A Hell of a Woman. Ron Boone's Hummer

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A Hell of a Woman - Ron Boone's Hummer

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      “Not very exciting.”

      “How about you?”

      “Thinking about going to Grizzlies for dinner and then have some drinks.”

      “Not familiar with that place.”

      “It’s down by the docks. Wanna come with me?”

      He raised his eyebrows out of surprise. “Never thought I’d see the day when a woman asked me out.”

      “Come on, that’s not true. You’re a good looking guy.”

      He put his hands on his knees and narrowed his eyes. “I think I’m nearly twice your age.”

      “Doesn’t bother me. Remember, I went out with a Professor at UCLA that was older than you.”

      “What did he teach?”


      “I’m not sure what to say.”

      “Usually, the answer is okay, let’s go,” she replied, tugging his hand as she stood up. “It will probably take us about 45 minutes to get there from here.”

      “You don’t have a car?”

      “I do but I took the bus here. Not big on driving.”

      “Okay. Let’s go.”

      Chapter 3

      The ride to Grizzlies nearly took an hour, ending with a ride down to the last exit of Interstate 95 which was about 3 miles. He looked over at Kim as he pulled into the dirt lot, her smile never leaving her face as she sung along to Lady Gaga. What am I doing here? Gunn asked himself. She listens to music I’m not the least bit interested in. Talks about TV shows like the Jersey Shore, Desperate Housewives, and the Real Housewives of Atlanta.

      “Did you see Jennifer’s Body?”

      “Jennifer’s Body?” Gunn asked.

      “That was such a great movie. Megan Fox was in it.”

      “Must have missed that one.”

      Gunn debated about letting Kim go in by herself, turned and looked at her again, lost the debate.

      “Are we going?” she asked.

      “Sure.” He stepped out of the car, shut the door. Kim shut her door, came around his side and put her arm inside Gunn’s arm. “I”m really glad you came with me.”

      Her arm felt like an electric jolt that went through his body. He smelled her perfume for the first time and tingled all over.

      They walked together, their shoes crunching the pebbles below their feet. “What kind of place is this?” Gunn asked.

      “Kind of like a pub?” Kim answered.

      “Oh. You come here a lot?”

      “Oh yeah. I like places like this.”

      “Really. I thought you would like the clubs better.”

      “I don’t know. Kind of bored with the clubs.”


      “You’re still surprised that I invited you here, aren’t you?”

      “I guess.”

      She stopped and looked at Gunn. “Don, you have to lighten up.”

      “You want to know the truth?”


      “I haven’t been with another woman since my wife died.”

      “I think I already knew that,” she said, rubbing his cheek with the palm of her hand. “It’s okay. I understand. Look, let’s take things slowly. I’d really like to get to know you better. Okay.”

      Gunn smiled, feeling more stunned by the minute. Was she after something? he asked himself. He didn’t understand this at all.


      “Good,” she said, taking his arm again. “Let’s go.”

      They reached the door and the bouncer was there, ready to greet them. Kimmy. I thought it was you.”

      “Hey Wes,” Kim replied, mussing Wes’s hair with her right hand.

      “Who’s the lucky guy?” His voice was low, loaded with menace.

      “Don, this is Wes.”

      “Hey Wes.”

      Wes was much taller than Gunn, about 6-3, with red hair that fell over his ears, and beneath that an eight inch scar on his forehead and beneath that, small eyebrows and dark eyes, and beneath that, a pug nose, and beneath that, a red mustache.

      Wes put out his hand and Gunn shook it. “At times like this, I wish I was your age so I would have a chance with Kimmy.”

      “Wes, give it a rest.”

      He looked at Kim, put his hands on his hips. “I really don’t understand you.”

      “Come on Don, let’s go inside.”

      “Whatever,” Wes said.

      As they went inside, Don said “That the guy that started the fight in the movie theater?”

      “Nice guess.”

      Gunn walked inside, the small of beer was prevalent in the air. There was a large bar off to the left with five men sitting on stools wearing blue jean jackets, blue jeans, and black work boots. Booths and tables were lined up in the center of the room with about 8 pool tables in the back. The bartender turned towards them and Kim said “Hey Dusty”

      Dusty saluted Kim, turned and pulled a beer tap that said Budweiser.

      A raven haired woman walked over, her tee shirt said Grizzlies. “Hey Kim.”

      “Hey Cheryl.”

      “Table for 2.”


      She turned and showed them to a booth. Kim sat on the far end and tugged Don’s hand to sit next to her.

      “It might get loud in here,” Kim said, “so no point in shouting at each other.”

      “Sounds good,” Don said, looking around the room, noting the crowd, feeling like he was the oldest one there. Then Cheryl left menus for them.

      “Sea food platter is good,” Kim said.


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