Journey Into Spirituality. Laura Laforce

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Journey Into Spirituality - Laura Laforce

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upon your guide doesn’t guarantee answers or an immediate visit. Sometimes a flood of information is received. Other times only part of the answer is supplied. There will be frustrating times, when no answers are revealed. Spirit gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.

      Communicating with Spirit

      While guiding a group of beginners into meditation, at Mystics Metaphysical Shop, an unfamiliar Spirit Guide joined us. She was standing in front of me. I felt distracted.

      “Excuse me, Spirit, Why are you here?” I silently asked.

      “To help the others see,” the guide whispered. I went on to lead and complete the meditation with her.

      I saw some of the interactions that some group members experienced during their meditation. After the meditation, I was preparing to lead the group discussion. I knew most had something interesting happen. I allowed each student a brief moment to share their experience with the group. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement. The pendulums on display were moving in a swinging motion. There was no air conditioner or fan in the area causing this movement.

      “Could I ask everyone to look over at the pendulum display? Those pendulums are being manipulated by energy. There is a lot of spiritual activity in here, let’s experience it.” We quietly watched the swinging pendulums for awhile.

      “The power of Spirit is amazing. Let’s go around the circle and share what we experienced during meditation.”

      “Yvonne, I heard you let out a shriek during meditation. What happened?” I asked.

      “Out of the blue, this guy was sitting there looking at me, resting his head on his hand. He was right in my face.”

      “Did he say anything?”

      “No, I just wasn’t expecting this. He seemed to be sitting there, waiting for an answer.”

      “Debra did you experience anything?”

      “Yes, the face of an elderly lady with wrinkled yellowish skin appeared. It was hard to see her eyes with all the folds and creases.”

      “Your guide is a very old soul,” I replied. “Did anything else happen?”

      “Yes, I’ve always suffered from ADHD. This was the first time in my life that I have sat still. I have never been this relaxed, even while medicated.”

      “Possibly your ADHD may have been mistaken with spiritual restlessness.”

      “Jason, what was your experience?”

      “My deceased brother was sitting by a lake. He invited me to stay awhile. We sat there watching the ripples in the water.”

      “You realize you’re deceased brother isn’t your spirit guide. During meditation we can meet up with loved ones. Sandy, do you have something to share?”

      “A hand was presenting a bouquet of flowers to me. After a couple minutes, I could see the face of a smiling man wearing a fedora. He carried a pointer stick and drew the name Michael in the sand. I asked him if his name was Michael and he nodded yes.”

      “Angie, you seem disappointed. What happened?” “All I saw was color swirls and felt peaceful.”

      “Don’t worry. Seeing color is part of this experience. The rest will eventually follow. Gary, would you care to share?”

      “I floated around watching the others meet up with their guides. After a while, an eagle flew by me. I was shown a special feather, which will be given to me. I went on to participate in a spiritual ceremony.”

      “Maxine, tell us your experience?”

      “I could see a ballerina dancing and twirling about, but nothing was ever said to me.”

      “Maggie, what happened to you?”

      “When I shut my eyes everything went black. I took the time to relax.”

      “Your third eye is undeveloped. With practice and perseverance this will change.”

      Spirit versus Ultra Sound

      When I’m working with clients their guides are always present and usually visible to me. There are times when I can’t see their guides. Instead I am flooded with information, which is similar to a fast paced slideshow. I find this particular type of connection more helpful.

      Sheena had come in for a reading. I connected with her guide immediately. Relevant information pertaining to Sheena’s future was being disclosed.

      “Laura I need to ask you something.”

      “Sheena, please wait a minute, allow me to start first.”

      Sheena’s guide was smiling while displaying an embryo enclosed in a lit up uterus.

      “What is the arrival date and gender of this baby?” I silently asked her Spirit Guide. I received a letter “S” and a number “7” drawn in mid air.

      “Is September 7th the arrival date?”

      Instant chills entered the crown of my head. Then continue to circulate throughout my body. This happens when I hit things bang on.

      “What is the sex of the baby?” I silently asked her Spirit Guide. The display of her womb lit up in pink.

      “A girl,” I quietly questioned and I felt the chills again. “Congratulations Sheena, you’re pregnant!”

      I watched her jaw drop in total surprise and her eyes welled up with tears.

      “Are you sure I’m pregnant? We’ve been trying for years.”

      “Your baby will be born on September 7th.”

      “Do you know what I’m having?”

      “A girl,” I replied.

      Sheena’s spirit guide was giggling happily.

      “Sheena do you still have a question for me?”

      “No, you already answered my question about a baby. Is she healthy?”

      I went to Sheena’s Spirit Guide who displayed the letter “F” for fine.

      “She is fine.”

      A couple months later Sheena was on the phone highly upset and crying.

      “I had an ultra sound this morning. The technician told me the baby’s a boy. I’ve spent weeks working on a nursery for a girl. I went on a shopping spree and purchased many expensive outfits for her. Can an ultra sound be wrong? Could you be wrong?”

      I closed my eyes and went to Spirit.

      “Dan, please help us. What sex is this child?” Right away, pink was shown.

      “Are you sure Dan?”


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