Soulstice: Luna's Dream. Lance Jr. Dow

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Soulstice: Luna's Dream - Lance Jr. Dow

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you don’t step in front of a bus or jump out of a plane and the parachute doesn’t open, you’ll live longer. So vampires shouldn’t bite any humans they can’t really stand! I don’t! Haha!

      Get this though-- biting the old, blind, Indian (Frank is the name he has given me – which I can’t get myself to use) let’s say to help him live longer… would break the code. It makes no sense sometimes. Our venom causes humans to live longer, but we can’t use it to help them live longer. Can you relate to this my human compadres? Do you have nonsensical laws like these to live by as well? How could biting an old, blind, Indian living in a teepee cause a rift in the code? He’s just an old, blind Indian people!

      Now you know why I’m sharing this with you. It’s my form of therapy. Let’s see where I can go with this.


      I agree with you. My mind does not travel in a straight line, it kind of bounces around the cosmos. That makes the journey much more interesting don’t you agree? I’m not here to bore you after all. My English literature teacher says the number one rule of writing is “Don’t be boring!”

      Imagine living in the time of the dinosaurs. That would have been very exciting and interesting, don’t you think? DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!

      I expect that vampires could have managed to live then if we had a source of sustenance that worked for us. Most likely in a type of pack to defend against or fend off attacks from the meat-eaters. I’m willing to bet I could have held my own with a velociraptor like in Jurassic Park. But a pack of them? I don’t know. That’s like taking on the “Killer Bees” alone. One-on-one, I could’ve held my own with a velociraptor. T-Rex? Yeah, just maybe a T-Rex too. I could’ve punched my fist right into its brain, jugular, or heart if I could get to it. I have the strength to pull its jaws apart. I’d just have to be standing inside its mouth to do it. I’m a whole five-feet three inches of vampire.

      Lily… fo’ sho’. Her skinny legs and form is like one wound-up spring. When it’s sprung… WATCH OUT! I’m glad she’s my BFF. We disarm people. They underestimate us, which is good. And that will most definitely come in handy if there ever becomes a need to take on the Bees. Lily is like a domesticated vampire though. She hates bugs, dirt, hangnails, dirty feet and especially seagull poo bombs. Her hair you see… IS HER LIFE! You won’t catch Lily on a beach. I can barely get Lily in the forest. Our beaches and forests around here are indescribable but Lily would rather be at the mall at Forever 21.

      We know what the “Bees” say about us. What everybody says about us. Loners, losers, and the other L-Word.

      Yeah, I love Lily. Deeply. And nothing can, or ever will tear us apart. We’re not L-Word and we’re not losers. But we are loners. We just like it that way because there’s so much less drama and pretending. We already have to pretend so much being vampires. Pretending to like vampires that we don’t is asking a little too much. And basically, we don’t like any vampires. Well… family we’re okay with.

      I’m more of a loner than Lily. A lone wolf in a world of my own making. When I get in those loner moods, I wish she would understand, it doesn’t mean I don’t love her, it just means I want to be alone. Lily unfortunately doesn’t understand my personal loner moods and she’s never gotten used to them. She gets hurt emotionally easily. Now I use her mild hurt as a source of amusement-- I know, I’m bad. Don’t we all have a little bad in us? Luckily, her hurt quickly washes out to sea as fast as the night tide.

      REDWOODS. (again)

      Haha! Keep up now, we are traveling at lightspeed through my head.

      I love to climb to the top of the tallest redwoods and look out over God’s domain. I admit I feel like a god looking over her domain when I’m up there. I could easily scamper up to the top in seconds, but I take my time. Sometimes I just sit on a big branch halfway up and watch the activities on the forest floor.

      DEER. (again)

      Deer interest me the most. I know, what can I say? I’ve got a thing for deer. I love to see the whole family: the strong buck, the graceful doe, and the cute fawns. The perfect family-- just like mine. NOT.

      Sometimes I wish we did live back in the forest, taking life by the moment, in God’s entire splendor. I could be with my friends, the redwoods and the deer, all the time.

      I think (the redwoods) love this time of year as well. It’s rest after a long summer. It can’t be easy being a giant. They are the largest living beings on the planet. They always have been, and always will be, until the end.

      I can jump straight up and get a good thirty feet above even the tallest redwoods. I’ve used them over the years to gauge my jumping abilities. I think I’ve peaked out.

      On a fog-filled day it’s so cool to jump above the fog. There’s nothing like it. It’s a different world up there. Only the tallest, proudest, oldest, redwoods peak above the fog and mist as they lord over all things. It would be so cool to be able to step out on that layer of fog and take a long walk. One can only dream-- if I could dream.

      THE SEA.

      The sea is wild and frenzied this time of year. Is the Pacific the best of the oceans or what? The wind on the coastal cliffs and at the shoreline swirls and blows on my face, moving my heavy hair to and fro. I can sit or stand completely still yet feel like I’m dancing in the air as if the wind has lifted me on its wings. I love how it all feels, and smells. It makes me feel alive. It tells me there is a God.

      GOD. (no doubt)

      God is everywhere-- in the wind, the moon, the stars, the seas, the trees, the birds and bumblebees. Without God in my life I would be lost. I could not find my way through the pain. I could not deal with what I am. What my place is on this planet in the grand scheme of things. I could not look into the mirror and be okay with being me. Okay with my being a vampire. The rest I have to deal with myself. It’s just a part of life.

      Random thought alert! A bumblebee isn’t supposed to be able to fly you know, but it does.

      Vampires aren’t supposed to exist, but we do. There has to be a reason God made us.

      If you ever doubt in the existence of God, just do what I do-- sit in the breeze on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. No way that you can deny the existence of God if you do that just once.


      My favorite place is the lighthouse on Seal Island. It’s my heaven, my peace-- my true rock of life that I can always go to when I need to deal with life’s issues or to speak to God. (Or just to chill)

      There were lots of seals on the island before the lighthouse was built a century or so ago. Now there’s only a few. My Indian friend told me his people (Yurok Indians) used to hunt the seals on the island before the lighthouse came. What was their land for centuries became property of the U.S. government. And that was that. The construction of the lighthouse scared the seals away, and the keeper’s dogs and the big bright light, kept them away for good.

      Everything changes with progress I guess. Some changes are not so good. When the seals were gone, so was an important part of the Yuroks way of life. It was one of the last important things to be stripped from them and with it the way of life they knew had almost completely vanished.

      Here I am though using their loss as my sanctuary. I guess I’m sorry for the loss, but in this instance their loss is my gain. Life is complicated and strange the way things work out. I'm just one little vampire trying

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