The Slim Book of Health Pearls: Am I At Risk? The Patient's Guide to Health Risk Factors. Sheldon Cohen M.D., FACP

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The Slim Book of Health Pearls: Am I At Risk? The Patient's Guide to Health Risk Factors - Sheldon Cohen M.D., FACP

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      CHAPTER 2

      Diseases of the heart (heart attack)

      Although there are many diseases of the heart, we will limit our discussion to heart attack—the leading cause of death in the United States.

      A heart attack is caused by hardening of the heart arteries, or coronary atherosclerosis.

      Coronary refers to the coronary arteries, and the word atherosclerosis is of Greek origin: athero meaning pasty gruel, and sclerosis meaning hardness. So atherosclerosis is a process where fatty material, cholesterol, calcium, various cellular waste materials and other products slowly build up in the arteries inner lining forming a substance called plaque.

      A sudden rupture of this plaque can cause the artery to completely obstruct resulting in the disruption of the blood flow to a portion of the heart muscle, which if large enough will cause death.

      What this means is that the first symptom of coronary atherosclerosis may be quick death, so you must pay attention to the risk factors that can lead to this sudden, unexpected end.

      Diseases of the heart risk factors

      High blood pressure (hypertension)

      As your heart pumps blood to your body, the degree to which it pumps depends upon the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The work load of your heart becomes greater as the resistance to the flow of blood increases. This puts a strain on your heart.

      In addition, the effect of high blood pressure is to accelerate the process of atherosclerosis.

      The risk for high blood pressure increases as you age and is also increased if you are overweight, or eat a diet too high in salt, or live a sedentary existence.

      Blood pressure that can not be controlled by life-style changes (weight loss, low salt diet, exercise, stress reduction) demands anti-hypertensive medications. Failure to control high blood pressure by life style changes and medication demands a careful search for rare and unusual causes such as adrenal gland tumors or a blocked kidney artery.

      Cigarette smoke (or any tobacco)

      There are 4000 known chemicals in cigarette smoke and many of them are cancer producing agents, but cigarettes cause more heart attacks than they cause lung cancer and emphysema.

      In the year 2000, worldwide there were 1,690,000 heart attacks among smokers. Contrast this statistic with the 850,000 lung cancer deaths due to smoking.

      Tobacco smoke (first and second hand) is well known to cause damage to the inner lining of arteries by facilitating the process of atherosclerosis and promoting blood clots. This is an arterial “double whammy.” No wonder cigarettes are so potent in promoting heart attacks.

      The effect, of course, is the same for all of your arteries, not just your heart. So, if you smoke, do all you can to stop. Seek help if you can’t. Your life may be at stake.

      High blood cholesterol

      Cholesterol is an important part of the artery deposits that form plaque and narrow your arteries.

      Cholesterol can not dissolve in blood, so it combines with protein and then becomes soluble. This combination is called lipoprotein.

      A high level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your blood increases your risk for a heart attack, as LDL, or “bad” cholesterol forms part of the plaque. The level should be under 100, or as low as seventy if you have other risk factors.

      High density lipoprotein level (HDL), or “good” cholesterol helps remove cholesterol from arteries. The level should be higher than forty, but the higher the better.

      Total cholesterol level equals LDL plus HDL plus one-fifth of the triglyceride (see below—this formula is only valid if the triglyceride is less than 400). The total cholesterol should be less than 200. A cholesterol/ HDL cholesterol ratio has been used as a risk factor for heart attack. A ratio of less than four is considered a low risk. Three or two is better. The risk rises with an increasing ratio.

      Knowing these levels of cholesterol in your blood is critically important. If the levels put you at risk, then corrective measures, including diet, exercise and possibly medication must be started.


      Triglycerides are derived from ingested fats, or are made in the body from carbohydrates. They are stored in your fat cells and are made available for energy requirements.

      An elevated triglyceride (normal 150 or less) is another of the many risk factors for atherosclerosis, especially when associated with the so-called metabolic syndrome (pot belly, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, diabetes, or a pre-diabetic state). This is why your physician may be interested in your abdominal measurement.

      You are considered at risk if you are a man with an abdominal girth greater than 40 inches, (some put that measurement at 37 inches), or are a woman with an abdominal girth greater than 35 inches.

      Why is this? To understand the reason you need to know that most of your fat is under your skin (subcutaneous fat), but of most concern is the fat that lies in your abdominal cavity called visceral fat—the fat that lies within your omentum, a cover of tissue that hangs down from the intestine and surrounds the organs within your abdomen.

      Ordinarily you should not have more than ten percent of visceral fat, but if you have a pot belly, you may have twenty-five percent or more of visceral fat. The bad news is that there is a distinct correlation between visceral fat and diabetes and heart disease. So, it behooves you to rid yourself of your pot! And researchers have learned that if you eat the proper foods (much less saturated fats replaced by polyunsaturated fats), and get appropriate exercise (one half hour per day), you will lose your visceral fat.

      This message is important regardless of your age, but is increasingly critical as you age, since the older you are the greater your risk for heart disease.

      Exercise programs are also important for heart health, but should be started only with your physician’s approval.

      So, if your triglyceride is elevated you will need to get serious about lifestyle changes:

      If overweight, strive for ideal body weight by calorie reduction—reduce carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

      Stop or greatly reduce your intake of alcohol, since alcohol raises triglyceride levels.

      Eliminate trans fat. They promote hardening of the arteries.

      Reduce saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet. They do the same.

      Exercise for at least thirty minutes every day or as much as you can if approved by your physician.

      Substituting carbohydrates for fat may elevate triglycerides in some people.

      Salmon, sardines, mackerel, lake trout and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce triglyceride levels. So eat more fish and eat less red meat.

      Diabetes mellitus

      Diabetes is not a single disease. There are three

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