A Hell of a Woman. Ron Boone's Hummer

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A Hell of a Woman - Ron Boone's Hummer

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said, leaning against the shelf.

      “Not sure I understand that.”

      “You seemed so sad at the food court.”

      Gunn was shocked, realizing that she was staring at him. “Guess I have a lot on my mind.”

      “It’s such a nice day though,” she said, running her hand though her dark hair.

      “I guess.”

      “It’s the weekend. You’re done with work.”

      “True.” His heart was racing.

      “And the Phillies are winning.”

      “Yep, they are. Going to see them on Thursday against the Diamondbacks”

      “Nice. Roy Halladay is pitching. Must have been tough to get the tickets.”

      Gunn licked his lips, trying to keep them moist. “It was a lot of money but it was worth it.”

      “Yeah, I’d like to get to some games this year.”

      “Uh huh.”

      “How long have you been a Phillies fan?”

      She could have left at anytime, Don thought, yet she continued to talk. He thought of the Starbucks and the tables that were a few feet away.

      “Guess all my life.”

      “Me too. Since I was 8 years old.”

      “Since you were 8.”


      His heart was still racing as he looked into her dark eyes. “I was thinking of having a coffee over at Starbucks. Would you like to join me?”

      She bobbed her head, said “I’d like that.”

      “Okay. Let’s go.” They walked out of the true crime section together, Gunn surprised that she accepted his invitation. “I don’t even know your name.”

      “Kim. Kim Hunter. My friends call me Kimmy.”

      He chuckled at that, following her to a table. “Why don’t you sit here and I’ll get you a cup of coffee.”

      “Okay, I’ll have a Carmel Macchiato.”

      Chapter 2

      Gunn reached the register and ordered two Carmel Macchiato’s, surprised that a woman almost half his age was sitting at a table waiting for him. He thought that she must be nearly at least 20 years younger than him. Gunn wondered why she would be interested since she could have any guy she wanted.

      He took the drinks, walked back and sat down, noticing that she was twirling her hair and smiling at him again. “Thanks,” she said, taking it with her right hand and taking a sip.

      “Your welcome,” Don said taking a sip as well.

      “You’re not married, are you?” Kim asked.

      The question caught him off guard.

      “I didn’t see a ring on your finger but some men take it off.”

      “I wouldn’t do that. And no. I’m not married. Anymore that is. My wife died about 6 months ago.”

      She put her hand to her mouth. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

      “It’s okay.”

      “No, it’s not,” she replied, suddenly rubbing his hand.

      “I guess you met someone else that never told you he was married.”

      “Yes. It was a long time ago.”


      “When I was in college at UCLA.”

      “Oh, when did you graduate?”

      “3 years ago.”

      Gunn chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “You realize I graduated a lot longer than that.”

      “Are you hung up on my age?” Kim asked.

      “Well, yes.”

      “If it makes you feel any better, the guy that didn’t tell me that he was married was actually 45.”

      “Oh. How long ago was that?”

      “About 3 years ago.”

      Don bobbed his head, taking another sip of his drink.

      “Don’t think that guys my age are so great. For example” - here, she took another sip of her drink - “I went out with this guy about 2 weeks ago. Went to a movie. Guy flick. The Expendables. Like I would be interested in that.”

      “I could think of better movies.”

      “After the movie, he sees some guy looking at me and the next thing you know, he starts a fight with him.”

      “Guess he was jealous.”

      “Would you start a fight over it.”

      “Well, no.”

      “I mean, sure, guys look at me all the time but if I’m with you, then you’ll pick a fight every night with someone.”

      “I guess.”

      “I mean, I’m sure your wife was pretty?”

      Gunn smiled. “Yes, she was.”

      “Did guys always look at her?”

      “I guess I tried not to notice. Usually, I was looking at her.”


      “I guess I get the point.”

      “Mind if I asked how she died?”

      “Car accident.”

      “I’m sorry.”

      “It’s okay.”

      She licked her lips, taking another sip of her drink. “You probably don’t even want to talk about it?”

      “Nope, not really.”

      “Okay, let’s change the subject.”

      “Not sure what to change it to.” He glanced at his watch, saw it was after 5:00.”

      “Getting late for you?”

      He shrugged his shoulders, grinned. “Didn’t mean to look at it.”

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