The Whirlwind's Ride. Tom Boone's Anderson

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The Whirlwind's Ride - Tom Boone's Anderson

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sell I would be alright. I was now a gentleman wine producer and I never wanted to fight anything that might kill me ever again.

      The next member of another star traveling species that I met was a Kinzu. Kinzu have blue skin and are larger than humans. Their powerful shoulders are twice as wide as a human’s, they have narrow waists, and massively powerful legs set far apart on a pelvis much wider than a human pelvis. His name was Ischuk and he was a Kinzu Warrior. Kinzu Warriors are the white knights of the galaxy and the term Kinzu Warrior is equivalent to hero in any galactic language.

      Merritt brought Ischuk to Cocuru to ask for my help. A pod of monsters, called setti, had gotten into a gloride mine where modern weapons could not be used. Young Kinzu Warriors were going into that gloride mine armed only with ceramic blade weapons to fight the creatures. It became a point of honor that the setti must be killed if every young Kinzu Warrior on the planet must die in the attempt. After my success with the gloride monsters on Nimbus and Serifin, Ischuk thought I might be able to kill the setti in the gloride mine on Kinzu Prime.

      The child in me accepted before the adult in the back of my mind could object. As the setti attacked me I became only an observer in my own body as The Ride began again. The Ride used my body to kill the setti. I returned to Cocuru wearing the setti spine belt that I had harvested from one of the setti The Ride had used my body to kill. I found that returning to the life of a gentleman wine producer was no longer a possibility.


      This is the story of a man who finds he has an amazing ability over which he has absolutely no control. The story is told in the man’s own words. To read only this story please only read between the ◊ and the ◊◊◊. If you are the type of person who likes to know the story surrounding the story please ignore the ◊ and ◊◊◊ and enjoy ‘THE WHIRLWIND’S RIDE’.

      CHAPTER 1



      Celeste held her head between her hands willing herself to survive the agony. She cursed Bob as she willed the time to pass more quickly. Celeste could feel the hated sun begin to slide below the horizon. Finally it was over. The day was done and the pain in her head and her gut and everywhere else began to subside. This was the last day of her yearly month of fertility, one month down and only two hundred ninety nine to go. How could she be so stupid? Still Celeste gave her word and she always kept her word. The problem was that Celeste wanted revenge.

      Celeste had also given her word that she would not harm Bob or anyone close to him. The question was, what constituted harm? Celeste knew she was splitting hairs, but she couldn’t let this mortal have the last word. What was the planet Bob called home? Cocuru! Cocuru was the name of his precious world. Celeste would kill no one. Celeste would physically harm no one. But embarrassment, humiliation, feeling betrayed by those he loved, was that really harm. Celeste would not spill so much as one drop of their blood, except the blood she would drink of course. And since Celeste wasn’t fertile the blood she took would not harm anyone. Bob would learn that there was a price to be paid for manhandling one of the Self Born.

      The star courier landed on Cocuru after sunset and Celeste removed her image from the minds of those who saw her. Celeste chose for herself a suitable staff and started her search for Bob and those who were close to him. The night was nearing its end and Celeste found lodging in a hidden subbasement of ‘Tully’s Tavern’ that even Tully had never known about.

      It had been built by the father of the previous owner who had died before telling his son about its secret entrance. Celeste had a gift for finding hidden entrances, especially when they led to secret places deep underground. Celeste needed a blood meal so she could sleep the day in comfort. As she opened the hidden door and moved through the room Celeste clouded the minds of those who saw her so she passed through the tavern’s great room unnoticed. Once outside Celeste turned around and walked back in. All the men turned to look at this beautiful young woman entering the room. Blood always tasted better when taken from a man who had seen and sexually desired her. Celeste decided on Tully himself.

      Tully had grown children and a wife who loved him. Tully would never cheat on his wife, but god he wanted this beautiful young woman. Tully wanted to take her in his arms, strip her naked, get between her legs and show her how a real man pleasured a woman. Tully would never cheat on his wife and he couldn’t understand how this young woman was able to take him by the hand and lead him into the back room so easily. Tully took the young woman in his arms and grabbed her bottom with both hands as he felt the wonder of her huge breasts pressed against him. Tully barely noticed at all when Celeste buried her fangs deep into his neck.

      She only took a mouthful of his blood. The taste was good. Tully was a good solid meat and potatoes kind of guy. The waves of pleasure washed over her as she withdrew her fangs. Celeste had Tully remove all his clothes and lie on his back on the small bed. She played with his penis until it erupted as she filled his mind with images of the incredible sex the two of them had experienced.

      Celeste still loved men even though it had been many thousands of years since she had actually had sex with one. She threw a sheet over Tully and left him asleep on the small bed. As the narcotic effect of Tully’s blood began to have its way with her she removed the image of her leaving the tavern from everyone’s mind. Celeste staggered as her servants led her to her rest. Celeste knew she would have wonderful dreams and awake refreshed and strong when the sun went down.

      The next night Celeste moved to Bob’s estate. As she walked in the door of the ‘big house’ Celeste took control of the minds of everyone in it. The house was light and airy with a charm and elegance designed to display a masculine touch that Celeste realized she approved of. The house was perfect for a wealthy young bachelor.

      The housemaster’s name was Cedric. Celeste touched the back of Cedric’s head. Bob was not home. He was still off planet fighting gloride monsters. Celeste would make Bob’s home her own. Celeste took a small amount of Cedric’s blood. There was a good strong table wine quality to Cedric’s blood not unlike Tully’s blood. The difference was that Cedric’s blood was sweeter.

      Celeste had a field hand come over and bend down so she could sample his blood as well. Celeste took an even smaller amount, just a few drops. The field hands blood was just as sweet. Celeste took a small amount of blood from a housemaid, then from another maid, then another field hand, then one of the men working in the kitchen, then one of the gardeners, then a girl working in the kitchen. Each time the blood was just as sweet.

      Celeste knew there was a danger in taking the blood from too many individual humans for any one blood meal. Celeste was very close to going into a REVERIE, a mindless euphoria that can claim a vampire’s body and soul. It was just that the blood was so sweet and absolutely wonderful. Celeste was going to release all their minds so they could watch her dance. Celeste stopped and took control of herself.

      The blood of these people was so sweet because these people shared a common purpose, a shared destiny. They felt that Bob was an important man, to the people of Cocuru certainly and perhaps to the entire human race. By working for him and making his life easier they were important too. This was unsettling. Until Bob returned Celeste would spend the daylight hours in the deepest of the rooms below the estate’s wine vaults. Celeste would take all her blood meals at ‘Tully’s Tavern’.

      ◊I was exhausted. Usually I walk into a gloride mine with a hangover that is so horrible that death by gloride monster would be an improvement. I stagger around until the gloride monster attacks me. At this moment The Ride takes over and I become only an observer in my own body. The Ride uses my body to kill whatever is attacking me and then The Ride goes away taking my hangover with it. In control of my body again and hangover

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