Who Can You Trust (The Break Down). Keosha Boone's Gowins

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Who Can You Trust (The Break Down) - Keosha Boone's Gowins

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it to Trey. Then he lifted Trey above his head so Trey could dunk. It was a cute moment.

      I laughed when Joe started running with Trey on his back yelling, “We're number one, we’re number one”. Trey tried his hardest but it sounded like, “Wee'd dumba one, Wee'd dumba one”, my mom came out side to see what the commotion was and then she too started laughing.

      My mom then asked Joe if he wanted to stay for dinner and he said no and that he had to leave soon. I was upset because I knew where he'd be going. I had to think of something.

      “Joe, you know my mom makes the best curry chicken. How you’re going to pass that up. Come on, you ain't ate with us in forever. Your parents won't mind.” I said with a too sweet face. He hesitated. “Trey, don't you want Joe to stay?”

      “Yesh”, Trey said.

      “How can you resist that face?” I said with puppy dog eyes.

      “Okay, uh, lemme just call them real quick”, he stuttered as he put Trey back on the ground and went in the house. I knew his parents weren't going to be disappointed. It was going to be Angie.

      “Alright big man, let's wash up”, my mom said to Trey.

      I went in the house and started up the stairs when I heard Joe yelling.

      “Ain't even like that”, he tried to whisper.

      I heard mumbling on the other end of the phone but couldn't make out what she was saying.

      “Angie, we have this argument all the time. She’s family, why you can't understand that. It's dinner with my other family”

      “No, I can't say no now. I already said yes”

      “No you can't come over here”

      “Because they don't know you!!” he yelled annoyed.


      “Fine”, he yelled then hung up.

      “Y'all aright”

      He looked up startled that I was there. “Yeah”, he said rubbing the back of his neck. “She'll get over it. I’m going home real quick to wash up.”

      When he left I ran upstairs and got washed up also. I dressed casually and comfortable in a small wife beater and jeans.

      It didn't matter what I wore. Joe has seen me in everything. So, me dressing to impress him was the farthest from my mind.

      When I came back down stairs my mom was putting her and Trey plate on the table and my dad and Joe were sitting in front of the TV eating and watching basketball. I fixed my plate and joined them.

      At almost 11 o clock Joe said goodnight and left. It's been a pretty good day!!

      Chapter 3:

      I’m on One


      “Turn my light off”, I yelled to my mama.

      “What's wrong Derek”, she asked sweetly as she sat on the end of my bed.

      “You my damn problem. Get out my room.” she got up and walked to my door. She opened it slightly then looked back at me to speak. Why she can't just shut up?

      “Demetria told me you been smoking and---”, she stuttered.

      “That ain't none of y'all business.”, I interrupted.

      “Derek.” she whispered.

      “Get. Out!” I said.

      “Are you going to see your dad today?” I didn't answer her because I wasn't sure.

      “Maybe”, I said. A couple seconds passed and then I heard my door close.

      Five minutes later Demetria came in.

      “Wake up Big head”, she shouted as she came into my room and plopped down on my bed.

      “Yours just as big”, I said as I shoved her off my bed. She fell to the ground with a thud. She looked up at me in anger. I guess I messed her hair up. “Stop telling ma my business”

      “Then stop doing stupid stuff’”, she said like it was nothing.

      “Man whatever. It ain't like I'm addicted to nothing or---.”

      “You might as well be.”, She interrupted. I ain't say nothing for awhile. “You going to school today?” she asked.

      “Nope”, I said as I put my pillow on my head.

      “Yes you are, now get up”

      “Get out my room, man”

      “Not till you get up”, when I didn't answer or get up she left with a huff. I sighed in victory and tried to go back to sleep.

      Suddenly I felt cold water on my face. Felt like I was drowning, then I felt water on my hip. Hell naw! I jumped up with wide eyes and they were met with the humorous brown eyes of my half-sister. When she saw my angry face she started running.

      “You betta run fat head”, I shouted then chased her around our small apartment. When I caught her I pulled her by her shirt and she fell back and hit the back of her head on the end of the couch. She yelled out a loud, “Ouch, Derek, I'ma kill you if I have a knot on my head”.

      “Yeah, whateva, you shouldna poured water on me. Man you betta have my bed fixed before I get back from my pops house”, I said pointing a sharp index finger at her. She started laughing. Not a little laugh. The laugh where tears come out ya eyes and ya cheeks hurt, and you can't breathe. “What's funny?”

      “You look---you look and sound like my daddy with dat, 'you betta get my---',”, she said with her hands up mocking me.

      “Shut up”, I said as I walked away.

      “Hurry the bus gone be here soon”, she said still laughing but not as loud.

      “I'm taking ma’s car. She ain't got any where to be”

      “How about you ask her if she using it”

      “Why, it's my money that bought it”

      “Yea the wrong way”

      “Again, it ain't any of your business what I do”

      “Whateva, I'm riding the bus. I don't want to be in yo dope boy car”

      “It ain’t a dope boy car”

      “Either way, you got it the wrong way so I ain't riding in it” She won't be saying that when she need a ride to the mall. (I thought to myself)

      Just then my phone vibrated. I flipped the phone open and looked at the name. It was Ciara. I then closed the phone back like I ain't heard it.

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