this, she just laughed. She told me she was different around me and I had no reason to be concerned. I must admit, Vicki could be a very stubborn person but I truly loved her for that. This is just one small part of what made Vicki who she was.

      I knew we all had our not so favorable sides, including Vicki and me. What I did know about Miss Vicki was that she was a loving and caring person who was teaching me so much. I was not raised to be a very affectionate person and Vicki began to change that in me. You see, I had my shortcomings and Vicki was teaching me to see past them and learn to grow. In turn, she too learned to grow right alongside of me. I was not used to holding hands or kissing in public, I was not used to saying “I love you” on a regular basis, especially in public.

      Miss Vicki made me feel comfortable with this type of affection and I quickly learned to love her more for this.

      A couple of months before we got married, Vicki’s maternal grandfather, Malcolm Barrett passed away. This saddened Vicki greatly as this death was just one of the several we would learn to deal with together in the years to come. Vicki had always felt close to both sets of her grandparents while growing up.

      Vicki and I were both raised Catholic and wished to marry in the Catholic Church. Neither Vicki nor I belonged to a church and soon discovered how difficult it was going to be to get married in the Church. We went to the churches her family frequented and we went to the church my family used to attend, both with no luck. We were told since Vicki had been married before by a Baptist Minister and had a child they would not marry us.

      While at work one day discussing this dilemma, Lou, a co-worker of mine told me of a Catholic Priest he knew that he believed might be able to help us. He introduced me to Father Michael Lenihan at Saint Lawrence Martyr Catholic Church and explained our situation. Father Lenihan asked that I bring Vicki in for a meeting with him so we could discuss our situation together.

      As Vicki and I told him our story, he laughed and said that getting her previous marriage annulled, which was performed by a Baptist Minister would be easy. Father Lenihan said once her previous marriage was annulled, we could get married in the church.

      Father Lenihan asked us when we wanted to get married and we told him June 1st. He laughed and asked us, “June 1st of this year” and we said yes. He gave us a little smile and told us that time was short but he could get it done. All went according to plan, Vicki’s previous marriage was annulled, we received our marriage classes through the church and June 1st was quickly approaching.

      About one week before our marriage, I received a phone call from Father Lenihan. He told me he was called away for an urgent family matter in Ireland and he would have Father Michael Easterling step in for him. He assured me we had nothing to worry about and that we would like Father Easterling.

      June 1st, 1985 was a beautiful spring day. I was wearing a white tuxedo and my groomsmen were dressed in grey tuxedos. Vicki was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress and her bridesmaids were almost as beautiful. Jason was our ring bearer and was dressed in a little white tuxedo to match me. At the young age of 2 ½, Jason was already catching little girls eyes.

      Katie, our flower girl was dressed in a pretty dress to match the bridesmaids. Ben was my best man and Vicki’s longtime childhood friend, Bobbie was her maid of honor. My groomsmen were my brother Tod and Jim, a friend. Vicki’s bridesmaids were her sister Lori and my sister Tina.

      As Vicki and I were exchanging our vows, Jason got a little bored and started to pull off the petals from some flowers, one by one. He was very quiet about it and if you did not look at him, you would have had no idea he was doing this. It was later said to Vicki and I that he was just reciting, “She loves me, she loves me not”.

      Father Easterling, Jim, Tod, Ben, Tom, Vicki,

      Bobbie, Lori, Tina, Jason and Katie

      Happily the wedding went off without any problems. The reception hall was beautifully decorated and the custom wedding cake was out of this world. What I did not know was that my beautiful new bride had placed a bumper sticker on the back of my tux, which said, “Man is not complete until he is married; then he is finished!” Several people got a lot of laughs from this. Vicki later apologized to me, but laughed in her very unique devilish way.

      While Vicki and I were to be away on our honeymoon, Aunt Molly and Uncle Ed were to take care of Jason and they had charge of him while at the church and reception. What none of us realized was that Jason had approached several people and asked them for a sip of their drink. Most people were either drinking champagne or beer and they thought a sip could not hurt him. Well, Jason received a great many little sips and he quickly became a little intoxicated! Vicki and I were glad Aunt Molly and Uncle Ed had the pleasure of dealing with the aftermath.


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