Who Can You Trust (The Break Down). Keosha Boone's Gowins

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Who Can You Trust (The Break Down) - Keosha Boone's Gowins

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about college without getting all---”

      “Dang baby, chill out”, he opened the window slightly breathe deeply then let out a puff of smoke. I shuddered in disgust. “First off, why you gotta ask so many questions? I told you before, I ain't normal and I don't do normal. I'm with you so apparently you ain't normal either.” I scuffed at his comment and folded my arms over my chest to show my aggravation. “We can't have normal conversations because you ask too many dog’on questions. Second, we can't talk about feelings because I ain't a sissy, and I don't have little girlie sessions where we talk about feelings. Third, we don't spend time together because you always with yo sideline man Joe. I can't stand that fool by the way. Fourth, what event?” he stopped to take a breather then he looked at me crazily and annoyed. “And fifth, we ain't gone have another college conversation. If you wanna leave and go where ever, go. I ain't stopping you so don't pretend that I'm standing in the way of yo decision. Yo mind made up, and I know you well enough to know that when yo mind made up, ain't no changing it”, that was the most I have ever heard Derek speak. See what I mean by crazy day!!

      I sat there quietly, thinking about all that he said, and realized my mind was set and that we weren’t going to change my mind. Joe and I had a dream college ever since we were in 5th grade. Derek knew that, and I know it probably bugged him, but he wasn't going to let me know that it did. “I had a basketball game yesterday”

      “I ain't know I’m not a psychic”

      “They announced on the morning show”, I forgot who I was talking to.

      “When do I ever go to first period? And when I do go, I'm sleep so you shouldn't assume I know every time you got something.”

      We sat in silence for awhile, and it was getting uncomfortable so I said the first thing that came to my head. “Why are you so happy today?”

      “I'm not”, he said as he threw the cigarette out the window.

      “More than usual”

      “I don't think I'm actin’ different.”

      “So, what has happened within the last couple of hours?”

      “Nothing really”

      “Come on, gotta be something? What---“

      “Man here we go again with all the questions”

      We approached an old looking one story white house with a baby blue trim on it.

      “Your dad won't mind me coming and interrupting ya'll father, son moment”

      “Naw, I asked him already anyways, Jerry open up!!!” he yelled in through the locked screen door.

      “Sup, boy. Long time no see”, a man I assume is Jerry said as him and Derek went in for a manly hug.

      “I know man”, Derek said as we walked in.

      “Pops back there sleeping”, the man said.

      “I told him I was comin. He shoulda went to sleep earlier”, Derek said harshly.

      “Hush boy”, a older looking man said as he descended from the darkness of the hallway.

      “Sup Pop's. This my girl CC”, Derek introduced us.

      “You ain't gone introduce me? I know you see me standing here”, Jerry said.

      “CC, this is nobody. You don't need to know him. And after talking to him for awhile, you probably ain't gone wanna know him and you gone be running away screaming”, he said with a laugh. I have never seen Derek like this before.

      Jerry shoved him. It was perfect distance to the couch so he just sat down pulling me down on his lap. “Naw, but for real this my cousin Jerry, but he’s like my older brother.” Derek's dad sat down on the chair opposite us and turned the TV to some fishing channel.

      “Derek, get me something to drink”, Derek's dad said.

      “Yes sir”, I now see that they have high respect for this man. Wow, Derek actually respects somebody. I thought I would never see the day.

      “Jerry pass me my pills from over there on the table”, Pop’s said to Jerry when Derek brought back the drink.

      “What's up Pops?” Derek asked as he clapped his hands together happily.

      Derek's dad scrutinized his face for awhile before speaking. “What's got you so chipper?”

      “I don't know Pop's. Would you rather I be mad at the world. I mean I don't see a difference but everybody else seems too”, Derek answered.

      “Are you high?” Jerry asked Derek.

      “Naw.”, Derek answered.

      “You usually are, so maybe that's it”, Jerry said nonchalantly like this is an everyday conversation.

      “I don't think so.”, Derek said while laughing. I didn’t think it was funny.

      Apparently Derek's dad didn’t think so either because he said my thought. “I know you aint doing what I think you doing? You ain't stupid!”

      “Man, Pop's I gotta make this money”

      “Like I said, You ain’t stupid!” Derek's dad said. Jerry and Derek's dad shared a laughed. “So, how's yo mom”

      “Getting on my nerves”, Derek said with a chuckle.

      “She gotta a way of doing that to people. I told you to just move in here. There’s plenty of room.”

      “I basically take care of them. If I move out they’re screwed”

      “You shouldn't have to pay the bills and take care of her and her boyfriend. But”, he stopped. I don't know if it was to gather his thoughts or for dramatic affect but he put up his index finger. “I understand why, shoot, I did it too with my mom and three sisters. So, I guess you have that trait from me, because yo mama ain't good for n---”

      “Thank you pops”, Derek quickly interrupted looking at his father pointedly.

      “I'm just saying. She could work, she ain't disabled. And so can that piece of s---”

      “Pops.”, Derek raised his voice.

      “You should be worrying about school, not how to pay the next light bill. How you making that money anyways? Other than the money I give you monthly, you ain't got a job”

      “I told you I get money Pop's”, Derek said proud of his self.

      “The wrong way I bet?”, when Derek didn't answer he kept going but this time with more anger in his voice. “So you just gone go out and make the same mistakes I mad?”

      “I got you Pop's”, Derek said. Not looking at his dad.

      “Yeah, but do you hear me?” he asked.

      “Yes, Pop”

      “Good”, he

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