The Slim Book of Health Pearls: Am I At Risk? The Patient's Guide to Health Risk Factors. Sheldon Cohen M.D., FACP

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The Slim Book of Health Pearls: Am I At Risk? The Patient's Guide to Health Risk Factors - Sheldon Cohen M.D., FACP

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      ___I smoke 1 to 2 packs per day ___I smoke 2 or more packs per day

      ___I quit smoking ___I inhale ___I do not inhale ___I smoke cigars

      ___I smoke a pipe ___I am exposed to second hand smoke

      ___How many years have you smoked?____

      ___I have quit smoking in the last 5 years.

      Have you ever had a total cholesterol test? __Yes __No

      Date of last cholesterol test_____

      Is your total cholesterol greater than 200? __ Yes __No

      Is your LDL cholesterol level higher than 100 mg/dl? __Yes __No

      Is your HDL cholesterol level lower than 40 mg/dl? __Yes __No

      Is your triglyceride level greater than 150? __Yes __No

      Do you have Diabetes? __Yes __No

      Would you describe the daily exercise you get as ‘minimal or none’? __Yes __No

      Are you overweight? __Yes __No

      What is your weight in pounds?____

      For a man: Does your waist at your belly button measure more than 37 inches? __Yes __No

      For a woman: Does your waist at your belly button measure more than 35 inches? __Yes __No

      What is your height in inches?_____

      Are you subject to unusual stress? __Yes __No

      Do you drink more than two drinks a day? __Yes __ No

      Did your grandfather, father, or brother have heart trouble or a heart attack before age 55? __Yes __No

      Did your grandmother, mother, or sister have heart trouble or a heart attack before age 65? __Yes __No

      Have you ever had any of the following blood tests: homocysteine, CRP, or fibrinogen? __Yes __No

      You have taken your first risk factor analysis in this book. You will take more as you continue. When you finish, you should bring this information to your physician for his or her analysis.

      You must be proactive as regards your health. This is crucial. Your physician may not be able to take the time to assess you completely in this way. Help him or her by identifying all your risk factors. Then together you both can decide what positive risk factors demand corrective action or specific therapy. Again, I repeat, early disease detection and prevention is the name of the game, and it can’t be done without a risk factor analysis—and a thorough and complete medical examination (the subject of my previous book: The Patient’s Guide to the Complete Medical Examination and the Prevention of Medical Errors—(see appendix 1.)

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