A Hell of a Woman. Ron Boone's Hummer

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A Hell of a Woman - Ron Boone's Hummer

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conclusion considering that you don’t even know this girl that broke up her marriage.”

      “I might know a lot more than you think.”

      “Wait a second,” Doug said, “If I didn’t know any better, I would say that you’re trying to tell me that you’re speaking from experience.”

      Gunn wasn’t sure that he wanted to share what happened last night but he felt like he wanted to talk about what happened. “You weren’t the only one who had a good time last night.”

      “Are you kidding me,” Doug said, laughing. “No.”


      “Were you going to tell me?”

      “Yeah, I was.”

      “Oh, I have to hear this. Details.” He sat down on the mat and Gunn joined him.

      Gunn recounted his evening last night, only leaving out the part that he was followed afterwards. Doug listened carefully, laughing, hitting Gunn on the shoulder when he told him that he took her back to his place.

      “Sounds like a real wildcat. God, I can’t believe it. Don Gunn sleeping with someone half his age. Are you going to see her again?”

      “Tonight. At Grizzlies again.”

      “Never been out to the docks.”

      “What do you think of the story she told me?”

      “Yes, I agree with you, she’s immature. A kid. So what. Do you realize how many guys would love to be like you so you can hit that?”

      “I don’t know.”

      “Unbelievable. You had sex with someone nearly half your age and you have a shot at Natalie Mendoza to boot.”

      “Not acting on it.”

      “Yet you were putting Benny down for sleeping with someone nearly half his age.”

      “He was married to a great woman.”

      “And he’s paying for it now.”

      “I guess.”

      “Probably thinks he can have other women because he’s a lawyer.” He bit his lower lip. “Anyway, don’t over think this. Just have some fun for once in your life.”

      Yet Gunn’s mind went back to last night and the man who followed him home from Grizzlies.

      “Maybe fun isn’t exactly something that comes to mind.”

      “We’re all in the same boat.”

      “Yes, the zombie boat. We all sit around, waiting and wondering if the office is going to be shut down or when that e-mail comes asking us to come in early so they can fire us.”

      Doug bobbed his head, taking a deep breath. “Have you talked to Cole?”

      “Actually, we’re going to the game on Thursday.”

      “Phillies D’Back game. And we may get Roy Oswalt.”

      “Hard to keep my mind on baseball.”

      “How long has it been for Cole?”

      “6 months.”

      “Jeez. Once he was your boss.”

      “He was a great boss. Much better than Stacey Jones.”

      “Look, send him my best. I really miss him.”

      “Me too.”

      “All we can do each day is punch in. We still have a job.”

      “What about our office in Texas.” Gunn raked his hand through his hair.

      “There were over 200 people that lost their jobs after that office closed.”

      “I know.”

      “And none of them can work in the industry for 2 years. Unless they want to fight it and find a lawyer in Florida.”

      “I’m sure they don’t have $10,000.”

      “I wouldn’t even have to think about this if it weren’t for Rob Barker,” Gunn said angrily.

      “Don, take it easy,” Doug said, holding out his left hand. “He’s not worth it. It’s over.”

      Gunn walked over and thew a right to the bag.

      “We might as well just change the subject, Don. You have every right to be mad at Rob Barker. There’s no point in thinking about that and our non-compete. We all feel the same way. Nothing is getting accomplished talking about it. All we can do is go on the web and see if we can get a job.”

      “In another industry. Like North Star Publishing.”

      “I know.”

      “Well,” Gunn said, “At least I have another interview.”

      “Good. Get that job and forget about Rob Barker. When is the interview?”


      “Really, that’s great.”

      Gunn heard his phone vibrate by the treadmill. He walked over, grabbed it, then put it to his ear after opening his phone.

      “Hi,” Kim said.

      “Hey Kim.”

      “You can call me Kimmy if you want.”

      “I’ll stay with Kim.”

      “That her?” Doug whispered.

      Don shook his head yes.

      “Look, I’m helping my roommate RoseAnn out tonight by waitressing with her. I was hoping that I can meet you at Grizzlies.”

      “Why don’t we meet at the place where you’re waitressing?”

      “It would be so much easier if we met at Grizzlies.”

      “Not sure I understand why but okay. What time?”

      Gunn heard her take a deep breath. “10:00.”

      “10:00. It’s just that I have an interview.”

      “What time is the interview tomorrow?”


      “So, we’ll be back in plenty of time. I really want to see you.”

      “Okay. 10:00 it is.”

      “All right. See

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