Who Can You Trust (The Break Down). Keosha Boone's Gowins

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Who Can You Trust (The Break Down) - Keosha Boone's Gowins

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his arm behind his back and he started crying. The teacher came over and asked her why she did it and she said that she was trying to save me the swing and Tyler was being mean and trying to take it. The teacher said she had to go to time out. I didn't want her to go by herself so I punched Tyler's friend Malachi in the arm. The teacher gave me a look and to this day I'm not sure if it was of humor, understanding or frustration but she made me go to the corner too. Needless to say, we were the trouble makers of elementary. Teachers actually requested not to have us in their class.

      CC and I are still thick as thieves. She's my best friend and I love her.

      “Yall know the drill ”,Coach Johnson yelled.

      The team did as he said, running laps.

      “Line-up!”, he shouted. The team got in a line and the first person, Mark, set up for what turned out to be a perfect three pointer, and then ran to the back of the line. The next person approached and made it. This continued until everyone reached ten and we all left.

      “Practice Wednesday”, Coach yelled out to everyone when we were leaving the locker room.

      As I walked towards my car, I saw CC leaning against my car talking to Daisha.

      “Hey CC”, I said as I approached them. I gave Ciara a hug and waved at Daisha who was sizing me up.

      “Can you drive me home? I'm sorry I always do this to you. If you got to go to Angie’s house, I understand”, Ciara said.

      “Not a problem CC, you don’t have to ask and you know that”

      “Yea but---”, she started.

      ”Just get in”, I said.

      “Bye girl”, she said to Daisha as she got in.

      “Why Derek couldn't take you home?” I asked curiously. She didn't answer me right away, and I knew why. She deserved to be treated better and I've told her that she doesn’t need to be with somebody who treats her like crap. She looked down at her folded hands in her lap and didn't answer me. “Ya boy need to get his priorities straight. He wanna be with you, but he can't even do simple stuff like take you home.”

      “He forgot that my car was in the shop and he left school early today. He couldn't come back and get me because he went to see his dad.”

      “Still, I would never leave Angie stranded. What if I wasn’t having practice today? You would have been stuck here, while he out handling his business”.

      “I'm just glad you did, so can we drop this? You always talk down about him”. We sat in awkward silence for awhile before I remembered something.

      “Oh, I forgot to ask you, the basketball game down South is in a few weeks. You down?” I asked.

      “Yeah”, she said it like it was obvious.

      “I-ight, I'ma buy the tickets when I get home”, we stopped in front of her house and she got out. Then she leaned down and signaled for me to let the window down.

      “We balling tomorrow?” she asked.

      “Um, I have to see. I don't know yet.”

      “Well you know where I’ll be at”, she motioned outback where her dad had a court built in their back yard.

      “Okay, see ya”, just as I was pulling out her driveway, my phone rang, Angie name popped up on my iPhone. I answered. “Hey baby”

      “You coming over to study for finals”

      At her comment I chuckled. “We have awhile before finals. Don't over work yourself”

      “Three months is not awhile”,

      Chapter 2:



      I know I shouldn't have but I did. I manipulated Joe into staying with me late last weekend, so he had no time to spend with Angelique. I knew for a fact that he could never say no to me, and that he would pick me over her. The reason that he picks me over her however makes me sick to the stomach.

      He sees me as his sister, and most guys would pick their sister over their girlfriends because of the simple fact that its family. Every time I need him, no matter what he has planned with his real family, or Angie, or friends, I come first. I use that to my advantage; even though I know it’s wrong and won't last.

      I knew he had plans with Angie tonight, and I knew he had plans with her tomorrow that's why I invited him. He didn't necessarily say yes or no, but I knew I would see him today because once again I come first. I internally smiled when I heard the knock at my door.

      “Hey CC”, Joe said. I hugged him then stood back to look at him. He was in basketball shorts and t-shirt with Black and White Jordan's on. When he stepped back he twirled the ball on his index finger and smiled brightly at me. “You ready to play?”

      “Yea, lemme go change”, I didn't have to change, but I didn't want it to be obvious that I knew he was coming over.

      “I'm headed outback”, he yelled as he ran out our back door.

      I quickly changed into a white sports bra and Blue and white B-ball shorts.

      He was shooting when I ran out. His set up was slightly off, and I knew that it was not going in so I yelled out, 'Brick', loud enough for him to hear me just as the ball bounced off the rim and fell. I ran to get the ball then stood where he had been and shot a perfect three from slightly behind the line.

      “You jinxed my shot so that ain't count”, he pouted.

      “Uhmm... sure. Just admit I'm better”, I said as I shoved the ball into his chest roughly.

      “Can't do it”, he said as he shot.

      “Why not?” I asked as I ran for the ball.

      “Cause it’s a lie, and I don't lie”, he said as he blocked my shot, took the ball, dribbled it up to the net and did a perfect dunk.

      “Okay, I admit that was a nice dunk”, I said.“You got it”

      “Because I'm the man”, He shouted.

      “Yea”, I said with a laugh. “Let’s play a quick game, first to 21”

      “Okay”, we checked the ball and began playing.

      Around 5 my mom pulled up with groceries. Joe went out to help her get the bags while I continued shooting. My three year old brother ran out to me and hugged my legs messing up what no doubt would have been a perfect shot.

      “That don’t count Joe, because Trey messed me up”, I said irately as I bent down and picked Trey up.

      He looked up at me with sad puppy dog eyes. “I’m Sowwy”, he said sweetly.


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