Soulstice: Luna's Dream. Lance Jr. Dow

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Soulstice: Luna's Dream - Lance Jr. Dow

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of them or the other Elders of this clan. They all live in their vampire district in a reclusive manner.

      Lily’s told me the Vidals have a huge compound with a huge mansion on it. Actually, it is more like an old world castle she says. Its made of thick stone walls and is surrounded with high fencing made of stone columns and spiked wrought iron. These won’t keep a vampire out, but they aren’t meant to. No vampire’s going to cross the Vidals and their clan. The fences are to keep any humans from seeing what goes on behind those fences and walls. Just in case a vampire does get curious, the Vidals have guards always roaming the property. If you are a vampire, you certainly won’t get very far and I doubt if you ever live to see another day.

      And now - you know the Killer Bees. Worst of all however, is I have the KB’s in gym and biology classes and they hate Lily and me. We are the subjects of their ridicule and scorn. As if I needed other reasons to dislike school - the KB’s are one of the primary reasons I dread going. Lily wants to confront them. That really is not an option unless you seriously want some drama in your life-- I don’t. “Suck it up” is my other middle name.


      While I was soliloquizing, I moved into the woods behind our house... I’ve acquired the scent trail of my family. Time to catch up.

      No full moon tonight, just a waxing crescent, which is good. Like all nocturnal creatures, we don’t need, or want much ambient light. We are stalkers and the darkness is part of our cover and gives us the element of surprise.

      Okay… here come the afterburners.

      I’m moving past things so fast that I’m leaving the noise of my footsteps to the imagination of whatever animals I’m passing. I’m following the scent trail to the coast. I’m betting the family is going to the docks to catch some fishermen. To “catch” some fishermen-- that’s funny.

      Commercial Fishermen coming in from the sea are a staple of the family because they are a ready-made packaged meal. If you catch them on the boat they’ve got no place to go except in the dark, cold water and in a few seconds they are under and harmless. If they get on the dock and try to run, they are so exhausted from the long day –add into the equation their big boots - and they are easy to catch.

      Most nights I can find someone fishing off a pier or at the beach, or in their boats offshore if the seas are calm. The ones in boats are perfect. I just swim out and explode out of the water into their boat and that’s that-- a very nice meal with no worries. Again, where are they going to go? In the freezing-cold sea filled with tiger sharks and great whites? One night, I took five fishermen, in a single boat. The last one caught me in the back with a gaffing hook-- those big hook things you see them pull big fish like marlins out of the water with.

      You should have seen his face when I pulled the hook out of my back like it was no big deal. It was priceless. I admit, you get a little power-rush once in awhile as a vampire.

      As the guy stood there stunned looking at a twelve-year old girl, dripping wet, with blood and saliva gushing from her mouth-- I jumped to his throat. That night is still my record for a single take-down and I did it in less than thirty-seconds.

      I’m going to take a calculated guess that the commercial fishing piers is where the family is headed and take a short-cut off the scent trail. I know all the short-cuts and I can take most of them because I can jump so far now. I can leap over the wide and deep canyons with no problem. Now if I could only learn to fly, I’d be the happiest vampire on the planet!


      Here I am at the coast and downwind. Smelling… and yup-- got them at the docks. Just a quick run now and I’ll catch up to them.


      There are the commercial fishing piers. There’s a crab boat tied up with fishermen finishing up on the boat, (a perfect situation) five in all. They don’t see my family silently moving on the darkened pier getting ready for a surprise attack. Skyla is so cute. Look at her creep with Mom, Dad and Christian. My little sis’ is growing up.

      The family is in position. And there they go. Christian’s got hers… Mom and Dad have theirs. The fishermen are dropping like flies. Dad’s already on to a second one.

      In their need to render their victim’s unconscious and with that first taste of blood pulling at the receptors in their mouths and brains, they’ve left Skyla momentarily on her own. One of the fishermen has managed to get out of the boat and onto the pier. He’s running as fast as he can past Skyla on the pier.

      Come on girlie don’t lose him or I’ll have to jump in and I don’t want to harm your self-confidence.

      There she goes. She’s getting fast the little rabbit. She’s closing in. Nice leap, Skyla! She’s on his back. There’s the neck-strike. And down he goes with Skyla clinging onto his back like a spider monkey. That’s my girl!

      The fishermen aren’t enough for the family tonight because of the season and they’ll need a couple more humans to feed on but that will be easy for them. I’m going to go look for my own meal.

      So where do I want to hunt tonight? Or do I blow it off and go to the lighthouse? It’s a beautiful night with my favorite kind of moon up in the night sky: the waxing crescent. It’s my favorite phase of the moon because it’s my birth sign. I have a birthmark in the shape of a waxing crescent moon on the back of my neck. It’s how my parents named me. Then they got all mystical and named Skyla; Skyla. They thought it had something to do with the sky and then found it meant scholar! It still rocks.

      The waxing crescent moon is also a sign of hope and rebirth as it leads to a new moon, then the full moon and the rest of the moon’s cycle. The moon’s phases are like the seasons in fast-forward. It all deals with the Earth’s and Moon’s relationship with the sun. I find it interesting that in that relationship, the sun is what you humans needed to evolve and survive-- and the moon (and the night) is what we needed to evolve and survive. Maybe that’s a very big sign that human’s and vampires are never destined to be together under the same sun.

      When I see the waxing crescent in the sky it’s a sign to me to seek reflection and inner-peace, to form questions and try to get answers from God.

      I need to feed. I should feed. But the waxing crescent calls to me, so I’m going to the lighthouse first.

      The lighthouse is my sacred place-- my sanctuary. The wind blows almost constantly there and the wind is also one of my favorite things. I just love it so much. Of all my favorite things in this life, I’d have to say the wind is my absolute favorite. A close second is the rain. Give me the wind and the rain and I’m in total nirvana.

      I see so many beautiful things from the lighthouse. It’s on the high rock of Seal Island and with the added height of its structure, (some one-hundred fifty feet in height) I can see for miles. I get to see the seabirds, (pelicans are my favorite), seals, great whites, and beautiful whales.

      The awesome blue whales are migrating down to the Baja coastal waters this time of year so they are always passing by the lighthouse. Many times I will go swim with them.

      At night I get to see the moon, the stars and on clear nights with my super-vision I can clearly see the planets of Venus, Mars and Mercury. No telescope needed.

      The lighthouse is heaven on Earth.

      The lighthouse is shutdown this time

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