Journey Into Spirituality. Laura Laforce

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Journey Into Spirituality - Laura Laforce

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was spiritual herself. One evening she insisted that I attend a supper with a group of people she knew. Many of these people casually spoke with me. I knew they were observing me, but I didn’t know why.

      The next day when speaking to Inga, I could hardly believe what she was saying.

      “Laura, you’re special. Those people we had supper with last night are mystics. I asked them what they sensed about you. They say you have superior gifts and abilities. You need time to heal and release the negativity first, which has been inflicted your whole life. One day you will be somebody many will look up to and respect. You’re going to help many people.”

      I stayed with Inga for a year. The following year, I rented an apartment with a friend. One night, I was out on the balcony enjoying the evening sky. I became aware of a looming tornado. I had never seen a tornado before. I went inside and told my roommate.

      “Taylor, there’s going to be a tornado!” I exclaimed.

      “We don’t have tornado’s here. What makes you say that?”

      “The sky is different and I sense it.”

      “I hope you’re wrong,” Taylor said.

      “Me too.”

      Sixteen hours later a devastating tornado hit the Edmonton area, killing several people.

      After being on my own for awhile, I started talking with mother. I forgave her and decided to work on our relationship. I desired the mother-daughter relationship I thought other girls had. Eventually she talked me into moving back home. We were going to catch up on missed time. I ended up regretting this decision.

      Grade twelve was an interesting year for me. During the year, English became my favorite subject. One day, after school, I went to talk to my favorite English teacher about the details of an assignment.

      “Laura,” she said. “I can see you writing a book one day.”

      “I don’t think so Mrs. Birch. Don’t get me wrong. I like English, but I read and hand in assignments for marks. To write a book would be a huge undertaking, which I’m not prepared to do.”

      In grade twelve, I auditioned with my friends to become an extra in a documentary. We all made the audition. Outfits from the 1940’s were issued to us on the first morning of the filming. We only had fifteen minutes to get dressed, before we were on. The front of the blouse I was to wear wouldn’t stay buttoned shut. Within seconds of complaining, the seamstress quickly sewed it shut while I was wearing it. The filming was interesting and exciting. I learned how movies were made. The following day was to be the final day of the filming.

      It was hard to fall asleep that night with all the excitement. While lying awake, I saw a vision of an empty stretcher beside me. I wondered why?

      Over the past couple days my hips had become extremely tender. They snapped and crackled weirdly every time I moved. I assumed these were some sort of growing pains.

      A friend’s mother threw us a party after the filming was over. We spent the evening enjoying ourselves. I was sitting on the floor, when one of my friends asked me to dance. I sprang up to join him and my hip locked. I couldn’t move from the waist down on one side. The pain was tremendous. My body went into shock.

      An ambulance was called. I was taken to the hospital. A deformed muscle had dislocated ceasing the front of my hip joint, straining and tearing the other muscles and ligaments in my pelvis.

      The condition worsened as time went on. The week before graduating, both hips froze. I was bedridden and missed my graduation.

      Chapter 2


      Nina invited me over to meet her father Sam, who was a psychic himself, visiting from Israel. He spoke limited English. We had heard about each other, but had never met. Nina was translating our conversation when the doorbell rang.

      “Oh, I lost track of time. I promised to help Ruth with something. Hope you two will be okay without me for ten minutes,” said Nina.

      We both continued to visit despite the language barrier. Through this experience, we discovered the energy of language. Vibrations of communication are universal. I was able to understand Sam through energy, as he spoke Arabic, with the odd English words or short sentences thrown in. I could only respond in English. Sam was experiencing the same in reverse.

      “Where in my house am I standing?” Sam demanded.

      “I don’t know. I can’t do that.” I hesitated unsure of my ability to see across the world. In the past I had unintentionally participated in remote viewing, but I’d never on command.

      “Yes you can. Spirit tells me so.” Sam insisted.

      “You are in your yard at the side of your house. Your house is a sandstone color. There are two palm trees in the yard. I find the area extremely peaceful.”

      Sam’s face lit up with great joy. “See, you did it.”

      “That’s where I was. Thirty meters from my door is the cemetery.”

      We then decided to read each other. We were exchanging palm readings, unaware Ruth had been observing us from a distance.

      “Excuse me, may I join in?” Ruth interrupted.

      “Sure,” we said in union.

      “Can you look at my palm?” Ruth requested in desperation.

      “Yes,” said Sam.

      “I’m worried about my health. Is my MS going to get worse?” Ruth handed her palm over to Sam.

      “You have a few short years left. Something else will take you.”

      Ruth turned to me.

      “Is my MS going to worsen?”

      I closed my eyes. Ruth’s physical appearance and health was the same as today. She never aged in the vision. This usually indicates death, but I didn’t know why.

      “Your MS is going to be like it is today.”

      Ruth thanked us and got up to leave. I felt uneasy as Ruth approached her car. Chills went through my body as she drove away.

      Six weeks later, a strong presence could be felt lurking in the kitchen. Out of thin air several dimes struck the floor. Next a stack of papers came crashing down off a spotless countertop.

      Through causing a disturbance, a distressed soul was attempting to communicate.

      This situation was interrupted by an incoming call.

      “Laura, do you remember my friend Ruth?” Nina asked in a distraught tone.


      “Ruth and her husband Mike were killed in an accident last night. They were hit by a truck. There were no witnesses.”

      “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you okay?”


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