The Whirlwind's Ride. Tom Boone's Anderson

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The Whirlwind's Ride - Tom Boone's Anderson

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you I will do nothing. I am simply going to wake everyone up and let them really take a good look at you. Or perhaps I should just wake up Fran.” Fran slowly closed her eyes and when she opened them her eyes widened as she saw me. Fran fearfully looked around the room. Everyone in the room was looking at us emotionlessly.

      Fran looked back at me. “Mr Nesslun, what’s wrong with everyone? What happened to you?” Celeste touched Fran on the shoulder and she jumped and turned around. “Who are you?”

      “My name is Celeste and I have had Bob tied up because I want to see you have sex with him. Shall I have someone put him on the floor so you can ride him or would you like to give him a blow job while he stands up?”

      Fran moved very close to me and put her hands on my chest. “I’m frightened Mr Nesslun. What should I do?” Fran asked me as she gently ran her fingers through the hair on my chest. Fran’s hands moved around to my back and started to caress my bottom. Then Fran jumped back. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”

      “Yes you did,” Celeste said matter of factly. “You’ve fantasized about having sex with Bob since the first day you were hired. Remember how disappointed you were when he didn’t have you strip naked when he interviewed you. Why don’t you strip naked for him now? If you don’t want to have sex with Bob I can find one of the other girls to do it. I choose you because Bob considers you the sexiest maid he has, but if you don’t want to…”

      Fran turned to look at me and the thought of her undressing for me made my penis begin to grow. As Fran started to remove her clothes my penis went to full bloom. Fran had a very pretty face and her hair was always perfectly styled and looked soft and shiny. I was amazed how luscious her naked body was.

      When Fran had removed her last item of clothing she grabbed me. Fran was kissing all over my face and my neck and my shoulders and her hands were caressing me everywhere else. She looked at Celeste. “Could you please have someone put Bob on the floor?”

      Tim took the rope off my neck. Then Tim and Todd picked me up and laid me on the floor. Fran was feverishly rubbing her vagina. Then with a big smile on her face Fran rubbed some of the moisture that had collected on her fingertips under my nose. Then she began to gently caress my penis until it was again fully engorged. With a look of satisfaction on her face she opened her legs and began to ride me. When I ejaculated, Fran’s face lost all expression as she got off me and went over to stand naked with the other house maids who still had their clothes on.

      Todd picked me up so I was back on my feet and put the rope around my neck. Tim tightened the rope so I was again forced to stand on the balls of my feet.

      “Fran wasn’t really awake, you made her do that,” I said more to myself than to Celeste.

      “No, I slowly removed Fran’s inhibitions, but she was doing what she wanted to do,” Celeste said with mock seriousness.

      Celeste’s grin was back. “Now before I wake everyone up I believe I will take my evening blood meal.”

      “Celeste you can’t. You said you would harm no one.”

      “Bob I’m not fertile. The mouthful of blood I take when I am not fertile harms no one. I believe this woman’s blood would be interesting.” Mildred walked over to Celeste and bent over offering her neck. Celeste extended her fangs.

      “Celeste no, please, I’m begging you.”

      “You want to protect her even after she spent so much time slapping you?” Celeste said as her fangs retracted. Mildred straightened up and went back to stand with the others.

      “I know Mildred was slapping me because you wanted her to, not because she wanted to.”

      Celeste’s smile became bigger. “If you don’t want me to use Mildred for my blood meal, whose blood shall I take?”

      “Take my blood Celeste.”

      “It has been a very long time since I have taken the blood of a human whose mind wasn’t totally under my control or at least clouded. Can you let me take your blood without flinching?” Celeste said as she extended her fangs.

      “Just take my blood Celeste, I won’t flinch.” Celeste’s clothes dissolved revealing a woman with the most perfectly formed, most beautiful body I had ever seen. With a mind of its own my penis went back to full bloom as Celeste caressed and squeezed it. Tim took the rope off my head and Celeste pulled my head down so my face was buried in her shiny, fragrant, night black hair. I ejaculated just as I felt Celeste’s fangs burying themselves in my neck. I thought I would die, but I didn’t.


      Celeste carefully removed her fangs from Bob’s neck. Bob didn’t whimper. Celeste liked that. When Celeste had frequently drawn blood from men who weren’t under her control they almost always whimpered.

      Celeste took control of Bob’s mind as she had all the other human minds in the household. She took the images of all the things that had happened since Bob came home out of everyone’s mind except Bob’s. Celeste put Bob’s memory behind a hidden door in his mind, a hidden door which would dissolve at first light after the next sunset. Someday Celeste might want to play with Bob again and it would be more fun if he remembered this time.

      Celeste had Bob’s handcuffs removed and then had Bob and Fran dress and repair their appearances. Celeste gave everyone appropriate memories and sent them to start the evening over just as the narcotic of Bob’s blood began to have its way with her.

      As Celeste’s servants led her to her rest she realized that Bob’s blood was still delicious. It was too bad that she would almost certainly never taste his blood again. Mortals were so short lived. In a hundred years he would be dead and dust. To Celeste a hundred years was an eye blink..Celeste was tired of the table wine blood of the common man. She was off to the galaxy’s heart to sample the fine wine blood of the rich and the powerful and the nobility.

      ◊I stood in the total darkness just outside the ‘big house’ watching the lights that blazed from every window. This was the most beautiful building in the entire universe because it was home. I couldn’t remember why I had turned down Michael’s invitation to pick me up at the spaceport. I turned to look at the public land transport that had just dropped me off. It was already out of sight. I must have been standing here daydreaming longer than I thought. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I was home.

      I slept through most of the next day and into the night. I woke up the next morning to my mind filling with the full memories of the night of my arrival. I ran to the maid’s quarters. They were empty. I ran to the kitchen. Cedric noticed me running and followed behind me. I dashed in the kitchen and came to a sudden stop in front of the table where all the maids were having breakfast. All six of them looked up at me, smiled, and said in unison, “Can we help you sir?” The girls looked at each other and started to laugh.

      Fran recovered first. “I’m sorry sir. We didn’t mean to do that. Is there something wrong?”

      “No I just thought it had been too long since I told you,” I slowly scanned the room and tried to catch every eye,” since I told all of you how happy I am that you are working for me and how grateful I am for your service.”

      Everyone sitting stood up and my mind removed Fran’s clothing. I forced my mind to put her clothing back on. “Please sit down and finish your breakfasts. I just wanted to let you know that if there is anything

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