Soulstice: Luna's Dream. Lance Jr. Dow

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Soulstice: Luna's Dream - Lance Jr. Dow

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in one of her moods,” Christian says.

      Good ‘ol Christian. She easily slides from wicked witch to the blood fairy, back to wicked witch again.

      “What’s puberty, people?” Skyla asks with purpose and a little exasperation this time.

      "Luna, you know we prefer to go out as a family-- especially at this time of year," Mom says quickly not wanting to get into Skyla's vampire reproduction query right now, and I for one am glad. "You know with all the technology out there now we have to be more careful. It's better as a team-- a family team."

      Mom is always worried nowadays. She hides it well behind her easy-going exterior, but she worries all the time.

      The world is changing rapidly with the use of camera-cell-phones, and basically cameras just about everywhere with auto-movement triggers, low-light night-vision capabilities, actual night-vision goggles you can buy on the internet or any Army surplus store for cheap. Then you’ve got infrared cameras that pick up heat.

      Vampires generate a massive heat signature. Our government is working on clothing that deals with this but there are still lots of problems to work out. The heat has to go somewhere or we’ll cook, and a refrigerator (cooling system) on our backs is not exactly conducive to stalking or attacking. The “next-gen” solution is some kind of spray that we’d simply spray on that has some kind of particles that confuse the infrared into not picking up a heat signature. That seems to be years off though.

      We all fear we’re not far off from entering a difficult time for vampires. This is why some vampires want to deal with it by taking over the human world. A “final solution.” By that, they mean conquering and subjugating humans and using them as farm animals. They are gaining voice in vampire society. That’s a world I never want to think about, let alone live in. We should be able to work it out with the humans-- but no one really knows what would happen. Most fear it would lead to an all-out war. The government believes living the way we are as we have for centuries is the only viable solution.

      It pains part of me the situation Mom finds herself in. In a way though, it is her problem to deal with; she wanted us. She chose to be a mom, three times over, after the world had already changed. The mother instinct in her gave in to the fear of the future and she and Dad had us. Now the fear is real and its there, facing her, every day.

      I’m sure part of having three of us (girls) was Dad wanting to have, a son. Although, I’m not exactly sure why - it’s not like dad vampires and their sons fish, hunt animals, and play ball together. From what I understand, there isn’t much in the way of a father-son, vampire relationship. I think it was just the ‘ol carrying on the name and bloodlines thing that is in the DNA of the male species.

      Now vampire girls, they get lots of attention from parents. It’s one of those weird unexplainable things.

      Okay, so back to the situation at hand.

      Oh, so you understand how I’m able to spend what seems like an awful lot of time telling you things… our minds work much faster than yours so what takes you a few minutes to read, my brain blasted out in about ten seconds.

      “It’s my life!” I blurt out. That felt good. I love asserting my independence.

      “Great. The “It’s My Life” stuff all over again,” Dad responds.

      Dad zeroes his gaze at Christian. “You taught her this Christian. She watched and listened to you.”

      Whoa, that was a twist I wasn’t expecting. Haha! LOVES IT!

      “Well sorry for growing up. You wanted us. This comes with the territory,” Christian responds to Dad.

      Most excellent. Christian is doing a really good job bailing me out here. I am almost there as far as getting them to leave me alone. Every second they waste in conversation is a second they are not hunting.

      “Keep it going guys,” I tell myself. I think a smile is escaping my face. Keep it under wraps Luna-- you’re almost home-free girl.

      Dad looks to Mom. “I hate this thirteen-to-sixteen year old period,” Dad tells her with his frustration growing.

      Mom has heard it all before having gone through this with Christian and she’s not affected by it. Moms learn to take things in stride. Dads never learn. That’s what Mom says anyway.

      Not getting satisfaction from Mom, Dad looks at poor little Skyla. “You are not putting us through this Skyla.”

      “What did I do?” Skyla laments.

      “Just… stop growing up,” Dad says.

      Skyla is Daddy’s little girl and she looks like she’s, about to cry. I’m beginning to feel guilty about dragging Skyla into what was me just being selfish and I’m ready to go with them.

      Dad looks at his watch. Hold the presses Luna! When Dad looks at his watch that means he’s not waiting anymore. The discussion is over and he’s going to make them leave without me.

      “Well we’re going. Luna... you’re on your own. Laura, kids, come on,” Dad says.

      Yes! They’re leaving. So much for guilt!

      Dad picks up Skyla in his arms. “I’m sorry pumpkin. You keep growing up. Just don’t be like your sisters.”

      “I won’t Daddy. I won’t ever be as mean to you and Mommy as them,” Skyla says reassuringly to Dad as only a nine-year old can.

      “Yeah, you keep thinking that girl,” Christian says.

      Mom smiles for a moment; then she grows a little uncomfortable with the fact that I’m not going with them.

      Moms always want their children with them. They always want to protect them. There isn’t any difference between vampire mothers and human mothers in that regard.

      Mom knows they need to go. You never know if the hunt will take a little less or a little more time. During Winter Solstice, we need to feed heavily. It’s that simple. Mom and Dad don’t have the luxury (if you want to call it that) of falling into an equilibrium lull, they have the daily responsibilities of a modern vampire family.

      Try fitting the needs of a vampire with a life that looks normal to human classmates, workmates, and neighbors without creating suspicion. Plus, dealing with all the technological advances employed by humans that are making it more and more difficult to do what we need to do to survive. It can be stressful. That’s why I have my various outlets to help me cope. Like my lighthouse, running in the forest, the beach, and most definitely-- music. I think I would die without music.

      Dad is almost out the door with Skyla and Christian.

      “What’s puberty Daddy?” Skyla asks.

      “Oh, that’s when you get to be mean to Mom and Dad and there are no repercussions. Enjoy it while it lasts,” Christian says as they head out of the door.

      Mom is still here. She’s looking at me with one of those “Mom” faces-- the kind that is like a dog hanging around a person trying to get a handout. I’m not taking the bait.

      I slip my ear-bud back in and fool around with my iPod so she gets the message I’m not really coming

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