The Whirlwind's Ride. Tom Boone's Anderson

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The Whirlwind's Ride - Tom Boone's Anderson

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      “Thank you for being my favorite bait,” I replied.

      “You know I had hoped to put you in the hospital all by myself.”


      “In a nice way,” Dr Carroll smiled. “I have perfected bringing a man to sexual exhaustion down to a fine art.”

      “Well as long as I'm in the hospital anyway,” I said returning her smile.

      “You have to be very healthy for me to do it to you. I've never sexually exhausted a man into the morgue and I don't intend to start now,” Dr Carroll said as she continued to look me over carefully.

      “Can you hang around until I'm healthy enough Dr Carroll?”

      “I wish I could, but I can't. They need a doctor for an expedition on Lindle 77 and they have made some discoveries I really want to see.”

      “You're not staying here? I killed the croc, isn't the expedition going to continue?”

      “It's going to continue, but without me. I lost too many friends in there. I can't go back in.”

      Dr Carroll moved in close and spoke softly into my ear. “I have never had anyone risk their life to save mine before. Thank you for not dying. I owe you big time. Tell you what, every time I am threatened by a gloride monster, you come rescue me. Every time we meet and you have a couple of weeks to spend in the hospital, I will demonstrate how sexual exhaustion works.”

      “I’ll be in the hospital for a couple of weeks?”

      “I have never sent a man to the hospital that didn't go with a big grin on his face and want me to do it to him again long before he was healthy enough. I'm a doctor; I know what I'm doing.”

      Dr Carroll looked carefully into my eyes and then gave me a bright smile, “Bob I've been naughty. I woke you up so I could say goodbye. I have to go now. My star transport will be leaving as soon as I get there. They want you to sleep for another couple of days. What I gave you should be wearing off just about now.”

      “Would you let your hair brush against my face as I am falling asleep?” I asked her.

      Dr Carroll bent in close to me and turned her head so she could pull her hair across my face as I shut my eyes. Dr Carroll’s hair smelled like springtime, my dreams were wonderful.


      I was seething with anger. I had hurt no one. The four girls were the only other ones on the beach and I knew they enjoyed having me there. It just wasn't fair. When I felt my Uncle's hand on my shoulder, I almost struck it off. I didn't. It wouldn't do any good. A part of me, deep inside, knew my Uncle was right. I shouldn't have been on that beach, but it was so much fun. Now I wouldn't even be able to just look at girls.

      My tutor was here, I was dying inside, and it was time to improve my schoolwork. I was prepared to hate the man on the other side of that door.

      When I opened the door, I didn't say hello, I just stared at his feet. They were tiny. So were his legs, and the curve of his waist was strange. He had a woman's breasts? I looked at the face.

      It was the redhead from the beach. She smiled at my shock and fortunately caught me as I almost fainted. My Uncle looked uncomfortable, but amused. “I have a room prepared for you to use as a classroom, third door to the left at the top of the stairs. Anything you need, just call.”

      The redhead's smile was gone. “Are you all right?” I said I was. “Can you make it up the stairs?” I said I could. I followed her up the stairs and into the room. I had never had a woman teacher before, but male or female, the teacher expression is the same. Don't get me wrong, I was looking at her the way a man dying of thirst in the desert, looks at a glass of water.

      The teacher's assistant uniform was covering all the delicious curves I had seen the day before at the beach, but I still could see the shiny red hair, pinned up off her shoulders, and that beautiful face, beautiful even wearing that teacher's expression.

      “I want you to forget that day at the beach” she told me. “I am here as your teacher, and you will treat me with respect. You will call me Miss Ross.” She started to undo the belt holding up my pants as she looked up at me and smiled. “At least until we get your penis inside me.”

      When I left the hospital I went back to Cocuru in an Elan Courier ship. I had an important party to help plan.


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